Python Rebirth on Survival Island: Five hundred and seventy-eight battles are tragic and Ye Bei is coming


In the universe, the battle continues.

With the death of a large number of mutant beasts, ‘Chun’ took the lead, and an angry roar erupted from his mouth.


At the same time, countless mechanical beings have also analyzed that the position occupied by ‘Chun’ in this team should be the commander, so they locked it unceremoniously.

Most of the attacking weapons were shot towards the ‘Spring’.

But the body of ‘Chun’ is extremely flexible.

Keep avoiding…

But he is still attacked from time to time, and his flesh is blurred…but, even so, ‘Chun’ did not flinch.

Click, click…

Any mechanical beings approached by him have almost no resistance, and are swallowed up in an instant.

Obtaining the energy of mechanical life and the source of fire, her **** body began to recover quickly…

This tenacious and crazy fighting style shocked countless mechanical beings.

You know, even those mechanical beings, who can’t feel the pain, don’t dare to attack like this… Once their bodies are damaged, they will immediately enter the debris space to repair and maintain the best state to fight. of.


With the lead of ‘Spring’, the creatures of the Snake Clan civilization are all brave and unafraid.



“Eat them… If you want to evolve stronger, devour more sources of fire.”

“Go on! They’re all food…”

Of course, it’s not that they are really brave, but that they are eager to evolve and hunger for food…

Those mechanical creatures are delicious food for these mutant beasts.

First come first served…

You can devour as much as you can.

For the sake of evolution, for the sake of food… Even if they die, they have no complaints, especially with their current wisdom and independent thinking, they all understand very well that if they cannot become stronger, they will The snake clan civilization stands out, and will only become an ordinary creature in the future, which is something that no creature wants to see.


Nowadays, if you want to raise your level in the civilization of the Snake Race, it is very simple. You just need to swallow and evolve!

Faced with the countless food in front of them, these mutant beasts are not crazy, that is strange!

bang bang bang…

For a while, the battle in the universe became more intense.

Even in the face of the army of mechanical beings that are constantly coming, the creatures of the snake civilization did not flinch, as if they were red-eyed… The most terrifying thing is that the metal planet soon discovered anomalies. , As the two sides continue to die tragically, the more you go to the back, the more you want to kill a creature of the snake civilization, the more difficult it becomes.

“Don’t be devoured by those creatures again. Your energy can replenish their bodies and promote their evolution… Anyone who is injured, hid in space debris for repair! Anything that is about to be swallowed, Immediately blow yourself up!”

Metal Planet couldn’t sit still, ordering frantically.


His command has no effect at all.


When ‘Chun’ bites a mechanical being, that being is about to explode!

It was just that his self-destruction had just started, and he was swallowed up by ‘Chun’ in one bite… There was no time at all.

Furthermore, because of this order from Metal Planet, countless mechanical beings do not need the creatures of the Snake Clan civilization to do anything. As long as they feel a certain threat, they will take the initiative to open the self-destruction mode…

Boom boom boom!

In the universe, the sound of explosions continues.


The end result is not what Metal Planet imagined.

Although the life of the machine race exploded, the energy they generated is still spreading wildly in the universe!

And the creatures of the snake clan civilization even swallowed those energies so unceremoniously…

“It’s useless! The more we fight, the more powerful the creatures of our civilization become. Although there are many of you, we will definitely win in the end… If we fight like this, it won’t take long for me to even be born at level 15. A sixteenth-level lifeform, do you think you can still resist…” Ye Bei squinted his eyes and scanned the spiritual field, his voice cold.

It is undeniable that Ye Bei’s words are true.

The metal planet has been observing, and he also came to this conclusion…

“Don’t be too happy, our mechanic won’t only have this strength…” However, the next moment, Metal Planet not only didn’t give in, but burst into tears.


In the depths of the universe, the original mutant beasts were devouring wildly and fighting frantically.

In an instant, things changed dramatically.

Ye Bei can even clearly see that in the universe, the energy lines connecting the metal planets on those mechanical beings have added a terrifying energy in vain.

Then, more than one trillion mechanical beings gathered in the universe, their bodies seemed to be pulled by some mysterious force, and the universe exploded madly!

Even those fire sources exploded with it!


Boom boom boom!

More than a trillion mechanical races exploded, how vast is this scene?

Anyway, the mutant beasts around were all stunned!

“What is this doing?”

This abnormal situation makes Ye Bei even a little puzzled…

But soon, Ye Bei’s eyes widened, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

As expected, when all the mechanical races exploded, thick metal elements spread everywhere in the universe…

Those metal elements, like human cells, are invisible to the naked eye.

And under Ye Bei’s spiritual field…

But it can be observed very In that universe, those metal cells, each one is like a sharp needle… In addition to the control of the source of fire, they also have a certain consciousness, all of them are right Ready for mutant beasts!

“Big trouble!”

After seeing this, Ye Bei immediately knew that he was in big trouble.

Once these mechanical cells are fully activated, all the snake race civilization creatures will turn into blood fog… He never thought that the mechanical planet would come up with such an attack method.

Turn all the mechanical beings into nano-robots, and directly tear up all the biological cells. No matter how strong they are, they cannot survive. Even Ye Bei feels a little helpless with this attack method.

“‘Chun!’ Don’t go any further, immediately let everyone hide in the space debris, their leader personally shot, I will come too!” Immediately, Ye Bei said to the star field through the spiritual power field.

Originally, ‘Spring’, and the mutant beasts, were still a little confused when they discovered that all the life of the machine race had exploded, but after hearing Ye Bei’s words, they instantly understood the seriousness of the problem and dared not With the slightest hesitation, he quickly drilled into the space fragment.

Chi Chi…

And just as they drilled into the space debris, the metal star field, the edge, a twisted black hole was rapidly forming!

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