One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 4188: The queen of fine points

Everyone who sees the screen is petitioning for Xiao Wu.

The queen thumped her crutches heavily on the ground and waved her sleeves: “Aijia has long said that this public account is not doing the right thing, but now it has rebelled? Is this threatening Aijia? I thought Aijia would be afraid of this rebellious public. No?! Must be blocked! Blocked!”

Aunt Wanqing looked at the Queen’s angry look, and secretly smiled while covering her lips.

Hey, Her Royal Highness, who was it just now, who, in a hurry, asked her to teach her how to send a bullet screen, the fastest and the most eye-catching?

Who is it, who posted several big “Xiao Wu girl fighting, Xiao Wu girl V587! Xiao Wu girl you are very good, a woman’s pride!”

How could someone be convicted of rebellion in the blink of an eye?

Of course, there is no one who knows the Queen better than Aunt Wanqing.

She knows very well that the Queen still recognizes Xiao Wu from the bottom of her heart. However, when it comes to the position of the princess and the status of the country, it is impossible for the Queen to act solely on her personal preferences. She has to consider more, deeper, and farther.

So, she could only come up with a fanciful “Old Witch” fan name to cheer Xiao Wu silently.

This is really–fine points!

Drowning her eyes and pondering for a few seconds, Aunt Wanqing smiled and said: “His Royal Highness, I actually made a new discovery tonight. It turns out that the people of our country H are so united and have a sense of justice. It’s very right. Do you think, so many fans, they don’t discriminate against a woman who has been insulted at all, and they cheer for her and unite. What does this mean? It shows that men and women in our big H country are really equal. , Women’s personalities are independent and strong! It is said that the more equality between men and women in a country, the more respect for women, the stronger the country’s economy and national strength will be. So Wanqing congratulates Her Royal Highness the Queen, our society is full of hope in the future !”

Aunt Wanqing understands that the Queen will only listen to her if she has something to do with the National Games Club!

Sure enough, the queen raised her eyebrows and nodded in satisfaction: “Well, it’s good that the people can awaken and improve the status of women.”

But, in the next second, she retorted: “But this public live broadcast account must be closed!”

“Ah?” Aunt Wanqing couldn’t understand the Queen’s mind this time.

I saw the queen’s expression darkened: “Wanqing, you are confused, how did I promise the concubine fifteen years ago? Did you let me, the king of a country, say what I said, and pour it out? How can I break my word at will? Concubine, she has not committed any crimes of treason! You said that she will become a princess in the future, and how does it feel when she sees the public account of this fake princess? We have to do it for her Think about your face…”

Aunt Wanqing was shocked.

It turns out that the Queen never really gave up and made Nan Feifei the princess!

She couldn’t say anything else, she just silently added a cup of tea to the queen.


The palace of Concubine Nanfei.

The atmosphere is not so peaceful!

I saw the live broadcast screen, and was smashed by the concubine Nan Fei with a vase!

And the fresh and clean purple grapes were thrown to the ground and smashed by Concubine Nan’s high heels.

It seems that every time Concubine Nan Fei steps on her foot, she is using the strength to kill Xiao Wu!

The maid was already on her knees and shivering.

And Concubine Nan was still furiously venting her temper: “Idiot, what are you doing! Didn’t I ask you to find tens of thousands of black fans and sailors to humiliate her tonight? Why didn’t I see any of them? ? Did you idiot swallow the money and didn’t invite enough people for this princess?”

“Princess, I really didn’t! I really didn’t swallow money!”

The maid kowtowed her head desperately, blood on her head: “Princess, there are really too many fans of that little dance girl, it is said that there are tens of millions, we tens of thousands of sailors, can’t even turn out a splash in it, just Overwhelmed by swiping…”

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