Perfect World Chapter 279: Back again

“My grandfather … is alive ?!” Shi Hao was in a daze, and then yelled, sad! Surprise and other emotions combined together, his mood was ups and downs, and finally he was full of happiness.

He was really shocked. In the First World War, his grandfather was hunted down by adult Pixiu. He completely broke the news and lost his track. Everyone thought he had died.

Otherwise, why didn’t you show up for so many years?

If you are still alive, you should have come back, especially if Supreme Being Bone of Shi Hao was dug, Shi Ziling was forced to leave the country, and the old man would not tolerate it.

“Where is my grandfather?” Shi Hao asked after calming down a bit.

“At Stone Country Imperial Capital.” Willow Deity replied.

“I’m going, I’m going to see Grandpa.” Shi Hao yelled, after so many years, the blood relatives had never seen him, and his heart was so missed.

Because he knew that the reason why his grandfather disappeared and he was suspected to have died was entirely because he was looking for pure-blooded. Entering Hundred Clan Battlefield and offending Pixiu, Blood Tribulation was triggered.

“Don’t worry.” Shi Linhu waited for him to comfort him.

It took a long time for Shi Hao to calm down. He was really excited when he heard the news. He was full of pictures in his head and looked forward to meeting again.

It’s been two years since I walked away. The villagers were very happy to see him return. They all surrounded a big group person. In addition to Pi Hou, Er Meng, and so on, he also had a one or two-year-old guy pulling his pants and holding his back Head looked at him curiously.

Er Meng, Tiger, Pi Hou, etc. are all married. With their own children, even Runny Nose baby is about to prepare for marriage.

“Uncle, uncle, we want to eat something good!” The little guys had big eyes and black and white, all looked up at him, full of expectations.

“Haha, I all know that you are glutton, and all want you to come back.” Runny Nose baby laughed.

As for the only uncle in the village who is going out and bringing a lot of delicious food when he returns, these little guys have heard about it many times and equated him with delicious food.

“It’s so cute!” Shi Hao laughed and pinched the faces of these little things. There were males and females, one by one, tender and tender.

“Pūtōng” made a sound. Shi Hao made a sea beast. A group of children suddenly yelled, not afraid at all. A few small things that just learned to walk are struggling to rush up. Lord quickly stopped.

“Eat seafood today.” Shi Hao laughed.

He took out a bunch of seafood, such as giant tortoise, silver shark, jellyfish, magic octopus … There are too many types, they are all too strange to count.

The villagers exclaimed that they were born in Great Wilderness and have never seen these things. They were surprised. They pinched this, touched it, and were surprised.

The village has changed a lot. Those dozens of Spirit Medicine plants are all alive and growing vigorously, and there is a quasi-sacred medicine——Silver Peach tree in the center, which is even more beautiful.

The whole village is spiritual energy. You can clearly feel that the old people in the village are ruddy and extremely healthy. Although two years have passed, it seems to be a little tougher. blood energy is fuller than before.

In the village, a native chicken paced and slanted Shi Hao for a while, then turned and walked, very calm.

It is Octadic Treasure Chicken. I haven’t seen it for more than two years. It has become a member here, and it is especially loved by the villagers.

Because it lays an egg every half a month, which is no different from the spirit medicine effect. For the villagers, Jinshan will not exchange this chicken.

The villagers are very happy when Shi Hao comes back, especially those aunts who looked at the hill-like ingredients, all laughed, and they can show their skills.

“What about Big Red, Second Baldy?” Shi Hao was suspicious, and purple cloud was not seen at the same time.

“Into the mountains, these days they are haunted by ghosts. They only came back once many days, maybe they were looking for the Supreme Being Deity’s Depository.” Er Meng said.

Shi Hao put your heart down, it seems that Green Scaled Eagle has started exploring more than two years ago, and now it has joined with Big red bird and so on. This team is much stronger.

The lake in the distance is clear and bright, and the big fishes of golden jump out of the water from time to time, and the small Luan Bird on the shore strolls leisurely.

Further away, dozens of Unicorn Yinguang glitterings came quickly, and the middle one was Unicorn, which was like Heavenly Horse, silvery white and bright, and extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, it came to Shi Hao, and struck his body with a huge head, showing affection.

Little White is now vicious beast, which is much stronger than before. According to the villagers, it is not only eating grass and wild fruits, but also eating meat, and the Hunting is very powerful vicious beast.

The return of Shi Hao is destined to be a day full of laughter and laughter. clansman is extremely happy and happy. Soon it will be smoked, and all kinds of seafood will be cooked.

Over two years have passed and a group of partners have grown up. Even Qingfeng has matured a lot and is no longer as immature as it used to be.

“Little Elder Brother, take me with you when you leave again this time!” He hoped that he would go to the world together.

I will considered it.” Shi Hao said, he didn’t know what happened to grandpa now, he wanted to understand before making a decision.

Finally, after a little calm, the conversation with clansman came to an end, Shi Hao returned to Village, came to Big Willow, and asked him for details.

Willow Deity‘s words are very concise, and they are still the same as before. Let me briefly talk about what happened a while ago. These are all learned by Void God Boundary.

