One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 861: Hidden straw bag

Nalan Xiner pushed aside the crowd, wearing a luxurious purple long dress, walking swiftly, like a proud goddess.

Walking to Lan Zhirou and Chen Lingling, she raised her chin, and a sarcastic smile escaped her lips: “Mrs. Lin, your eyes seem to be really blind, you can’t see such a big living person standing here. , you can’t see Lan Zhirou lying on the ground like a dead pig, isn’t it for a while, you can’t even recognize your own son?”

Nalan Xiner’s smiling attitude and her tone of voice, like a victor, made Chen Lingling startled.

The straw bag is really intact, nothing at all!

And Zhirou jumped into the hole she dug – what’s going on?

The point is… the straw bag said that he couldn’t recognize his son, so what happened?

A deep unease and fear hit Chen Lingling’s heart.

She finally fully understood what Lin Meiqing meant when she said that the straw bag is difficult to deal with now.

Such a hidden Nalan Xiner, such a sharp-mouthed Nalan Xiner, the deep and arrogant temperament perfectly blends in a girl who is less than 18 years old, it is hard to believe!

Chen Lingling’s hand trembled involuntarily, her voice was sharp and indignant: “You did it! You did it, right? You harmed your sister, you vicious woman!”

If the frame is unsuccessful, it will be beaten down.

This is a common trick used by Chen Lingling and Lin Meiqing.

Nalan Xiner just thought it was ridiculous. She didn’t even look at Chen Lingling, she seemed to think that giving her too much attention was a waste.

She looked back at the ladies who were on the sidelines, smiled and said, “Ladies have seen it. Like everyone, I just heard the news and came here to help. Could it be that we came to help instead and it was a mistake, and we were caught in the wrong place. let it go?”

She folded her hands, smiling gracefully and in a generous manner.

The ladies couldn’t help but nodded in agreement: “Yes, Miss Nalan came with us, how could she do something in advance? Besides, if this kind of thing is not voluntary, how can someone force it? It’s not the basement of the small alley, this is the Zhou family, if you don’t want to, someone will come without you shouting?”

Nalan Xiner nodded slightly: “The madams are right, that’s the reason, but some people can’t understand it, and their IQ is worrying.”

Chen Lingling was angry and angry, so angry that Nalan Xiner made those ladies stand on the other side with a few words. The anger was that those ladies looked at her now, showing a touch of disdain and superiority sense.

This **** **** really takes advantage of people’s hearts!

Knowing that these ladies are eager to distance themselves from this filthy scene, they lead everyone to unanimously condemn Lan Zhirou, saying that they are here to help rather than watch the fun!

She felt a sense of isolation and helplessness. She was furious for a while, and she jumped up and slapped Nalan Xiner: “I will teach you a lesson for Meiqing, this unfilial daughter! She even watched her sister helplessly. When an accident happens, but you are indifferent, and you are in trouble, you are really a white-eyed wolf, and your beauty has raised you in vain!”

That slap was caught by a pair of powerful hands before it could touch Nalan Xiner.

Dongfang Yunhe’s cold voice came: “Dirty hands, don’t touch my woman!”

As soon as she twisted and fell, Chen Lingling only heard a click of her wrist, which was actually a fracture.

Immediately, her body was like a kite with a broken string, and she fell to the ground. The back of her head just hit Lan Zhirou’s chin, and the pain caused her tears to burst out.

Lan Zhirou, who was in a coma, also grunted and woke up.

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