One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 3853: Stunning man

Song Song’s eyes were anxious, biting her lip, holding back her tears.

She just hated that she wasn’t strong enough to be by that man’s side.

If she has one-thousandth of Nalan Xiner’s ability, like Xiner and Uncle, she and Gong Qing fight side by side, then whether it is life or death, they will live and die together happily.

But now, she not only has no way to help Gong Qing, but also becomes a drag on Gong Qing.

Even if Gong Qing wants to go out to fight, she must be placed in a trustworthy place before she can feel at ease.

She clutched the sheets tightly with her ten fingers, but felt that Ouyang Qian’s sentence “a waste woman” was not wrong.

She’s too weak!

She’s so useless!

These slender fingers can’t do anything except draw a bunch of useless pictures!

She suffered for a while before she finally regained her composure, because she knew that self-blame wouldn’t help and she had to find a way!

If she can’t be by Gong Qing’s side, then she must find someone who can stay by Gong Qing’s side, a strong comrade-in-arms who can give Gong Qing the best support!

As I was thinking about it, suddenly, the phone made a “ding-dong–” sound.

Remind her that Weibo is full of private messages.

Song Song opened Weibo, and sure enough, her Weibo was about to explode when she was away this month.

The popularity is rising, fans are skyrocketing, and it has exceeded 10 million fans.

Although, many of them came to scold her and Gong Qing for shameless, black fans.

Song Song shook her head helplessly. She didn’t care about the black fans, but her group of cuties should not be attacked by the black fans…

She thought for a while and then posted a message directly.

Song Xiaomei: I’m fine~ The sun rises as usual, and you guys are still there, there’s nothing better than this.

Just a second after it was sent, hundreds of replies poured in.

Scallion mixed with tofu: “Sir Song Song, I miss you!”

Sour and Spicy Noodles: “The goddess is back? Am I right? My eyes aren’t blooming, right? Is my IQ still normal? I suspect I’m fine…”

Wootou: “I wipe, I’m on Weibo 24 hours a day, but I missed the goddess’ sofa! Woohoo, Master Song Song, you’re finally back, we’re almost childless mothers…”

Scallion mixed with tofu@wowotou: “Please pay attention to the words…we should be fathers without children.”

Song Song looked at her, frowning tightly, and finally couldn’t help laughing.

These little cuties are like angels!

Her fingertips flutter and tap on her phone—

Song Xiaomei: “When did I become your child? Do you have such unreliable parents? I heard that you are still sitting in the newspaper office under the banner?”

Sour and Hot Noodles: “Lord Song Song, we are not sitting still, we are teaching them how to be human, who let them interfere with their freedom of love!”

Scallions mixed with tofu: “Goddess Song Song, we didn’t make trouble, we just reduced their daily turnover by 1.8 million!”

Song Xiaomei: “…”

Wootou: “I said brothers, isn’t the most important thing for us now to meet the goddess?”

One sentence awakened the dreamer, and everyone hoped that Song Song would quickly hold a fan meeting to relieve everyone’s lovesickness.

Song Song thought for a while, it is not appropriate to hold a high-profile meeting now, and it is harmless to gather in a small area.

So, they made an appointment to meet at the cafe opposite the Presidential Palace.

In order not to distract Gong Qing, Song Song only said that she and the President’s wife were going to have afternoon tea, and hurried out the door.

Fortunately, the agreed coffee shop is also very close. She walks out of the gate of the presidential palace and only needs to cross a street.

However, as soon as she went out, a military vehicle came speeding towards her and brushed past her. The driver stretched out the window and scolded: “Blind, stinky~~ bitch!”

Song Song didn’t want to bother with this kind of person. Just as he was about to walk away, he saw a man jumping out of the car with a heavy ammunition box on his back. His sturdy shoulders were squeezed out of blood, and his entire arm was blue and purple. , as if he had been severely whipped, shocking.

She was stunned and called: “…”

【Gong Qing: Good night kiss! ]

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