One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 3919: I want a beautiful lady

Gong Qing thought about Song Song, frowned and asked Adjutant Lu, “Has there been any news from No. 1, new news from No. 2?”

Adjutant Lu quickly replied: “The latest news came 1 minute ago. No. 2 went well without encountering an enemy. They have already reached the back of the mountain. They should be on their way up the mountain, but the road behind the mountain is more difficult to walk. Maybe They’ll be one step behind us…”

“Hmm.” Gong Qing’s expression was obviously relieved.

At first, Song Song was asked to follow the 2 groups because the route of the 2 groups was long but stable, and the probability of encountering the enemy was almost zero.

And there is a No. 2 guard, who can communicate the situation over there at any time. Once encountering an enemy, he can turn on the rescue mode to protect Song Song from retreating.

But even so, he’s still vaguely worried.

After all, a stupid woman is not alone, she has a little life in her belly.

He regrets putting her in danger by bringing her into the field.

The only plan for now is that he is the only one here who leads his team to the top of the mountain as soon as possible, and fights the remaining guards of the Golden Bear to the death to destroy the Golden Bear!

When the battle is over, the people on Song Song’s side have not yet climbed the mountain, and his people have already greeted him at the top of the mountain, so there is no danger at all.

Thinking like this, Gong Qing ordered: “Speed ​​up!”

Adjutant Lu secretly watched the change in Gong Qing’s expression and snickered – the chief must be missing Miss Song, right? Hehe, the Chief must not realize that he asks about the situation on No. 2 every one or two minutes.

2 minutes ago, I just reported it, and now the chief asks again!

Ms. Song is really the cinnabar mole on the heart of the chief, and the treasure in the palm of the hand!


The back of the mountain.

Song Song’s ears were hot, and he couldn’t help rubbing it.

Old Twelve followed behind Song Song and saw her small gesture, and immediately laughed until her brows disappeared: “Sister-in-law, the chief must be thinking of you!”

Song Song blushed: “Nonsense!”

“Really! When someone misses you and thinks of you, your ears will warm!” Old Twelve vowed.

Song Song chuckled: “You little brat, where did you learn so much mess.”

Old Twelve scratched his head: “If a single dog can’t learn more knowledge, how can he welcome the peach blossoms that may come at any time?”

“Haha!” Song Song was successfully amused by him, “If you want to find peach blossoms as a single otaku, you have to go on a blind date! My sister-in-law promises you that after the battle is over, I will introduce you to the imperial capital when I return to the capital. Sister paper! Do you like the pure junior girl in the academy, or do you like the graceful and experienced lady who has already worked?”

Old Twelve suddenly twisted and pinched, and his ears were all red: “Sister-in-law, I want to find a young lady like my sister-in-law… Is there any?”

Song Song glared, and stretched out his hand to give him a shudder on his forehead: “Little rascal! There is only one such as your sister-in-law and me. Your father has already made a reservation, so don’t think about it! There are quite a few young ladies, but you You have to promise me that if you face the enemy in a while, you must protect yourself first, and don’t keep thinking about protecting me. If you want to go back and have a blind date with the young lady, you must first go back with your life!”

“Yes!” Old Twelve was immediately refreshed.

My sister-in-law promised to introduce him to Miss, Oye! Oye!

I then felt that something was wrong…

“Sister-in-law, it’s my duty to protect you! My old Twelve must send you back to the head safely.” Old Twelve said firmly. How can the sister-in-law say that she will not be protected?

Song Song sighed in his heart.

She knew that Old Twelve was always thinking about protecting her.

But Ouyang Qian didn’t know what medicine was given to her. In order to pk with Ouyang Qian, she was afraid of hurting the innocent old twelve… I really hope that the old twelve can stay away from her.

But this innocent child still wants to protect her, which really gives her a headache!

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