One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 2576: Stones that only exist in legends

After Nalan Xiner said those words, among all the people present, those who had a special understanding of gems, were particularly accomplished in appraising treasures, and were particularly outstanding, finally gradually came to their senses.

That’s right!

No wonder everyone doesn’t recognize it.

It turns out that this stone only exists in legends!

For at least a hundred years, they haven’t seen any stone casino with this kind of rough stone.

Even, in auctions, museums, and royal families, they have never seen it with their own eyes. Who has the ability to wear one, jewelry and objects made of this gem.

Who can think of something without seeing it with your own eyes?

That is, after all, a magical jade that only exists in legends.

It’s called… what is it?

“It does not have a recognized official name, after all, the production is too small. However, there are ancient books recorded as ‘Alexandrite’, and because the first person who discovered it was called Alexander, this stone is also called Alexander Stone. However, I believe these names are not easy to remember. Instead, the paragraph describing it has been handed down. Only those who really study jade and study to a certain level will know this paragraph…”

Emeralds by day!

The Ruby in the Night!

Purple jade at the turn of dawn and dusk!

Yes, these three simple sentences describe the characteristics of “Alexandrite” vividly!

As the light changes, it can change from emerald to purple jade to ruby!

You must know that color is an important factor in measuring the attributes of a gemstone, and this gemstone can change its color so freely—doesn’t that mean that its attributes are already too powerful? !


This time I really admire Miss Xiner.

Many people in the field began to be convinced.

However, there is still a discordant voice that cuts through the night sky!

“Why does she say it’s worth something that we’ve never seen before?! Next time I’ll get a stone that no one has ever seen before. I’ll say it’s a legend. What! Do you believe it or not?!” Dongfang Nana said indignantly.

She really couldn’t accept that Nalan Xiner regained her heart so quickly.

She couldn’t accept it, Nalan Xiner’s baby crushed the audience!

Unfortunately, when she said this, few people responded.

On the contrary, the appraiser said seriously: “Miss Nana, are you questioning my professional level? This ‘Alexandrite’ is indeed exactly the same as the legend, how can you say it casually?”

Unexpectedly, Huangfu Shaoting also spoke up on the stage: “Or, Miss Dongfang is questioning me as the person who asked the question? I got a bunch of worthless things from some unknown small workshop. Shito, there is no chance for a divine jade like ‘Alexandrite’ at all, and is he not worthy to be the first stage of the celebrity competition?”

As soon as Huangfu Shaoting’s voice fell, even many players in the field began to complain: “Hey, Dongfang Nana, you are a bit arrogant to say that, you are questioning those of us who came from aristocratic families. Humans, without aesthetic ability, can’t distinguish the rarity and beauty of this ‘Alexandrite’?!”

“This alexandrite, I believe it is worth a lot, and what Nuwa’s stone to fill the sky are you talking about, tsk tsk, you laugh out loud! Are you still a primary school student? Dongfang Nana? You are naive!”

“Do you think that if you don’t recognize Xiner’s alexandrite, your ranking will be higher?”

“Don’t be kidding, Nana is definitely the No. 1!”

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