One Night Lovely Wife $5.50: Overwhelming Black Belly Husband Chapter 245: Open a bunch of “cat **** black”

Chen Xueshu asked worriedly: “Xin Er, if that person really gave out tens of millions of gems, would you really want to go with them?”

Nalan Xiner smiled slyly: “What do you think?”

He Xiaowu rolled her eyes: “Hey, Chen Xueshu, please don’t ask any questions about nutrition in the future. Needless to say? When did we Xiner suffer? I think those people will be punished by Xiner. It’s dead!”

Chen Xueshu was still worried and cautiously said: “But… these people are professional in the jade business, they are so experienced, in case…”

What if Xiner loses?

Should he help Xiner find an escape route in advance?

Hey, Xiner came to gamble on stones tonight, is there any important thing? This situation is too complicated, if he asks his opinion, he really doesn’t want to let her stay for a long time.

But in the next second, Nalan Xiner said firmly: “There is no case. I am 100% sure that the most valuable stone tonight will not be recognized by them!”

Under the mask, her little face was slightly raised, revealing an aura of abandoning me.

Certainly, confidently!

Her self-confidence is not arrogance and arrogance without reason, but there are plenty of reasons to support her.

Because, as soon as the wool material was placed, she sensed a strong message!

It’s like being able to sense malachite veins on the top of Jingyun Temple, which makes people’s blood boil.

That feeling, which can’t be described in any words, can’t even be described clearly, it just came out from the bottom of my heart, and then the flow of information stirred in her mind strongly, in that flow of information, she clearly felt In each stone, is there a sparkling gem, how big is it, what color, what texture.


Even if she doesn’t fully understand the types and grades of gems, this information is enough for her to tell whether a certain piece of wool can produce gems!

I can’t help but secretly decide that when I go back at night, I must find a book on jade identification in the watch space and study it carefully. In this way, she will be able to bet every chance of success in the future!

Thinking about it, I heard a commotion in front of me.

It turned out to be the 1 million stone that the man in the white suit bought just now, and it has been gradually cut.

With the rumble of a professional cutting machine, the intact wool is divided in two, and the ingredients inside are completely exposed to everyone’s field of vision.

“I’m going! – I thought it was something good, but it turned out to be a ‘cat **** black’!”

“Alas, young people, just love impulses, are they dumbfounded?”

“That’s Zhang Kaiyu, the son of Zhang Kaiyu of the Imperial Jade Firm. Logically speaking, he’s not that bad, right?”

“You didn’t listen to the fact that he was angry with the woman just now to open the stone. This person, when he takes the lead, is going to be stupid!”

Everyone whispered, watching Kaiyu Zhang’s joke.

Zhang Kaiyu blushed as she stared at the stone she had bought. Although the strap was green, after cutting it open, she found that the thin green strap was only floating on the surface. Dull emerald, but covered with black spots like cat shit.

Commonly known as “cat **** black”!

No one would buy this kind of jade, even if it were placed in the lowest-level store!

It can be said that 100 yuan is not worth it!

His one million dollars just went to waste.

Gambling stones is so cruel.

The little goblin wearing a mask just now, was still behind him with a low smile: “Master Zhang, this is what you said just now, can you open the most awesome gem in the audience? Oops, what’s up with the Lun family? I don’t know, when did ‘cat **** black’ become a powerful myth in the jade world?”

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