One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 2777: To kill Nalan Xiner!

Baili Yunying is feeling incredible and extremely annoyed that Nalan Xiner has broken her well-laid trap for the second time.

At this time, the male voice behind him was like adding fuel to the fire!

As if mocking her incompetence, her stupidity and arrogance.

She said bitterly: “Huangfu Shaoting, you said it lightly! If the **** was so easy to handle, she would be alone for most of the day from morning to afternoon, except when choosing a dress. In the cloud castle, you are so capable and capable, why didn’t you kill her?”

Huangfu Shaoting squinted his fox eyes and twitched the corners of his lips: “Hmph, then I have to have a chance!”

He stayed outside Nalan Xiner’s window early in the morning. Just as he was about to start, Dongfang Nana came.

Originally he planned to kill Dongfang Nana together, but before he could do it, Dongfang Yunhe appeared downstairs in Yunbao again and taught the group of young masters a lesson.

Dongfang Yunhe’s consciousness has always been sharp, and he can’t make Dongfang Yunhe suspicious in order to kill Nalan Xiner.

After all… In addition to the treasures on Nalan Xiner’s body, there are more treasures he wants to get… Small can’t bear it, but big plans!

Huangfu Shaoting whispered in Baili Yunying’s ear: “The most urgent task is to solve her as soon as possible! I have confided a lot of information to Mr. Dongfang through various channels, and the old guy is scared to death now. , sitting like a needle felt, is calling Dongfang Yunhe and Yun Jue to discuss countermeasures, at least it can hold Dongfang Yunhe for a lot of time. Here, it’s up to you, is your arrangement useful or not? If not, I will personally Let’s go!”

A ruthless look flashed across Bailiyun Ying’s eyes: “Hmph, I want to let her taste failure and death myself! There is a third game, just wait and see!”

Huangfu Shaoting jokingly said: “Don’t let me see it again, it’s fine if you are played around by her!”

“Don’t even think about it! One person’s dog~shit~ luck is impossible! She is destined to be unable to escape this third game! She is destined to be defeated by my Baili Yunying!”

Baili Yunying filled her heart with boundless hatred when she thought of being trapped in a quagmire in the Cloud Forest, by the Qingshui River, and being shot by Nalan Xiner’s arrow.

She has been humiliated and beaten by Nalan Xiner too many times, and even the title of “First Lady” she is most proud of has been snatched away. This time, she must recapture all of them, including the man she fancy – Dongfang Yunhe! She must also lie under her pomegranate skirt!

Huangfu Shaoting saw that she was so determined, and told her “be careful and be decisive” before quietly backing away.

On the dance floor, at this moment, everyone is drinking and cheering around Nalan Xiner.

“What kind of blood is that? Is it really the blood of a cobra, Xiner?”

“How come you have nothing to do with smoking? Isn’t it very poisonous?”

“Xin Er, you are so good! I’ve seen fellow vampires **** blood, but I’ve never seen you **** so cleanly, there’s hardly a drop left! What a perfect bottle of blood!”


Faced with one after another of questions and admiration, Nalan Xiner kept her politeness socially, but smiled and didn’t answer.

How did she know what blood it was?

Anyway, they were sucked into the watch space by Big Ben.

With Big Ben’s current suction power and her little illusion, of course, there is not a drop left, and it’s clean.

It’s just…

In that blood bottle, is it really the poisonous blood of a poisonous snake?

Nalan Xiner squinted, this Baili Yunying is really cheap and poisonous!

It’s not just a rhythm that wants her to be embarrassed in public, but a rhythm that wants to put her to death!

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