One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 434: Nalan Xiner is famous

“Okay, you have to rest early, and you have to go to school tomorrow, so you can’t ask for leave. If nothing happened, continue to appear in front of people, knock out teeth and swallow blood, and smile brighter than usual. Got it?” Lin Meiqing reminded again.

“I see, Mommy…”

“Then I’ll go see your father, alas, I don’t know how to appease his temper…”

Lin Meiqing sighed, propped herself downstairs, her whole body was light and fluttering, but instead showed a weak and pitiful attitude.

Lin Meiqing came to the restaurant and stood beside Lan Zijun timidly: “Husband…”

A call of grievance made Lan Zijun frown: “What you said this time is useless! If you lose such a big person outside, even 4% of Zhirou’s shares will be deprived, you Do you know?!”

Lin Meiqing was stunned.

She was knocked unconscious by Lan Zijun at that time, and she didn’t know that the old lady also deprived Lan Zhirou of shares.

This time, her newly strengthened heart was shattered all of a sudden, and her voice trembled: “Husband, tell me, this is not true…”

“Nonsense, of course it’s true! That wicked girl is now a major shareholder with 8% of the shares! The waist is tough! I’m a father, and I can’t help her in the future!” Lan Zijun got angry when he remembered it, and when he pushed the soup bowl, he was not in the mood to eat it.

Lin Meiqing murmured dumbly: “Husband, that straw bag is too vicious… It’s trying to **** us off… Tonight, Zhi Rou was also killed by her, do you know…”

Lan Zijun said impatiently, “Don’t talk to me about tonight!”

Lin Meiqing took a deep breath, her heart gradually eased, and her voice softened a bit: “Husband, don’t mention that bad thing, anyway, 1.8 billion real estate is in our hands, as long as the commercial building is completed , the profit can be multiplied several times… As for the shares in the hands of the straw bag, we will slowly and long-term plan in the future, it is impossible to keep such an important share in the hands of an ignorant child, right?”

That’s right, it’s very appealing to Lan Zijun.

He nodded: “That’s right!”

Lin Meiqing pulled up her flattering smile: “Husband, can you relax tonight, okay?”

Lan Zijun turned around and saw his wife’s wet eyes and charming face. The oyster and oxtail soup he had just drank that night seemed to be effective, and a fire burst into his abdomen.

“How to relax?” he asked deliberately.

“Oh, you’re so annoying. Bullying someone is a disabled person…” Lin Meiqing dangling her hands in front of Lan Zijun, softly.

Her hand was crippled by Nalan Xiner last time, her muscles and bones have not recovered yet, she is weak and weak.

Lan Zijun prefers this one, and his dark face finally revealed a sneer: “Okay, I like to bully the disabled…”

The two played the role of making each other’s heartbeats unscrupulously. The servants saw this situation and silently retired.

Leave them room to continue to toss.


The next morning, when Nalan Xiner entered the school gate, she felt different from before.

“Xiao Wu, why does the school distribute so many flyers?”

She frowned slightly, and saw several juniors and seniors, holding colorful flyers, diligently sending them to students and teachers on the way from the school gate to the teaching building.

He Xiaowu went up to grab two and brought them back, and showed them to her, with an excited smile on her face: “Wow, Xiner, you are famous!”

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