One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 2384: Dongfang Yunhe’s call【3】

The next morning.

Nalan Xiner woke up early.

Last night she stayed up all night again, researching data all night long.

However, compared to the previous days when she kept her eyes open until dawn, staying up late did not make her gaunt, but made her look a little brighter.

That is an expectation from the heart.

People need to have goals and hope to lead in front.

With this expectation, no matter how cruel the reality is, you can persevere!

Nalan Xiner at the moment is exactly like this.

She made an appointment with Song Song and Xiao Wu to go to the competition together.

I haven’t seen her for a long time. She has been immersed in her own grief. She has rejected many invitations from her best friend, feeling very guilty.

Of course, she also misses them very much. She doesn’t know if Song Song’s health is better, or how far the relationship between Xiao Wu and Alexander has progressed.

So this game, she wants to go with them!

Alexander had promised last night that he would find a way to get VIP tickets and solve one of their biggest problems.

Before Nalan Xiner went out, she specially picked out the most important materials from last night and put them in her bag, ready to take a look at the scene and increase her confidence.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the game to start!

However, when she arrived at the Imperial Capital International Racecourse, she was stopped.

“I’m sorry, miss, you don’t have a ticket, so you can’t enter.”

“I made an appointment with my friends, and they will come with the tickets soon.” Nalan Xiner smiled, trying to be as elegant as possible.

Actually, I was already a little anxious.

What happened?

Why are Song Song and Xiao Wu, who usually arrive early, late today?

Where’s Alexander?

As I was thinking about it, a panting voice came from behind: “Xiner, Xiner, here we come!”

Song Song and Xiao Wu trot all the way to her.

Nalan Xiner rushed to meet her: “Song Song, slow down, your health is better, don’t run!”

Song Song breathed, “I’m fine, but Xiao Wu…”

He Xiaowu, with big dark circles under her eyes, cried and said, “Xiner, I’m sorry, Alexander promised well last night, saying that the ticket was booked, but early in the morning, the other person was gone! He’s gone! My phone is about to blow up and I can’t find him! I’m so **** off, if he shows up again, I’ll break up with him!”

Song Song also anxiously said: “Xin Er, I can’t get in without a ticket, what should we do now?”

Nalan Xiner’s heart thumped, and she secretly said, “Damn.”

Sure enough, the last thing I wanted to happen happened.

Alexander has always been talking, why did he suddenly disappear without leaving a word?

This is not normal!

Could it be that Tianshi’s spells are so powerful that they can be obstructed at any time. She wants to find Uncle’s all paths? !

For a moment, she was in a state of turmoil!

However, in the face of two good girlfriends who care about her, she can’t and lose the inch, and can’t panic!

Pieping her lips, she resolutely said: “Don’t worry, I’ll think of a way…”


At this time, inside the Imperial Capital International Racecourse.

Exclusive lounge for equestrian players.

“Yun Jue, hurry up and pick it up! Little Uncle’s call!” the third brother shouted.

Yun Jue walked out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around her waist.

The drops of water dripping from his forehead made his face more delicate and elegant.

He answered the phone with a smile: “Uncle, didn’t you come to see my game before you left the capital?”

On the other end of the phone, there was a man’s noble and elegant voice, like a distant starry sky, mysterious, cold, and full of magnetism: “Why, you have to come, so you can win?”

【Yun Ye: Good night kiss! Uncle color of fairies, here we come! 8 More to offer, to the favorite fairies. ]

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