“What, Grandpa shot Wu Jian an arrow and broke off the body of Rain King …” Shi Hao was startled, and he was in a daze for a while, but all turned red, and a mist appeared.

He knows that the old man must have learned about his old experience/meeting with and was so angry that he was desperate like that, and he could expect that sad state of mind.

His grandpa is take action like this, this is asking for an argument for him, let out a sullen mood. Shi Hao was dug out of Supreme Being Bone, and was aggrieved for more than ten years. Until now Great Demon God jumped out, everything turned around and changed.

“Grandpa, you are really strong!”

When Shi Hao heard that the old man chopped off the Archaic Beaver Black-eyed Spider, he was even more amazed. His grandpa was too strong. After the return, he swept and crushed all the way.

This evening, Shi Hao accompanied the villagers to have a drink, and ate a big meal with them around the campfire, full of laughter, and the Village was extremely lively.

Because, he will be on the road the next day.

Willow Deity, I didn’t use this section of willow branch.” He took out a section of branch of green and lush, and wanted to return it. After more than two years, the wicker is still tender alluring.

“Bring it to you.” Willow Deity said.

In the middle of the night, Shi Hao has informed Willow Deity of the Kunpeng Precious Technique obtained, and all night, the whole tree is lit in glowing from time to time.

A strong vitality is permeating. Obviously, Willow Deity has comprehend(ing) in mind, and it is a great gain!

In the early morning, Mountain Peak in the distance is dazzling around mist, while Stone Village is bright and bright, Willow Deity is full of vitality and always exudes peace.

The sun rises, Shi Hao will be on the right track again, leaving Stone Village . It will be difficult for many people to separate and leave.

However, they can’t stop it, because Shi Hao is going to meet his grandfather and realize the dream of reuniting relatives. This is a happy event, and no one will discourage him and be happy for him.

Willow Deity, I want to reach Stone Country Imperial Capital as soon as possible.”

Shi Hao said · He wants Willow Deity to help and open a path for him, and he doesn’t want to stay for a moment. I hope to get to that Capital City quickly.

Willow Deity promised that the selected coordinates were not the real Stone Country Imperial Capital. Because it came suddenly, it was too noticeable, but the distance would not be too far away.

Finally, Shi Hao is on the road again, just returned, and only stayed one night before leaving.

This time, he did n’t bring Qingfeng or wait for Big red bird. He was still on his own road because he felt that Stone Country Imperial Capital was not Pure Land. There were too many unpredictable things there, which was very dangerous.

A splendid passage opened, Shi Hao rushed in, waved his hand hard, and then quickly ran, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The light door is closed. What’s going on on that side? Even Willow Deity can’t fully predict it. It just builds a passageway, instead of focusing on everything within millions of miles.

Shi Hao didn’t even bring Hairy Ball this time, and one person was running in the splendid passage, feeling that time was chaotic, and space was disordered, as if walking through history.


Suddenly, as he passed a certain area, he felt great coercion, and the channel was unstable, as if it were about to explode, shaking violently.

At the same time, he saw a gigantic Spider, with turquoise green eyes, black pupils, and horror, as big as a mountain, and was fighting a creature.

“What is this?” He was taken aback, and through this passage, he seemed to see the outside scene.

Exactly, there is someone outside the great war, it is too powerful, and the projection shines into this channel, which is very dangerous.

Because the strongest who can have such a powerful force is at least Venerate, and it is just outside the channel. If it is not constructed by Willow Deity, the channel will definitely be blown up just now.

“A mountain-like Demon Spider and a group of glowing‘s creature are at great war ………” Shi Hao is quite shocked, it is like a war of gods, although it is a glance, but it is impressive.

Stone Country Imperial Capital, hey!” Outside the channel, the mountain’s Spider was so sneer, stunned by overflowing heaven.

Shi Hao was suddenly shocked, the other party was a Archaic Demon Spider, and mentioned Stone Country Imperial Capital, all of which made him startled.

Fortunately, Willow Deity can accomplish all the good fortune, the channel it builds, though it passes through the battlefield of the two Xeon Sacred Spirit, but it is not damaged and passes through.

Finally, Shi Hao appeared in a piece of great mountains, exited the passage, and then rushed out of the mountain.

Inquiring, he learned that this place is not far from the Stone Country emperor, only a few hundred miles. At his speed, it is naturally nothing.

Shi Hao is on the road and does not control Precious Artifact, but only relies on his feet to gigantic Capital City in that legend.

Finally, he saw the magnificent city wall building gigantic, which is located in the front, majestic and majestic. As for the city wall, it looks like a mountain, tall and magnificent.

“I’m back again …” Shi Hao lightly said.

He was born in this City, but he has traveled far away since he was a child. He has never been back for more than ten years. He does n’t know anything about it, and his heart is very complicated.

In these years, he also wanted to come back and take a look, but felt that his strength was not enough. Stone Country Imperial Capital was not enough. In his plan, it will take another few years to set foot here.

I never thought about it, but it was ahead of time.

Shi Hao has a complicated mood, and finally strides towards the grand City.

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