Python Rebirth on Survival Island: One thought between a scientist and a madman

District 51 is not very big…

The number of scientists inside is not very large. Hunting Ω text Ω network WWW. “Lie Wen. Cc

However, not everyone knows what happens in the outside world…

As the great scientists in history, many people still carry out research and discovery ten years after they have had a lot of life. Take Einstein and Edison as examples.

“Huh? What’s the matter, is it really old? There is an inexplicable voice in my mind, is this an illusion?”

Edison held a piece of black metal in his hand, with electric lights flashing on it, but the electricity did no harm to his body… When a voice suddenly appeared in his mind, the guy was slow to respond, and it took a long time to slowly raise his head, in the room After shooting around for more than ten seconds, this sentence came thoughtfully.


After hearing the sound, Einstein’s legs softened, and he fell to the ground with a thud.

Hands sign a cross on his chest.

His eyes are full of devotion.

“God! It must be a manifestation of God… Only God can transmit his voice into human consciousness! After so many years of living, I finally have the opportunity to face God, it’s great, it’s great Oh… God! Please hold me to complete this research… God, please tell me, is there a degree of transcendence in this world!!”

Some of these voices came out of the mouth almost crazy. Compared with his appearance, the scene was extremely funny.

Fortunately, there is no one else in the room, otherwise, seeing Einstein like this will definitely be messy in the wind.

However, looking at it another way…

Einstein himself was a theist and also believed in Christianity…

It is understandable to be able to say such a thing.

Wah la la…

Except for them, most of the scientists reacted normally, they all rushed out of the research institute and stood on the street of District 51.

“Did you hear the sound just now?”

“As if someone was talking…”

“I heard a very strange sound, but I was doing the experiment and didn’t understand what it was about.”

“Damn it! I seem to have found something amazing.”

“Who the **** is it, get me out!”

Those scientists who didn’t know the mutant beasts were coming, shouted one by one while standing on the street.

In addition to the weapons department, there were also a lot of people around.

Among them is Turing, the father of computing.

“The mutant beast has entered the fifty-one district, Your Excellency, you must find a way!”

“Damn, he’s threatening us.”

“Mayor, come out!”

“Tony, Trinina…you come out too.”

Scientists who knew the truth had bloodshot eyes in their eyes and looked very excited.


After Ye Bei entered Area 51, his body fell steadily, and then moved quickly here.

Seeing the reactions of those scientists, Ye Bei couldn’t help but feel a little funny: “Einstein, Edison… These two guys are really calm! They say that every scientist is an extremely crazy guy… …but from now on, they are no different from ordinary humans, but their courage is commendable!”


Ye Bei’s voice fell.

The body turns into a silver-white shadow.

Ten seconds later…

Ye Bei’s figure appeared directly on the widest street in District 51.

The streets are full of people!


Originally, the voices of these people were constantly in their mouths, but at the moment when they saw Ye Bei, everyone closed their mouths unconsciously, and when they looked at Ye Bei, their eyes were not fear, but constantly clean.

In this situation, Ye Bei was quite surprised.

There must be someone who knows who they are, and they don’t even have a look of fear?

“Silver-white snake, what species is this, it seems to have a layer of metal armor on it, a creature I’ve never seen before… Could it be this guy who spoke just now? This is the legendary mutant beast ?”

Breaking the silence first, it was a pale old man who said these words.

His eyes are full of light…

When I was talking, I don’t know where the courage came from, and my body trembled slightly and took the initiative to walk in the direction of Ye Bei.

And this old man Ye Bei can see who it is at a glance…

It was Darwin who had been wrangling with Newton before! !

“It’s really him? The body can grow bigger or smaller at will… Ignore the mass, so after getting bigger, will the density become smaller?”

Newton couldn’t hold it anymore, he said, and walked towards Ye Bei.

“Excuse me monster, can you fly?”

“That…can I draw some blood for research?”

“Incredible guy, I have an IQ test here so I can test it for you? I’m really curious about your IQ level!”

“By the way, monster, can your body be immune to toxins? Doesn’t that mean that AIDS can also be overcome?”

With Darwin and Newton taking the lead, the surrounding scientists all seemed to be crazy, and gathered around Ye Bei, shouting constantly.

The fear in his eyes is filled with excitement and curiosity.

It’s no wonder that every scientist is a veritable lunatic… These guys really surprised me!

Ye Bei slowed down!

He doesn’t have any good feelings for humans, but when he came here and saw these guys, he actually felt that there were actually some cute guys in this world… at least these people in front of him.

However, Ye Bei will never forget his main purpose of coming here.

“Everyone…I can understand your curiosity! But I’m sorry, from now on, all of you will do things for me, and then I will give you enough opportunities and time to do what you want things.”


Ye Bei spit out a letter.

This time there is no psychic power to transmit the sound.

When he opened his mouth hoarse, but extremely standard English, came out of his mouth fluently.

Wah la la…

The voice falls.

These scientists are once again shocked.

Some famous biologists, with wide-eyed eyes and wide-open mouths, seem to be swallowing Ye Bei alive… Ye Bei’s appearance has subverted the knowledge in their minds again, and they can’t wait to rush up immediately. Research on Ye Bei.

However, just as the scientists’ eyes were glowing with green light, a slightly dissonant voice suddenly came from far away from the street.

“The king of mutant beasts… We are humans, and you are beasts! Do you think it’s possible to let humans do things for your beasts?”

His voice trembles, with anger.


The next second, the scientists on the street, as well as Ye Bei, all looked at the source of the sound.

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