One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 3766: The amazing Gong Qing

Gong Qing lightly glanced at the strange smile on Yin Leopard’s face.

Across the explosion-proof glass and the crowd, he could only vaguely see Song Song’s calm face, neither sad nor happy, standing there gracefully.

He regrets not teaching her lip language.

Otherwise, at this moment, they could still communicate across the crowd.

No, he should regret not protecting her properly!

If his arms are strong enough, his world is strong enough, he doesn’t need her to learn anything, and he can shield her from the wind and rain and keep her peaceful forever!

Gong Qing secretly clenched his fists.

This is definitely the last time. From then on, he will never let her get involved in danger again, and he will definitely protect her well.

Turns around and sits as he waits for the results to be announced.

The remaining five hunters shot the arrows in their hands one after another and returned to their positions.

In the loudspeaker, the deep voice sounded again: “In this round, only one polar bear was shot, so there is only one winner…”

As soon as everyone heard it, only one person won, and couldn’t help but talk:

“It must be the Silver Leopard, right?”

“What else is there to say? Gong Qing wasted two arrows, the first arrow only hit the bear’s foot. And the three arrows of the silver leopard all hit the heart!”

“It’s a pity, tsk tsk, the former leader is not as powerful as the leader of the den of thieves…”

“Then you might as well say that the nobles are not as powerful as this bandit leader…”

“Actually, Silver Leopard’s family background is not bad. I only now know that his family’s ancestors’ business in the black business has already been cleaned up. His old man still has a title, but he is more rebellious and still insists on being a mercenary. One line, if the title of the old man of his family is considered, he is considered to be after half a noble…”

“Oh, so he won the championship today, doesn’t he deserve it? He has money and status, and he has to fight for this first place today, what is he doing?”

“I heard it was for women…”

“Tsk tsk, what a disaster!”

In everyone’s discussion, the result was announced——

In the loudspeaker, the deep voice paused slightly and continued to announce: “Today’s winner is Mr. Gong Qing! Please look forward to Mr. Gong Qing’s speech tonight!”

“What? Gong Qing?”

“How is this possible?”

“Did I just go blind?”

“Maybe I’m deaf? Did we hear it wrong?”

You can’t believe it.

How could the winner be Gong Qing?

Silver Leopard jumped up from the chair.

Grass, what’s going on? It was him who clearly shot the polar bear in the heart!

In the face of everyone’s questions, I just listened to the loudspeaker, and came the explanation: “Everyone, don’t be impatient, our helmsman said that although Mr. Silver Leopard shot in the heart, Mr. Gong Qing shot the bear. The feet are even more difficult. Because Mr. Gong Qing’s arrow penetrates the first thumb of the bear’s paw, it can make the polar bear unable to stand and fall to the ground with a bang. At this time, the live bear can be caught. Mr. Leopard directly shot the polar bear to death, not to mention how many times the size of the heart is larger than that of the toes, and how much less difficult it is, only that Mr. Silver Leopard’s realm is 108,000 miles worse than that of Mr. Gong Qing. Noble hunting, the purpose It is to capture the prey, not to sweep away the nature and kill the prey. So our helmsman said that Mr. Gong Qing’s shooting is more aristocratic…”

Silver Leopard stomped his feet angrily when he heard this: “Grass, what aristocratic demeanor, that **** is pretending! He is obviously more ruthless than me, and he wants to shoot me to death!”

Gong Qing curled her lips and gave him a cold look.

He didn’t say a word, but his aura was full.

Silver Leopard trembled. In order to stimulate Gong Qing, while the audience area was open, he strode forward and grabbed Song Song. Demonstratively, he squeezed Song Song’s hand tightly in his palm as if to Crushing the general strength!

Gong Qing really thought of it, and he was about to rush over immediately.

Between the two, it seems to be another fierce fight.

Suddenly, several black-clothed bodyguards respectfully stopped Gong Qing: “Chief, we are at the helm, please—”

【Gong Qing: Good Night Kiss】

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