One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 2909: Block all messages!

The scene on the TV screen made the servant in the back kitchen of the Dongfang family stunned for a while.

Miss Xiner wants to get married?

Married to what… what general?

However, Miss Xiner, not Young Master He Di…

He still remembers how strong and decisive the emperor was on the night of the celebration banquet. Even if he was opposed to all the clansmen, he had to protect the safety of Miss Xin’er, and prevent those people from encircling and suppressing them under the pretext of blood lineage. Miss Xiner.

He even remembered that just this morning, at the wedding of Young Master Emperor and Miss Baili Yunying, Miss Xiner, wearing a white wedding dress, broke into the auditorium and asked Young Master Emperor if he dared to marry her?

Although Di Shao didn’t agree with her in the end, and got angry with her, but later Di Shao was even more ruthless towards Miss Baili Yunying, saying “I don’t want”, which made Miss Baili Yunying want to live and face on the spot None.

In his heart, Young Master Emperor and Young Lady, a talented and beautiful pair, should have been together. Why did Young Lady turn around and marry someone else?

Young Emperor is obviously single now!

This kitchen maid has been favored by Nalan Xiner before, and she has always been grateful for her kind treatment. Therefore, this news shocked him very much and made him think a lot for a while. .

After a long time, he muttered to himself: “Young Emperor, Miss Xin’er, you are getting married… Did you know?”

Out of his loyal instinct, his first reaction was to report this shocking news to the Emperor.

However, as soon as I walked out of the door, I heard the old housekeeper in a rare way, instructing a group of servants in person: “Listen to me carefully! The marriage between the Nalan family and the Qi family must not be in the family. You are not allowed to discuss in front of Emperor Young Master! One by one, sew up your mouths! If you let me know who leaked the rumors, your ten lives will not be enough to justify your crimes! Do you understand?”

“Understood, I understand, obey!” The servants hurriedly agreed.

The old housekeeper walked away a few steps, and then he remembered something, and once again warned: “And Young Master Yun Jue, too, you all keep an eye on him for me, and don’t allow him to run around! What are you still doing? Hurry up and get moving, throw away all the newspapers! Turn off all the TVs!”

“Yes yes yes! Follow the order, the slave’s house will go immediately!” The servants were so frightened by the old butler’s rare seriousness and temper that they immediately rushed to execute.

The kitchen servant, hiding behind the door, didn’t dare to make a sound, until the old housekeeper and the others walked away, and then carefully paced out from behind the door, frowning and thinking: “Look. Come to the old gentleman and the housekeeper, I don’t want the emperor to know the news… They must not want the eldest young lady and the emperor to be together… But, what does the eldest miss think? If she doesn’t like the emperor, she will not come first. Wedding, right?”

The servant’s mind is simple.

But, it’s also accurate!

Peel off the complex surface and hit the core of the problem directly!

If a woman doesn’t care about a man, how can she wear a wedding dress to grab a wedding?

As his wife always said, if you are hooked up by other women by any means, I will definitely take you back and take care of you!

Therefore, the eldest young lady must be the one of the emperor’s favorite, and it must be a last resort to marry another man now!

This fact, many people can’t see clearly, but such a simple-minded kitchen servant can see it clearly at a glance.

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