One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 4199: Xuanyuan Beauty

A fragrant fried chicken lunch box made Xiao Wu regain her energy in an instant.

“Thank you, coal slag.” Xiao Wu took a deep breath of juice and thanked her.

Although the coal **** is her enemy, one yardage is one yardage, and he still acts like a person when he buys her lunch.

Oops, shit, he shouldn’t be poisoning, right?

Xiao Wu hiccupped after realizing it.

Yu Ye remained expressionless and said indifferently, “This is just my duty.”

“Oh, the bodyguards are also in charge of buying lunch boxes. They are really doing their jobs.” Xiao Wu pouted.

Seeing that it’s almost time, she walked to the classroom.

But, when she got to the door, she changed her pace!

Nearly ran into Yu Ye, who was following behind to protect him.

“You don’t have to follow me, I’ll do something.” Xiao Wu walked towards the dean’s office.

Yu Ye stopped.

In the bottom of his eyes, there was a hint of sadness.

She, after all, couldn’t help herself and went to find out the truth.

The so-called truth will make her… very painful, right?

My heart froze inexplicably.

He covered his heart and secretly said, it must be the last time he was in the Royal Gourmet Competition, and the injury he suffered from fighting with people was not healed.

It must be!

It is absolutely impossible for him to feel heartache for this hostile little girl.

“Tuk Tuk Tuk!”

Xiao Wu politely knocked on the door of the dean’s office of the Royal Academy.

The kind and kind old dean, with blonde hair and glasses, looked at the foreign girl with a smile: “Princess Xiao Wu, are you looking for me? Are you still used to it in the new semester?”

Xiao Wu went straight to the point: “Lord Dean, I’m here to inquire about the admission of me. May I ask what is your college’s transfer score in the Empire? Although I am confident that I have ten creative talents, But my grades in the college entrance examination are really average, and I don’t think I can pass your selection by passing a transcript.”

The old dean was startled.

But then calmly, he stroked his beard.

“Hehe, Princess Xiaowu, you are really humorous. Actually, the fraction line is just a reference. We have learned about your study experience in the Empire. It is said that you participated in the promotion planning of a famous cosmetics shoot in the Empire. , what’s it called? Yes, isn’t Xuanyuan Beauty?”

“Well, there is such a thing.” Xiao Wu wondered.

Xuanyuan Beauty was founded by Nalan Xiner and several close friends.

Including her and her boyfriend Bei Gongchen.

She and Bei Gongchen were in the process of establishing the brand Xuanyuan Beauty. Because of frequent work contacts, they gradually got to know each other, and finally became inseparable.

Beigongchen’s contribution to the brand is greater than hers.

But she did, too!

There is nothing wrong with that.

Yes, what does this have to do with college entrance examination scores and colleges?

As if aware of her doubts, the old dean explained with a smile: “Our Royal Academy, the most important thing is not rigid grades. You should have a deep understanding of the class today, we emphasize the students’ hands-on ability. That is to say, we hope to admit students who have practical ability, not nerds who study hard. Therefore, we have done a background check on every student who is ready to admit. You participated in Xuanyuan in your third year of high school. Beauty’s brand design is within our grasp, so we have admitted you, hoping to cultivate you into a better design talent. Princess Xiaowu, are you satisfied with my explanation?”

“I… ok.”

Xiao Wu is helpless.

The dean’s explanation was flawless and well-founded, and she really couldn’t refute it.


She only patted her forehead when she left the dean’s room.

Damn, fooled by that old fox dean!

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