Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 102: The love entry is not loaded (5)

“Quick Wear: After the villain hero reaches full level ()”

Hua Wu walked into the office: “Teacher, look for me.”

The head teacher’s tone is good: “Lin You, a classmate has raised a question with the teacher. Now the teacher wants to ask you.”


“Did you take anything from your classmates?”

Hua Wu lowered her head, letting her bangs cover most of her face, and asked slowly, “What does the teacher mean?”

“Li Ya lost a cell phone, and some students said they saw you took it.” The head teacher said: “Of course, the teacher just asked you, if you didn’t take it, the teacher believed you.”

“I didn’t take it.” Hua Wu said: “But I know who took it.”


“I see.”



The physics teacher was spitting out on the stage, but the students in the back two rows didn’t listen at all.


The textbook fell on the lecture table.

The entire classroom goes quiet.

The physics teacher had one hand on his hips, one hand on the desk, and his eyes were sharp behind his thick glasses. “Those in the back, if you don’t listen to the class, don’t affect other students!”

The physics teacher starts cursing.

“Mr. Zhao.”

Just when the physics teacher was scolding vigorously, the head teacher knocked on the door and came in, interrupting the physics teacher’s magical barrier.

Head teacher: “I’m calling a few classmates.”

The physics teacher nodded.

“Liu Yuxi, Yang Yan, Qin Xiuxiu… and Li Jiao, come out.”

Liu Yuxi and her sister group were suddenly named, and several of them looked at each other and left the classroom with different expressions.

As soon as they left the classroom, they saw Hua Wu standing outside.

“What about the phone?”

“What are you asking us to do? You shouldn’t be looking for Lin You…”

“Isn’t it Li Jiao who complained?”

“She dares!”

Yang Yan and Qin Xiuxiu whispered in whispers.

The girl named Li Jiao, wearing black-rimmed glasses, neat bangs, long ponytail, clasped her hands in front of her, stood beside her with her head bowed.

Liu Yuxi’s eyes fell on Huawu.

Hua Wu put her hands in the pockets of her school uniform jacket and met her gaze, not dodging or dodging. Instead, the corners of her lips twitched and she looked at her with a half-smile.


“You go to the office first.” The head teacher said to Liu Yuxi and the others.

“Teacher, what did we do wrong?” Yang Yan asked directly, “Why did you ask us to go to the office?”

“If you want to go, go.” The head teacher sternly said, “Don’t be hilarious, hurry up!”


Qin Xiuxiu pulled Yang Yan down, “Let’s go.”

After Liu Yuxi and the others went to the office, the head teacher asked Hua Wu to return to his seat, and he followed the classroom to Liu Yuxi’s seat.

“What is the old class looking for?”

“I don’t know…”

“Liu Yuxi and the others did something wrong again?”

“That’s not always the case.”

The head teacher rummaged through Liu Yuxi’s seat and seemed to find something, but he fiddled under the desk twice and walked away with a book.

“What is it?”

“I don’t know…”

As soon as the head teacher left, the physics teacher continued the curse that was not completed just now, and gave everyone a scolding before starting the class.



get out of class is over.

Flower Mist was poked in the back.

“Lin You, do you know why Liu Yuxi and the others were called to the office?”

Hua Wu came back with the head teacher, and then Liu Yuxi and the others were called away.

Liu Yuxi used to bully Lin You…

The classmates at the back table clearly thought she should know.

Hua Wu chose to tell the truth: “Li Jiao said her phone was missing.”

Classmates at the back table were curious: “Liu Yuxi and the others took it?”

“Then I don’t know.”

“The old class took something from under Liu Yuxi’s desk, she must have taken it.” The classmates at the back table connected the plot before and after, “They are too much.”

Hua Wu ignored the back table and began to study.



Li Jiao came back before class, Liu Yuxi and others did not come back until the third get out of class was over.

Liu Yuxi’s face was ugly, and she entered the classroom and went straight to Huawu.

She slapped the table, “Lin You, you did it, right?”

Hua Wu leaned back, leaned against the desk behind, raised her eyes slightly to look at Liu Yuxi, “What have I done?”

There are a lot of classmates around, Liu Yuxi can’t shout anymore, she lowered her voice: “Mobile phone…”

The phone should obviously be with her.

The result was actually found in her desk.

The only possibility is that she deliberately stuffed her phone in her desk…

“So what if I did it, so what if I didn’t.” Hua Wu said slowly, smiling provocatively, “Do you want to hit me?”

Liu Yuxi was fooled as expected, “You think I dare not?”

Hua Wu covered half of her face with a book, her heavy bangs revealed those cold eyes, and her voice had a faint smile: “See you after school.”

The rules of the old Lin family have to be guarded by my eldest lady!

“Okay!” She actually dared to provoke her! “See you after school, if you dare to run, let’s see how I’ll take care of you.”

Flower mist quite agrees with this sentence.

Look at how I’ll take care of you!

Your mother doesn’t know how to educate you, so let me, the elder of the old Lin family, come here.

This is an unshirkable responsibility as a parent!

“What’s the use if you frame me.” Liu Yuxi sneered, “Does Li Jiao dare to go against me?”

She just needs to say that Li Jiao put the phone with her and forgot to return it to her.

Li Jiao still has to admit that ~IndoMTL.com~ she forgot.

“Lin You, I advise you to think about it. How can you apologize to me after school so that I can forgive you.”

After Liu Yuxi said the harsh words, she was like a crab, walking with a loud voice, returning to her position in a daze, kicking several desks in a row.

Flower mist thinks her titular sister may have agitation.

If you are sick, you need to be cured.

Worrying about her sister’s health, Hua Wu took out a small book and wrote the words ‘healing her family’ on it.

After Hua Wu finished writing, she patted her shoulder.

The responsibility of the parent is so heavy.



Noon break.

After dinner, several classmates gathered around their seats and discussed a new post on their phones.

What broke the news in the post was the reason why Liu Yuxi was called to the office today.

She took Li Jiao’s mobile phone and was found by the head teacher on the spot.

The person who broke the news is a trumpet and has no information.

It doesn’t matter who exploded.

What matters is the content.

“Liu Yuxi doesn’t use a new fruit phone, and she doesn’t lack money, so why should she take Li Jiao’s phone?”

“Then who knows, she is a bully…”

“Look at what it says in this post that she has a kleptomania…”


“It appears to be a mental illness.”

“I just think she’s… what, she’s usually like a cannonball fight, I think she just has a mental illness.”

Liu Yuxi can be regarded as a ‘celebrity’ in her grade. Everyone in this grade has heard her name as long as she is not a student who is focused on studying and turning a deaf ear.

So there are a lot of people discussing her at this time.

Rumours just get more and more outrageous.

At first people were skeptical about the idea of ​​kleptomania.

But gradually, this tag was locked with Liu Yuxi.

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