One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 1446: Uncle’s 108 moves [27]

For Nalan Xiner, nothing in front of her is as important as replying to Uncle’s text messages!

Because, she didn’t answer her uncle’s phone call yesterday. She suffered a disaster in bed at night. She was so angry that she was about to break. Still aching.

She hurriedly opened the text message and saw the content of the message sent by the uncle: From today, you will be the representative of the physics class.

Nalan Xiner was startled, she thought that the uncle had something important to do with her.

What the **** is a physics class representative? As for sending a message in such a hurry to tell her?

No, wait!

An uncertain thought flashed through Nalan Xiner’s mind.


Could it be that the uncle just heard Mr. Yuan say that he wanted her to be the representative of the history class, so he had to compete for the top and let her take both positions?

Wipe, uncle, you are eating vinegar!

Nalan Xiner was speechless and wanted to laugh.

She quickly typed two words to reply: “Good.”

As a result, the uncle replied in seconds: “After every get out of class in the future, he must come to my office to perform the duties of class representative.”

Nalan Xiner: “…”

What? Do you have to go after every get out of class?

Is this a strange rule? Never heard of it!

Doesn’t this mean that during school time, there is no free time at all except for classes? Completely under the control of the uncle?

She replied unconvinced: “Uncle, what about your proposal, it’s not impossible. But, what should I do if I want to go to the toilet.”

Dongfang Yunhe paused and sent a message back: “In my office.”

Nalan Xiner: “…”

Okay, uncle, you’re ruthless!

However, as soon as the picture of booing in the exclusive bathroom of the uncle’s office appeared in her mind…she felt that the style of the painting was weird.

Because of Mao, she always feels that the uncle will press her on the sink to be light~thin?

Or…the desk…

Nalan Xiner’s face turned red.

No way, uncle will not let her go even ten minutes between classes in the future?

She quickly replied: “Okay uncle. However, I am also the representative of the history class. Can I find you for half of the time and report to the history teacher for the other half?”

She thought that this answer was quite reasonable, but unexpectedly, Dongfang Yunhe was instantly furious: “Don’t mention the word history to me! Also, don’t give it to him for a minute.”

Nalan Xiner stuck out her tongue and stuck her head out, thinking, Uncle, you are so authoritarian and domineering.

I was texting with Dongfang Yunhe, and I was caught off guard when I heard Mr. Yuan ask, “Xiner, is there anything I can help?”

Nalan Xiner quickly waved her hand: “No, no, I’ll do it myself.”

Mr. Yuan, if you help, it will only get busier and messier.

In a hurry, she quickly gave the uncle a smiley emoji: “Okay, I will listen to you, okay?”

The other party, this stopped.

Hmph, I know that the man who is difficult to serve, likes to be coquettish the most.

Xuanyuan Mo saw that Nalan Xiner was busy replying to text messages, and guessed that it was Dongfang Yunhe’s call. After a moment of melancholy, he still held up a gentle smile: “Come on, try this horse. Caron…”

The topic you wanted to ask her just now—if the big cousin wasn’t your first cousin, would you change your opinion? – It will be over.

The two were eating and chatting about the history class. Not long after, Nalan Xiner’s phone rang again.

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