One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 1500: Uncle’s 108 tricks [81]

Six tails!

Yes, Shaoyu has six tails and six lives!

Xing Fu’s tears fell even more violently.

This time, it was completely different from the sadness and despair just now. It was tears of joy and excitement.

She hugged him tightly with her backhand: “Shaoyu, promise me, after this time, you won’t be allowed to do such a dangerous thing again! Don’t…”

Don’t risk your own tail.

Six times, no more, no less, if it’s such a waste, there will always be an exhausting day.

“Fool, I have six, you only have one… You are still worrying about me…” Huangfu Shaoyu saw her heartfelt nervousness and worry, and felt more at ease.

He just enjoys being cared and reprimanded by his own woman.

Xing Fu wiped away her tears, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: “Is there a lot of six?! You are ashamed to say it! I won’t bring you such a waste!”

Huangfu Shaoyu raised his head with difficulty, brought his lips to her face, and kissed the tears from the corners of her eyes: “Okay…all…all listen to you…”

Jokes and jokes are also physically exhausting.

Huangfu Shaoyu lost too much blood at the moment, and he had no strength.

Xing Fu’s brows furrowed immediately, although she knew that every tail of Huangfu Shaoyu was a life, although this time it was dangerous, but at most one tail was lost, but, knowing that, seeing him so uncomfortable, her The heart began to bleed again, and it was almost impossible to see it.

“Stop talking, Shaoyu, I’ll take you to the doctor and bandage it…” Xing Fu couldn’t help but said, propped herself up, supported Huangfu Shaoyu, and wanted to treat him as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, Huangfu Shaoyu waved his hand: “No. The hospital…will…exposed~exposed…”

Xing Fu suddenly realized why Huangfu Shaoyu was so injured and refused to go to the hospital.

A wound like this would definitely be diagnosed as a near-death in the hospital. Once the dead come back to life, the secrets of the Huangfu family will be discovered!

“Then I’ll take you to the lounge!” Xing Fu decisively changed the plan.

“Okay…” Huangfu Shaoyu hooked his lips and nodded.

I am very happy to have such a little wife who is sometimes cold, sometimes gentle, and sometimes domineering…

Xing Fu helped Huangfu Shaoyu to the lounge.

The people in the stands, after a burst of exclamations, gradually began to discuss:

“Shaoyu’s injury is so serious, why don’t you go to the hospital?”

“Who is the girl next to you Huangfu Second Young Master? Is it the daughter-in-law appointed by your family?”

“He already has a woman, so what’s he going to do today?”

“Oops, he really bleed a lot and dyed the girl’s clothes red. Is this really okay? Should I call 120 first aid?”

The old lady Huangfu was in the crowd, and she was unhappy for a while.

Originally, there was still a trace of worry about Huangfu Shaoyu, but now it has all disappeared.

She gave a cold command: “The game continues! A woman who has not been approved by our Huangfu family, don’t even want to step into our house! It’s no use letting her be a cow or a horse or try her best to flatter her!”

Today’s competition was originally intended to humiliate Xing Fu, but unexpectedly, it created an opportunity for Xing Fu and Huangfu Shaoyu to get close together. The old lady was very upset!

Everyone doesn’t know the tortuous mind of the old lady, but after hearing that the game will continue, after a few more discussions, they focus on the next game.

No one, together with Xing Fu, went to take care of Huangfu Shaoyu.

Xing Fu struggled to support Huangfu Shaoyu to the lounge, but behind him, the falling horse suddenly raised its head.

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