Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 15: After being forced to become the top stream (15)

[When did Ji Wanwei arrange for you and Chu Jiangqiu? 】Mie Meng, who was paddling in the water, was shocked by Hua Wu’s operation.


[Then why did you say that? ]

“I lied to him.”

[What’s the use of that? Don’t people know the explanation? ]

“Ji Wanwei will definitely not admit it, but do you think Chu Jiangqiu will trust her 100% now?

Do you think the two will quarrel, and when they quarrel, will Chu Jiangqiu turn over the mess between her and the painter?

The more setbacks Ji Wanwei suffered from Chu Jiangqiu, the quicker she got off the assembly line.

Besides, even if the two of them are more in love than Jin Jian, it doesn’t work, and I have nothing to lose. “


[You are so vicious. ]

“You know what, I’m the perfect plan B!”

【What is the perfect plan A? ]

“Break Ji Wanwei’s leg.”

Miemeng didn’t think there was anything wrong with Plan A at all, but asked enthusiastically: [Then why don’t you implement Plan A? ]


Flower Mist is a little frustrated.

She and Ji Wanwei are in different circles, and there are very few opportunities to meet.

No chance found.

Chu Jiangqiu carefully recalled his encounter with Song Mi, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was a coincidence.

And Song Mi has changed too much before and after.

If she is really acting beside her…

But why did Ji Wanwei do this?

Want to remind him that the person he likes is her? Or do you want Song Mi to occupy a position beside him, so that she can come back at any time?

What happened during this period made Chu Jiangqiu unable to trust Ji Wanwei so much.

“Mr. Chu, return to the company or…”

“Go to Huiying Manor.”

Liang Te assistant responded and turned around to drive towards Huiying Manor.

That’s Miss Ji’s place…

Special assistant Liang thought that Chu Jiangqiu was looking for Ji Wanwei, but who knew that after arriving at Huiying Manor, Chu Jiangqiu sat in the back seat and stayed there for more than ten minutes before letting him go back to the company.

Ever since Miss Song Mi… Liang Tesuke became more and more unable to understand President Chu.

I don’t even know if Chu always likes Miss Ji Wanwei or Miss Song Mi. Love is really hard to understand.

Ji Wanwei has not gone out for several days. The curtains in the room are drawn tightly, and the bulge on the bed proves that there is someone in the room.

Ji Wanwei couldn’t understand what went wrong.

Why is it like this.

She checked the person who originally wrote the article, but he was a paparazzi, saying that the revelations were sent to his mailbox by someone else, and he didn’t know who sent it.

Ji Wanwei even asked someone to check the email address of the email, but found no useful information.

The other party was obviously trying to prevent her from finding out.

Now those on the Internet are gone, but in the circle, who doesn’t know?

Those people are watching her jokes.

She doesn’t dare to go out to any activities at all now.

Ji Wanwei resented the original body even more, why did she want to be with that painter.

It’s okay to be together, why get married…and get pregnant and miscarry.

How can he compare to Chu Jiangqiu?

It’s just a brain disease!

She can’t sit still like this.

Ji Wanwei got up, found the phone she had thrown aside, and turned to Chu Jiangqiu’s number.

The cold ‘beep’ from the phone made Ji Wanwei’s heart go cold for a while. She called perseveringly. After an unknown number of times, the call was finally connected.

“Jiang Qiu…” Ji Wanwei’s voice was crying: “Can you come, I’m so uncomfortable… I just want to see you… Jiang Qiu, why don’t you believe me… I didn’t lie to you , I’m really sad…”

Probably because Ji Wanwei cried too sadly, the person on the other end of the phone finally agreed.

Ji Wanwei immediately got up and put on a paler-looking makeup.

Ding Dong——

Ji Wanwei heard the doorbell and immediately went to open the door.

“Jiang Qiu…”

Ji Wanwei’s face was pale, her lips were pale, she was wearing a thin long dress, stood in the door, and smiled as if she had no strength.

“You’re here.”

Chu Jiangqiu’s tone was indifferent: “Don’t wear such thin clothes when you are sick.”

Ji Wanwei’s eyes were slightly red, “I know you still care about me.”

Chu Jiangqiu did not respond, and asked Ji Wanwei to go back to her room to lie down. Of course Ji Wanwei had to be obedient at this time.

Chu Jiangqiu opened the curtains to let in the light.

Ji Wanwei: “Jiang Qiu, I was really deceived by him at the beginning, the person I like is still you…”

Chu Jiangqiu listened to Ji Wanwei.

He had heard these words several times.

At first he also wanted to believe her.


Chu Jiangqiu took out a report and put it in front of Ji Wanwei: “The time of your miscarriage was before you returned to China. In order to return, you did the abortion yourself, right?”

The thin page of paper, illuminated by the sun, with black letters on a white background, seemed like some kind of magic spell.

Ji Wanwei’s pale lips parted: “I…that’s…”

Ji Wanwei was already pregnant when she came through.

She wants to come back to find Chu Jiangqiu, how dare she keep this child.

Of course it’s going to be destroyed…

Chu Jiangqiu’s eyes were full of disappointment: “You are no longer the Ji Wanwei I know.”

For their own purposes, to destroy their own children, such a cruel heart.

She has long since changed beyond recognition.

“Jiang Qiu…”

“Jiang Qiu, don’t go.”

Ji Wanwei wanted to hold Chu Jiangqiu, but Chu Jiangqiu didn’t give her the chance and strode out of the room.

She got up and chased out, “Jiang Qiu, I didn’t mean to~IndoMTL.com~ I can’t help it either…”

Chu Jiangqiu stopped, Ji Wanwei thought he was willing to listen, stepped forward a few steps and took his arm.

“He treats me very badly, I can’t give birth to this child for him. Jiang Qiu, I know it’s wrong, it was all my fault in the past… It’s because I didn’t see my feelings clearly and thought those unrestrained romances were I want, but now I understand that you are what I want…”

Chu Jiangqiu’s eyes fell on Ji Wanwei’s fingers, which had turned white from the force.

He raised his hand and broke Ji Wanwei’s hand apart.

“Did you arrange what happened to Song Mi?”

What Ji Wanwei wanted to say suddenly caught in her throat.

The heart started to drum, did he know that?

Ji Wanwei was panicked by what happened just now. She didn’t think about it carefully. How could Chu Jiangqiu know about something that even the foreign police had not found.

And Chu Jiangqiu kept Ji Wanwei’s expression in his eyes, and thought he was right, she deliberately arranged Song Mi to be by his side.

He looked even more disappointed, “Why did you do this?”


“I really didn’t expect…” Chu Jiangqiu didn’t seem to want to say any more: “Ji Wanwei, I’m so disappointed in you.”

Chu Jiangqiu never gave Ji Wanwei another chance and strode away.

Ji Wanwei came back to her senses, and when she wanted to chase, Chu Jiangqiu was already in the car.

Ji Wanwei fell to the ground in despair.

At this moment, Ji Wanwei suddenly heard a familiar voice…


This voice made Ji Wanwei’s body tense subconsciously, and she raised her head in astonishment.

Under the sun, a shadow gathered in her eyes as a human figure.

——Looking at flowers in the fog——

The last day of April, see you next month~

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