One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 3299: Brother, no more [44]

At the same time, the broken golden pen became the last straw in the heavy pressure, and it was about to crush Song Song.

At noon that day, she was on the street again.

This time, she went to the bookstore.

In the comics section, she saw her first book!

The cover of the book is a design she likes, it is elegant and has a long charm.

The side of the girl’s face is half exposed and half hidden on the towering castle.

The man’s vigorous and powerful arm is exposed at the bottom of the screen.

Imprisonment and freedom, strength and weakness… This simple picture makes people imagine, can’t help but open the book and see what stories are told inside.

A couple passed by, the girl flipped through the comic book, and her eyes lit up: “The painting is so beautiful! What a unique story… How about we buy this set as a gift for my sister and brother-in-law? “

The boy shook his head disdainfully: “I’ve never heard of a cartoonist, you bought it as a gift, and people thought you were perfunctory or pirated!”

The girl curled her lips regretfully: “It’s also…”

The exquisite picture album was put back as it was, and continued loneliness.

Song Song stood by and watched, feeling a little lonely in her heart – yes, she is not famous, she is just a newcomer, who would be willing to spend money on a book by an ordinary painter?

She stood in the bookstore for two full hours, the sun was a little slanted to the west, and she didn’t see a single person to buy her book!

And together with her book, Fang Yiru’s new book “If You Give Me a Rebirth” is so popular! Almost every reader who comes to the comics area comes for this book.

Even Qin Weiwei’s new book, which is too flamboyant and pompous, has sold a copy.

Sunset and dusk, Song Song sighed slightly and left the bookstore.

She can’t bet on a new book.

If the book doesn’t catch on, where will she get the royalties? How to pay back the pen of the Emperor Dige manager?

But, having said that, her only hobby, her only specialty, is painting.

If she can’t make a living by painting, what’s the future of her life?

If this book doesn’t catch on, the rest of her life will be nothing but darkness, right?

Thinking frantically, she nearly bumped into the pedestrian in front of her.

Range, she looked up and found that she was near the Imperial Bank.

She suddenly remembered that the advertisements are all over the place recently, about small unsecured loans. Would she like to ask, how much can a small loan be? Does she want to take out part of the loan and repay it to the manager?

Thinking like this, she took a few quick steps and hurried to the door before the Imperial Bank got off work.

The security guard at the door stopped her: “Miss, what business do you do?”

He looked up and down this, a woman dressed too plainly and empty-handed, full of vigilance.

Song Song twitched her lips dejectedly. She doesn’t look like a bad person, does she? Do you dress like her like a bank robber?

However, she still tried to be calm and authentic: “I want to consult about small unsecured loans…”

The corners of the security guard’s lips curled up sarcastically, as if to say, sure enough, it’s the poor guy who came to take advantage of the bank!

After entering the society, Song Song has seen countless cold eyes and ridicules, she has not been so hearty enough to care about a small security guard, so she just said lightly: “Should I take a number and queue up or go to the duty manager for consultation? Or…”

Before she finished speaking, in such an unexpected situation, she met the man she had been worrying about for a long time!

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