One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 4197: Insults

The picture of Concubine Nanfei is stretched out.

Xiao Wu took a closer look.

The person in this photo…she remembers!

This gray-haired old man is called Arthur!

In the Empire, it was Arthur who took care of everything before leaving.

He is the person by Bei Gongchen’s side!

Seeing the change in Xiao Wu’s eyes, Concubine Nan smiled knowingly, and the corners of her lips twitched.

Soon, another photo was pulled out.

That photo is a little blurry.

However, it can still be seen clearly that the location is on the side of a street in the empire, opposite is a row of old houses, one of which is on fire, and thick smoke is billowing!

And the gray-haired old man showed a hurried back next to him.

“This one, the little girl must be more familiar with it.” Concubine Nan Fei did not give too many hints and evaluations.

Because of that picture, everything is already implied!

Xiao Wu frowned and looked.

My mind is full of doubts.

Why was Arthur at the scene of the fire at her home?

If he was there to help put out the fire, why didn’t he show up?

If it wasn’t for the firefighting, wouldn’t it be strange that he, a foreigner, went there to watch the fun?

Being able to explain why he appeared, there is nothing but one!

And for that reason, Xiao Wu hardly dared to think about it.

Concubine Nan was still fanning the flames in her ears: “I heard that Arthur is very loyal to His Highness Chen, and he will definitely carry out everything that His Highness Chen has explained…”

“Enough! It’s boring enough to hear you talk about it today! I don’t know the person in this photo, and I don’t know what it has to do with me. You don’t have to go to great lengths to sow discord.” Xiao Wu With a cold face, he never looked at the photo again.

Concubine Nanfei must have done it on purpose.

She absolutely cannot trust Concubine Nan.

Yes, I don’t believe it!

“Xiao Wu, I’m sorry, I just don’t want you to be kept in the dark. In fact, it’s not just the fire, don’t you think it’s a bit strange that you can be admitted to the Royal Academy… Oh, forget it.” He stopped talking, but looked at Xiao Wu like a fool, and sighed, “You know, Chen has always wanted you to go back to China with him. He was a little impatient and took some extraordinary measures. That’s forgivable. And, you say so.”

“I don’t understand what means you are talking about. Between Chen and I, we know everything and say everything. Don’t come to tell the truth!”

Xiao Wu said firmly, but her fingertips were shaking.

Until she threw off Concubine Nan’s hand and trotted far away from the cafeteria, her fingertips were still trembling slightly.

Nan Fei must have no good intentions, there is no doubt about that.

But, is that photo fake?

I just took a quick look, and my eyes can’t tell if the photo is ps.

What if it was true?

Xiao Wu’s breathing became disordered.

If the person who set the fire was really Arthur, what was Arthur’s purpose? Does Bei Gongchen know?

She tries to recall the scene.

Indeed, Bei Gongchen was in a hurry to return to China and wanted to take her back with him.

But she refused.

She has dearest parents, close friends, all in the Empire.

She doesn’t want to go abroad at all.

If it weren’t for the fire…

She won’t come to country H at all!

And the words of Concubine Nanfei who hesitated to speak – “Don’t you think it’s a little strange that you can be admitted to the Royal Academy”?

Yes, she’s a scumbag. It’s good to be admitted to university, and it’s strange that she can still get an acceptance letter from the Royal Academy.

She is confident, yes, but not ignorantly conceited.

So…is all this really arranged by someone secretly, rather than the natural trajectory of life?

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