One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 912: You can’t turn over [9]

Nalan Xiner followed the uncle all the way up.

Only, when they got to the reception scene upstairs, Dongfang Yunhe kissed her and went down the VIP escalator on the other side.

When Lan Zhirou came, Dongfang Yunhe had already left, so naturally he couldn’t see him anymore.

But, Lan Zhirou kept saying “Young Emperor”, sounded like a big man, and seemed to be related to herself? ——Nalan Xiner didn’t know what medicine she sold in the gourd, so she didn’t quite understand.

But, no matter what the **** Lan Zhirou said, my sister is not interested at all!

“Lan Zhirou, do I have any other men outside? It’s not your turn to worry about it. You’d better pay attention, don’t drink too much today, and make a big news of ****5~P!” Nalan Xiner pointedly said with a smile.

The noble ladies who were watching all understood the meaning of these words, and they all exchanged glances, remembering the unbearable scene of Lan Zhirou at the last Zhou family charity dinner.

Lan Zhirou was extremely ashamed and angry, and her lips were bitten with heavy marks. She came to wash her whites today! But Nalan Xiner wants to expose her scars in public, which is so unreasonable!

Nalan Xiner looked at Lan Zhirou’s anger to the point of internal injury, but she was very happy: What are you kidding me, you are talking about insidiousness to my sister, and you want my sister to reason with you? Sister is not an idiot!

Looking at everyone pointing and whispering, all poking at Lan Zhirou’s spine, Lin Meiqing squeezed out of the crowd, and the cunning and cunning woman hurriedly put on a smile on her face, smoothing out: “Yeah, Xiner is also here, welcome and welcome! Let’s all come here to cut the cake tower! Our Diamond Plaza has customized an 18-story cake tower for you! It is said to have broken the record of the empire…”

Lin Meiqing successfully diverted her eyes and led most of the people to the cake tower.

Lan Zhirou’s humiliating episode was covered up just like that.

Nalan Xiner squinted and smiled: “Cake tower? Alright, I’ll let you all enjoy the cake tower in a while…”

She glanced downstairs and saw He Xiaowu and Song Junhua, each guarding an elevator and waving at her.

Eye met, she nodded confidently and made an OK gesture.

Stepmother, Lan Lianhua, do you really think that my sister has nothing to do, so she came to your broken square?

Sister is of course prepared…

Are you ready?


The other side. Lin Meiqing pulled Lan Zhirou nervously, stood in front of the cake tower and whispered: “Baby Zhirou, why did the straw bag bully you just now? Tell Mommy, Mommy will settle the bill with her later, and let her suffer a little. !”

“Mummy…” Lan Zhirou said aggrievedly, “Did you invite that mysterious young master? Why didn’t you tell me earlier? I might as well dress up brightly…”

“Young Emperor?” Lin Meiqing was surprised, “I didn’t invite him…”

Covering her mouth, Lin Meiqing realized that she had made a blunder.

Fortunately, everyone paid attention to the huge and gorgeous cake tower and didn’t hear her.

Lin Meiqing hurriedly lowered her voice again: “Baby Zhirou, I was fooling these idiots. If I didn’t say that, how could I keep them? You don’t even think about it, if Mommy has the ability, she can catch up with them. Mysterious Emperor Shao, of course, was the first to sell my precious Zhirou, how could it be these idiots’ turn to get involved? Do you think so?”

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