Python Rebirth on Survival Island: Three hundred and twenty-nine human doomsday expedition plan

When Huaxia officially announced authoritative news.

At this moment, the entire country, more than 80% of the human race, all stopped.

Someone is sitting in front of the TV.

Someone is sitting in front of the computer.

There are even some people who stop by the advertising TV when they are rushing to buy things in the supermarket.

On the street, those passersby who were walking in a hurry also stopped, staring at their mobile phones with wide eyes.

“Everyone, before the announcement, now I must tell you this news with a very heavy heart… Just eight days ago, Donghai City was infected by an unknown virus, all beasts, plants, including humans, all There have been mutations, but with the efforts of our military, the entire city has been successfully blocked to ensure that no virus will spread.”

When he said this, the man in the military uniform paused for a moment.

Many ordinary citizens listened with a relaxed expression on their faces, knowing that they were safe. This is a happy thing for most citizens… But there are also some people with relatively high IQs who are very happy about this. I don’t believe it at all.

The entire Donghai City is mutated and blocked?

Don’t be kidding… It is absolutely impossible for Huaxia Kingdom to react so quickly and have such power.

If it was a virus, why was there no news eight days ago? Why not notify the whole country to prevent…?

In short, there are too many doubts.

And on the TV, the man in the military uniform continued: “In other words, the entire Donghai City has now become a city of doomsday. Like many novels and movies, it is like **** inside, but there are countless strong According to the information we have, there is even a strange evolutionary medicine that can make any creature stronger and smarter in a short time…”

“Humans are the masters of the earth, and this will never change!”

“On behalf of the country, I express my deep condolences for what happened to Donghai City, but those who survive must shoulder the responsibility and find new hope in the disaster. If someone can really get the mutant beasts in Donghai City. The government is willing to pay a high price for meat, or the skin of the body! If it is a sinful body and can come out of it alive, the government will also pardon it.”

“We encourage people to take risks, but we also warn you that there are dangers involved.”

The men in uniform spoke a lot.

But when he’s done talking, it can probably be summed up in the following points.

First: Donghai City did have an accident, and now there are a large number of mutant beasts, even humans.

Second: There is a brand new way of making money in front of you. Entering Donghai City, obtaining what the government calls mutant beast resources, in exchange for a lot of wealth, so that you can step into the sky and enter the upper class directly.

Third: Anyone who has committed a crime can be forgiven if they can go to Donghai City and come back alive!

Fourth: Although there is a disaster in Donghai City, there are endless opportunities and even evolution potions. As long as you are strong enough, you can become stronger after entering!

Fifth: Donghai City has become a world of doomsday, a city of doomsday. There was no hope of living for all humans who stayed in it before, but the economy of Huaxia Kingdom will not be affected, because there are a large number of mutant beasts. become a new hard currency.

Sixth: People who enter and come out will not necessarily mutate. Some organisms will produce antibodies to viruses, commonly known as evolution. Just like in many doomsday novels, it is also possible to become superhuman.

When the soldier’s ‘speech’ ended, some netizens with relatively high IQs summed up these six points immediately.

Many people didn’t understand it at first.

However, with the emergence of these resolutions, the Internet has become more and more detonated…

Hangzhou, in a small bungalow.

Three men with vicious looks sat quietly on chairs and smoked.

After a long time, one of the men with a scar on his cheek snuffed out the cigarette at the corner of his mouth, his voice hoarse, but very determined: “Brothers, we have all killed people… If we are caught, it is Death penalty! You have all read the news just now. If you go to Donghai City and come back alive, you may not only have more powerful power, but also be pardoned by the state. If you’re not afraid of death, let’s all be together…”

The two men next to each other looked at each other.

“I’ve already killed everyone, what else is there to dare?”

“Count me in, **** acridine!”

The three hit it off immediately, and then quickly found tools, and rode the night directly towards Donghai City.

Study at a high school around Donghai City.

At this moment, a boy stood on the classroom podium with excitement and said: “Classmates, the end is coming, have you read the novel? Those super strong, those protagonists, what they do every day is to go to Brush dungeons in dangerous places, then encounter adventures, get the power of evolution, magic weapons, and become stronger. I used to think that such things could only appear in novels, but now it is different, and the opportunity is in front of us, Let’s go to Donghai City to explore together, kill mutant beasts, gain powerful power, and become the protagonists of the times. When we come back, we are all heroes and superhumans…”

When he said this, the student’s face turned red, not to mention how excited he was. It was obvious that this guy was ill and had read too many novels.

The students in the classroom haven’t noticed it yet.

“Haha, kill the mutant beasts.”

“I’m going too…”

“Take me one.”

“Let’s form a team. At this time, the sooner you go, the better.”

The students booed.

Criminals, students, migrant workers, teachers, white-collar workers, roadside vendors, urban management teams… After the TV broadcast, the entire Huaxia Kingdom began to be popular with expedition teams. Countless human beings who could not find hope in their own cities, Flocked to Donghai City.

In this regard, the Chinese military even let Moment Satellite monitor it.

From what the satellite shows…

In the next few days the entire Huaxia Kingdom seems to have started a migration frenzy, and there are countless human beings.

The most frightening thing is that when these people went to Donghai City, they didn’t notice any crisis at all, but everyone’s face was full of excitement, excitement, anticipation…

Meanwhile, Donghae City!

“Wang, a large number of humans began to move around, but they were all blocked by living trees. According to the information we got, the humans took action, but their actions were very stupid.”

The blood moon crawled beside Ye Bei and said respectfully.

When the Blood Moon returned, he was in charge of observing the entire mutant birds at high altitudes in Donghai City. Once he found valuable information, he would report it to Ye Bei. Of course, if he found any plane passing by, he would Unceremonious attack.

“Oh?…That’s good, let’s start the next plan directly.”

Ye Bei narrowed his eyes and his voice was light.

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