One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 1495: Uncle’s 108 moves [76]

Xing Fu’s slap in the face temporarily frightened Huangfu Shan.

She got a chance, and she galloped on her horse, and all of a sudden she was ahead of Huangfu Shan again.

Seeing that the finish line was not far away, she thought silently in her heart, and she didn’t know what kind of little piece of paper Xiner gave her. She just played a little better than usual, and there was no particularly amazing speed up.

If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t seem right. After all, she almost crushed Huangfu Shan, and no one else surpassed her – and those people have practiced equestrian since childhood, and their skills are not bad. Living with those people, she asked herself, it was mostly luck.

Whether this is due to Fu Zhi or not, Xing Fu is only looking forward to the last part of the road, that Fu Zhi can start to work, bless her to continue to lead smoothly!

Xing Fumou worked so hard, almost half of his body crouched down on the horse’s back, heading towards the finish line.

The horse under him suddenly moved.

Xing Fu clearly felt that the speed of the horse’s running had changed.

She was a little excited—could it be that the talisman paper is only starting to work now?

Are the horses about to start accelerating?

Although this is considered an opportunistic act, it is unfair for her as a beginner to compete with a group of senior horse racing enthusiasts.

The guilt in her heart was fleeting, and she began to look forward to the finish line, Huangfu Shaoyu, who was waiting for her, with a gratified smile!

That’s right, Huangfu Shaoyu couldn’t bear his temper. He ran from the auditorium to the finish line, waving his arms, for fear that Xing Fu hadn’t seen him, and shouted at the top of his voice: “Xiaoqinger, you must win! Xiaoqinger, come on! Xiaoqinger, first!”

Listening to the powerful cheers coming from the front, Xing Fu’s heart moved, her legs became more and more vigorous, and her hand holding the reins tightened, ready to do the final sprint!

The horses are speeding up, and so is she!

But why did she feel a gust of wind behind her?

Why, the sound of the wind swept past her?

Xing Fu swept away, bad, Huangfu Shan caught up, and he was faster than her!

It’s not scientific!

Evidently her horse was braver and more agile along the way, how could she be caught up by Huangfu Shan? Could it be that Huangfu Shan’s horse also has a talisman to speed up?

With such a hesitation, Huangfu Shan rushed out like a flash of lightning, leaving Xing Fu behind.

Xing Fu is not discouraged or admit defeat, she clamped her legs together, shouted “Drive!”, drove the horse and chased after her!

But, to her surprise, the horse sped up. The problem is, it seems that something is wrong with the horse! The direction of acceleration is wrong!

His hooves are raised, leaping in mid-air.

This is not a sprint forward, this is a sprint upward!

Hey hey, pony, we’re not in a jumping obstacle race, we’re racing in a straight line.

Xing Fu anxiously pulled on the reins, trying to control the horse.

However, she is not like Nalan Xiner, who can communicate with Ma’er very smoothly, and Ma’er doesn’t listen to her commands at all.

Or maybe, the horse has fallen into a state of extreme excitement or even madness, and no one can listen to anyone’s orders at this time.

Xing Fu secretly said that it was not good. If you go crazy like this, let alone take the first place, it will be troublesome to cause an accident on the track.

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