One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 3187: He killed it for you!

“You…you dazed wolves… wolves…”

The Great Elder said in a messy tone, his lips trembling.

The snow wolves are swarming and howling, and they have no respect for this man-faced beast~hearted fellow.

The first elder gritted his teeth and said, “If you have the ability, you kill me! I want to see who will do it first! Hmph, you keep saying that I am cruel to the clan, if you kill me, won’t you become the same as me? people!”

The snow wolves were stunned and stunned.

Yes, they killed the elder, didn’t they become bloodthirsty and cruel people like him? However, if he didn’t kill him, the resentment in his heart could not be quelled.

It’s really a dilemma.

Seeing these snow wolves hesitated, the first elder knew that they couldn’t make a move. Not only was he proud, he provoked Xuanyuan Mo and said, “Then you come! Xuanyuan Mo, what it’s like to kill an elder, you want to taste it. , eh? You shouldn’t have forgotten that your parents died young. When you were a child, who was the first to teach you to ride a horse, who to teach you to hold a sword, and the first to teach you magic! Kill this man, I guess you The second half of my life will definitely be lived, and I will have a good dream every night, hahaha…”

Xuanyuan Mo is even more contradictory. His snow-white wolf claws clasped the ground, and the ground sank a little.

The elder was right.

He and Xuanyuanqin are the direct bloodline of the Xuelang family, but both of their parents died early and they depended on each other for life.

It’s just that the aunt Xuanyuanqin is too weak in spells to teach him the basic spells.

So, speaking of it, the Great Elder is not only his elder, but also half of his master!

To kill Master with your own hands is definitely a challenge to a person’s ethics and will.

Xuanyuan Mo’s wolf claws trembled slightly, and his amber eyes revealed a complex look.

Kill? Still don’t kill?

Zhengtian and people were fighting, and a disdainful laugh came from his ear: “It’s really indecisive, not like a man! It’s so embarrassing, I will kill you for you!”

Dongfang Yunhe, dressed as “Huang Slave”, smiled sneeringly.

Behind him, the real “Huangnu” stood awkwardly, constantly scratching his head.

Xuanyuan Mo is full of black lines: what? Doesn’t he look like a man? Who said he wasn’t a man anymore, he was just trapped by the relationship between master and apprentice, and it was normal for him to hesitate.

This Dongfang Yunhe is too cunning, he simply seizes every opportunity to smear him in front of Xiner!

Just as she was about to open her mouth to fight back, she heard Nalan Xiner say with a slight anger: “Uncle, don’t make trouble! If you kill someone, you will still be attacked. You will show your true shape for several days, and trouble will die! Why don’t you let me Let’s do it.”

The corner of Dongfang Yunhe’s lips twitched, and it was attached to her ear: “Madam, can you give me some face? You say ‘showing your true form’ in public like this, as if you are a monster!”

Nalan Xiner laughed: “Mmmm, big dragon demon, I won’t say good things next time.”

The sweet interaction between the two made Xuanyuan Mo lose his mind, and even more saw the anger in the elder’s heart.

They flirt so defiantly~ Qiao, don’t they take him seriously? He was regarded as meat on the chopping board at all, and it didn’t matter when he was slaughtered, right?

Too bullying!

So humiliating!

The first elder gritted his teeth and said fiercely: “Xuanyuanmo, why don’t you do it! Come and kill me, kill me!”

He knew that he would die today, but he would rather **** Xuanyuan Mo to kill him, and then bear the charge of murdering his teacher for the rest of his life, and be unhappy, rather than die inexplicably at the hands of Nalan Xiner’s **** girl superior!

What’s more, he always has an ominous premonition that Nalan Xiner’s straw bag has many ways to torture people…

Who would have thought, but Nalan Xiner smiled sweetly: “Elder, why are you pestering my eldest cousin? It’s just right for me to kill you! Because—

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