One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 2146: A chance from the sky

Nalan Xiner curled her lips and said to Xiao Wu, “It’s cool to come pick me up? Then why didn’t you see that there’s a handsome pot over there with tulips in his hand! In the winter, this The bunch of brightly blooming tulips should have been airlifted from the French greenhouse, right? … Tsk tsk… Sending flowers from thousands of miles, wouldn’t this handsome pot be too romantic?”

When Xiao Wu heard this, her ears perked up: “Where? Where are the tulips? Where is the handsome pot? Whose family?”

Nalan Xiner smiled and stretched out her hand.

He Xiaowu looked in her direction, dumbfounded.

Well, that handsome pot… isn’t it Alexander!


Who are you sending flowers to, that big radish?

Xiao Wu’s face stinks.

Nalan Xiner looked at it with amusement, this little idiot who was in the midst of happiness, pushed her and waved at Alexander in the distance: “Hey, look here! Xiao Wu is here! “

Alexander’s eyes lit up, holding a golden tulip high, and hurried over.

Fortunately, he was tall and thin, so he could move freely among the crowd, and soon came to Xiao Wu.

A shy smile appeared on Sven’s face, probably because he had never given flowers to a girl before in such a crowded place.

“Xiao Wu…Congratulations, the exam went well! Let’s… go have a meal to celebrate?”

After listening to Alexander’s words, the expression on He Xiaowu’s face changed wonderfully.

One second I was still depressed, this man is a big radish, but the next second I saw this man coming straight at her.

Send flowers in public and confess in public!

Vanity is overwhelming!

He Xiaowu took a deep breath: “Who wants to eat with you…hmph…I also want to celebrate with Xiner and the others…”

He said so, but the little hand was rude, grabbed the tulip in Alexander’s hand, and sniffed it in his arms.

It’s delicious!

Nalan Xiner covered her lips and smiled, “Alexander, take this scourge away, we all have our own arrangements, but we won’t have dinner with her!”

“Hey, hey, you idiots!” He Xiaowu shouted, however, Alexander’s strong arms had already pulled her tightly and led her out of the crowd.

This man’s arms are really comfortable…

He Xiaowu struggled twice, gave up, and had some expectations in her heart. Where would Alexander take her to eat, this guy always finds a very unique restaurant every time…

After Xiao Wu and Alexander left, Song Song also smiled and said to Xin Er, “Come on, your uncle is waiting for you!”

“Then…are you going home alone?” Nalan Xiner was a little worried about Song Song.

In the past four months, Song Song has lived a strong life alone.

No mother, no father, no Gong Qing…

Song Song pursed her lips and smiled: “I’m used to it. It’s good to be alone. Be quiet!”

Nalan Xiner felt even more distressed: “Go to my house!”

Song Song shook his head: “I have already planned, this summer vacation, I will sort out the sketches I drew before, and see if I can compile it into a complete comic book with plots.”

When it comes to painting, Song Song’s eyes flash with a different kind of brilliance: “It’s a coincidence, before the college entrance examination, a very professional comic publishing house contacted me and said that they would publish a newcomer comic series. Ask me if I am interested in signing a contract and painting one of them.”

Nalan Xiner was also surprised and delighted: “That’s great, Song Song, painting is your talent, it’s the best you can go on this road!”

Chen Xueshu considered another question: “Is it reliable? How could they suddenly come to the door? Should I ask about the real purpose of this publishing house?”

Song Song frowned: “Is there any problem? I have only painted a few packaging paintings for Xiner’s company before, and then I painted murals and children’s paintings for the welfare home funded by Teacher Xing Fu. Teaching materials…I don’t know where they saw my paintings…”

[ps: The fairies must have guessed, why did the publishing house suddenly find Song Song? ]

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