One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 3287: Brother, no more [32]

He laughed dryly: “You girl, you are in a hurry. Okay, today you will familiarize yourself with the environment with the seniors, and you will be an intern.”

Having said that, he ordered his subordinates to take Song Song to change into work clothes.

Looking at Song Song’s back, the manager stroked his beard: “I always think this girl looks familiar!”

Nonsense, he just saw it this afternoon, of course it’s familiar! It’s just that Song Song was a guest at the banquet at that time, and he was a working girl at this time, so he wouldn’t connect the two at all.


Song Song worked at Dige for a week.

The first one to come to work on time every day and the last one to leave. When working, he was very serious and eager to learn. It didn’t take long for him to understand the rules of the stone casino. Those appraisers liked this little girl very much. She not only brought tea and water to chat with the guests who came to gamble with stones, but also helped them to cut stones and fight when she was a little free, and never complained about being tired.

Because of quick eyesight, hard work, and a mild temper, Song Song only worked for a week before getting the long-term employment contract of Dige, and successfully received the first week’s wages.

One thousand four hundred dollars.

She left 400 yuan for living expenses, and 1,000 yuan in her pocket, going to the mall to buy clothes.

This weekend will be the first book sale in her life. Sister Na has urged her several times to prepare quickly.

Among the items that she needed to buy herself, she couldn’t afford a brand-name signature pen, which cost tens of thousands of each, so she borrowed the pen from the manager of Dige, because she had a good character, good reputation, and the manager was happy He lent her the land without even asking her to make an IOU.

That pen has a lot of history. It is a “Pike” brand, a special edition of 18K gold. It is said that the market price is 100,000 yuan, and the name is also very domineering. It is called “Century Head”. Yes, it makes a lot of sense.

It is Song Song’s character to be able to borrow this pen. She has received super approval from her boss. She is very grateful. Because she was afraid of losing it, she took it with her and kept it carefully.

The problem of the pen is solved, now it’s time to dress up.

She doesn’t plan to do too exaggerated and complicated makeup, so she decides to save the money of hiring a makeup artist and stylist, and directly use the limited funds to buy a set of new clothes that look good just fine.

So this morning, instead of painting at home, she went to the Empire State Building with a thousand dollars in her pocket to buy clothes.

After a few random visits, she realized that the current market is much more expensive than she thought, a thousand yuan, and she couldn’t buy any dresses at all!

Even a modest dress from an ordinary brand costs thousands. Her money is not enough to look at, it’s too shabby.

Song Song sighed, no matter what she wants, go back and be bold and wear the suit left by the mysterious man. Although it is not a formal dress, it is simple and elegant, and it will not be ashamed. Decorated with a silk scarf, it can be regarded as a bit of professional demeanor, with a unique style and not too casual.

As soon as this thought came to her, she breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, those expensive high-society dresses were not suitable for her, so she was more at ease with a low-key and ordinary.

Relaxed, she stepped into a store casually. Seeing the beautiful silk scarves in the window, she asked the waiter to compare them.

She was choosing carefully when she heard someone call her from behind: “Song Song?”

The sound took a toll on her good mood.

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