One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 2724: Like the moon, a single arrow pierces through

In the warm atmosphere, most of Nalan Xiner’s clothes were torn apart by Dongfang Yunhe.

The beauty in my heart is suddenly exposed~~ exposed in the air, just like a pair of little red~berries standing proudly in the winter snow.

Dongfang Yunhe’s eyes sank, and he left her lips, burying his head here.

So sweet…

It turns out that the girl is so sweet…

This sweetness, which surpasses all the delicacy in the world, seemed familiar to him in his life, but for a while, he couldn’t find any words to describe it, and he couldn’t remember when he tasted it.

Familiar yet unfamiliar.

Beautiful and exciting.

Dongfang Yunhe’s body is getting tighter and tighter, like a “snatch the moon” with a full bow, full of power ready to go, just waiting for a final sprint, he will not hesitate, A deep stab in the direction it was aimed at.

One arrow through ~ through! ! !

He doesn’t care, her secret is in it, he’s going to find out now, he’s going to go deep~!

Dongfang Yunhe took out a hand, pressed it on his own trousers~waist, and pulled it down…

Suddenly, I felt the little goblin under me tremble.

This trembling ~ trembling is obviously different from Fang Cai, she was kissed by him, that kind of tender ~ soft trembling ~.

And it was accompanied by a slightly painful moan overflowing from her lips.

Damn, he hasn’t touched her yet, what has he done to her, what’s her name?

“Ugh… Uncle… I… woo woo…” Nalan Xiner whimpered, covering her mouth with one hand and looking at him with pleading eyes.

Dongfang Yunhe frowned.

As a goblin who loves to seduce men, this goblin is too incompetent!

To resist his approach?

Isn’t she the one who was preoccupied with getting close to him before?

Now it’s too “hard” to tease him, and then stop halfway?

How can there be such an unkind thing? !

His eyes sank, and two words came out between his teeth: “Why?”

If she doesn’t have a suitable reason…he will definitely want her on this Purple Cloud Wood in the next second! Do her hard!

Let her understand that not all men in this world can flirt casually!

“Woo, I… I… woo…” Nalan Xiner covered her mouth, unable to say a complete sentence.

And the body trembled even more.

At the mouth of the heart, inexplicably undulating, driving the two groups of small beauty, it also fluctuated in the air, like waves of wheat harvested, which made people’s eyes warm for a while.

“Damn goblin!”

Dongfang Yunhe was so angry that his blood surged.

It’s a taste that even a man can’t bear.

But, looking at her slightly painful expression and speechless appearance, he inexplicably softened his heart.

Even if he was so uncomfortable, and something was about to explode, he still took a deep breath, lifted her little body up, and said as calmly as possible: “What’s the matter? Talk! I can’t speak. , just use your hand and point it to the lord!”

Gesturing, always?

Under the pressure of Dongfang Yunhe, Nalan Xiner’s eyes were about to burst into tears. She didn’t let go of her hand covering her mouth. Then she slowly raised the other hand and pointed to her throat. He pointed to his heart again.

Dongfang Yunhe frowned: “Your throat and heart are uncomfortable?”

Damn, it’s not her throat and heart that he’s going to do.

As long as the channel is smooth, isn’t that all right?


Dongfang Yunhe suddenly narrowed his eyes dangerously: “Could it be that this is not the first time for you, so I am afraid that the Lord will make fun of you?”

I was dazzled by the passion just now, but I didn’t even think about it at all. Is the little goblin a complete body? This question!

To be honest, as a man, he still minds the first question.

However, what surprised him even was that at that moment, he didn’t think about it at all, has this little goblin ever hooked up with a man before, has he ever had… a man? !

As if those were not the point at all, not important at all!

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