Python Rebirth on Survival Island: Five hundred and thirty-eight 1 bombardment and despair

“How is this possible?”

After seeing the Zombie battleship coming out, Jiaolong was stunned, and at the same time, his heart was extremely frightened.

Because of this battleship, he clearly knows it!

Colorful metal warships.

These metals are all made of the strongest metals in the higher universe, and are driven by the purest water source. Even in the higher universe, they are very powerful weapons.

Even several of these weapons can pose a threat to his Jiaolong.

“Why does this kind of battleship appear here? Could it be that they are here?”

After seeing the battleship and reacting a little, Jiaolong’s eyes were full of fear, and he even wanted to jump directly into space to escape.

However, at this time, those three-body beings did not realize the horror of the battleship.

On the contrary, when the battleship came out, the three-body beings, almost without exception, began to ridicule wildly.

“Hahaha, is that monster an idiot, just want to deal with the dragon after creating a battleship?”

“Using hot weapons? Childish.”

“This battleship looks really powerful… However, after all, it’s just a pile of metal. The Jiaolong can smash the space with a random roar. I estimate that this battleship can’t resist for a second.”

“It seems that the monster was frightened.”

Almost all the three-body beings are mocking…

However, when those mutant beasts saw the battleship, their eyes lit up.

Before they saw the power of the battleship several times…

“Wang, it’s real!”

“What is this for?”

“It’s terrible…”


“Did you see that, the Jiaolong seemed to be petrified.”

The mutant beasts are full of confidence.

As for Ye Bei at this moment, he is standing in the control room of the Zombie battleship.

The 3D stereoscopic projection of the color scale, right next to Ye Bei.

With the change of Ye Bei’s appearance, Cailin’s body has also undergone tremendous changes… The length of the body, the joints, as well as the eyes and nose, are all in the most perfect state.

However, Ye Bei couldn’t appreciate it at all.

After all, in his bones, human memory cannot really be spent.

“Master, do you want to continue to attack the dragon?”

As soon as Cailin appeared, she asked directly, her voice carried a certain emotion, not that kind of mechanical.

“Zombie God, can we defeat the dragon?”

Ye Bei squinted his eyes, the Snake God is Ye Bei’s biggest support.

“Of course… Zombies, but it is a high-level battleship. Although the Flood Dragon’s biological level is powerful, it will definitely lose in the face of an attack from this kind of battleship…” Cailin was confident.

After hearing this answer, Ye Bei breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that this battleship is really a terrible thing…

The things opened in the diamond treasure chest are really powerful.

“Then… smash him directly, this guy is very difficult to deal with!”

Ye Bei didn’t hesitate, spitting out a letter, and the cold voice commanded, he wanted to watch the dragon die with his own eyes.

“Yes! Master!”

Colorscale replied.


The battleship Zombie was suspended in the void. When the order was issued, a large number of artillery turrets appeared on the body of the battleship.

If you count them down, the number of turrets exceeds a thousand.

And inside each fort, there is a sizzling sound, and the extremely terrifying energy is compressed in it…

The battleship uses pure water.

Hydrogen ions and oxygen ions collide frantically, burn, and become water again, and then continue to repeat this change… In one second, this transformation has reached hundreds of millions of times.


Soon, in front of those turrets, all the white light **** appeared.

In that ball of light, there are flashes of fire and lightning…

When it appeared, the space around it all turned into powder, becoming a black hole that devoured everything.

“Not good!”

“What weapon is this? Never seen one before!”

“Just in the state of energy storage, the space can be destroyed? So many small black holes are created out of thin air… How much energy does this need? This warship does not seem to be an ordinary warship.”

“I have an uneasy feeling!”

“If the ball of light hits me, I guess… I will definitely die.”

Those three-body beings who were wanton ridiculing were all stunned at this moment. On the surface of their bodies, countless characters were beating wildly, and their voices were filled with unprecedented fear.

And the Flood Dragon was even more frightened and his body trembled.

Full body blue light…

When facing the Zombie battleship, it was unable to use the slightest strength and attack methods.

The eyes were wide and bloodshot, and the body couldn’t help but retreat.

“Damn, this guy is not a creature in this universe at all… Could it be possible to get this kind of battleship from a higher universe? From the beginning, he was pretending?”

Jiaolong thought of a very scary thing.


After thinking about this, he didn’t dare to stay any longer when he saw the devastating white energy ball.

Whoosh whoosh…

A large number of whirlpools immediately appeared around his body, and he wanted to get straight into it and escape.

“You bastard, you’re hiding deep enough. If there’s a chance in the future, I’ll definitely kill you.”

Before running, the guy growled.

Those voices are mixed with powerful sound waves and mental power fluctuations…

Whether it’s the three-body beings or the mutant beasts, all of them can be heard clearly.

It’s just that at this moment, the three-body beings are all stunned.

“Isn’t this Jiaolong trying to escape?”

“What does this mean?”

“A chance later?”

“What’s the monster hiding?”

Countless questions arise from the beings of the Trisolarans.


At this moment, Ye Bei, who was in the control room of the Zombie Battleship, heard that, but his eyes became even colder.

“Cai Lin, that guy can jump directly into space, or even hide in space debris, are you sure these weapons can kill him?” Ye Bei asked of course! The weapon this time is called the Space Fragmentation Cannon. The huge amount of energy in it can shatter a space of about one square meter into billions of pieces… It is countless times smaller than ashes, and this kind of attack can Instantly destroy space debris, as long as the target is locked, even space jumping is useless. “

Colorscale is extremely confident.

Hearing this answer, Ye Bei suddenly felt relieved…


Energy storage is very fast.

When the energy of those light **** reached their peak, they violently blasted towards the direction of the dragon.


A loud noise vibrates throughout the universe.

Jiaolong originally wanted to jump in space to escape, but it was still too slow. When the **** of light hit it, his extremely sturdy body exploded on the spot, turning into a **** fog… At the last moment, Those eyes were full of despair.

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