One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 786: No waste, no betrayal

The little apprentice said excitedly, but couldn’t help but kowtow.

Nalan Xiner said lightly: “If you think that I will be loyal and forthright to anyone, then you are wrong, I am not that kind of person.”

The little apprentice is anxious: “Miss, I don’t mean that, I just adore you, I know I’m not qualified to be compared with your friends, I… I just want to follow you, run for you, Do everything I can! I beg you to take me in and give me a stutter!”

Actually, in his mind, Nalan Xiner was like a goddess that night.

After Wang Yifan’s defeat, everyone looked down on him as a little apprentice, but Nalan Xiner trusted him and asked him to continue helping everyone open stones. This trust made him very grateful!

It also made him feel that Nalan Xiner is a very fair and wise person! Even if the means are used, it makes people convince and have nothing to say.

Following such a master will definitely not be like following Wang Yifan, doing some shameful deeds and being shamed everywhere.

He raised his head, blood on his forehead, and his face was dull from hunger, but there was a sincere desire flashing in his pupils, and he looked at Nalan Xiner, hoping that she would nod and agree.

Nalan Xiner took out her car keys, opened the door, and got into her car without looking back.

Just as the light in the pupil’s eyes gradually died, and there was only cold despair in his heart, he suddenly heard a sentence——

“Get in the car.”

The primary apprentice was ecstatic: “Miss, you agreed? Great! Miss, oh no, master, I will listen to you in the future!”

The little apprentice hurriedly got up from the ground and ran to the car, but when he got to the car, he hesitated: “Master, my clothes are too dirty, and my hands are dirty…”

The car was so new and clean…but he was so tattered all over…

Nalan Xiner said casually: “Where is so much nonsense, hurry up and get in the car! Otherwise…”

The little apprentice was shocked and quickly obeyed.

As soon as Nalan Xiner stepped on the accelerator, the car galloped so fast that the apprentice was so frightened that he clutched the seat belt tightly. He found that there are many aspects of the eldest lady that he did not understand – for example, the racing skills are really strong and good horrible!

While the car was driving at high speed, Nalan Xiner suddenly calmly said a sentence: “I don’t take any useless waste, so if you want to stay, prove it to me first, what can you do!”

The little apprentice’s face was pale, he grabbed the seat belt and didn’t dare to let go, and nodded desperately: “Yes, master.”

After slowing down, Nalan Xiner said again: “Also, I hate betrayal the most. If I find out that you have other goals…you can decide for yourself.”

The speed of the car was suddenly mentioned, and the elementary school student didn’t have time to say anything, and he was bumped by the fast car and almost fainted in his seat.

His heart is like a drum: Master, how dare I betray you, just look at the fate of Wang Yifan, Lin Haoyi, Zhang Kaiyu and the others, you will know how serious it is…

The car quickly left the city and drove along the highway to the suburbs.

The elementary school apprentice didn’t know where Nalan Xiner was going, and didn’t dare to ask, just sat obediently on the seat, only beating drums in her stomach.

Nalan Xiner’s face softened slightly and asked casually, “What’s your name?”

“Dog baby…” The schoolboy said timidly.

“What?” Nalan Xiner raised her forehead. Did she accept a puppy?

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