Python Rebirth on Survival Island: One hundred and twenty-one white treasure chests


On the sea, the wind was blowing, and the huge waves were still beating. ㈧Ω『┡㈠中文网』⒈

After the warship was destroyed, the dark clouds in the sky, which were originally black, showed signs of dispersing at this time, and the rainstorm slowly stopped.

In the dark clouds, there is also a gap.

As if being torn apart alive by a pair of huge hands.

The dazzling sunlight shone down from the gap, impartially, and all fell on Ye Bei.

The gray-black body looks like a scaly body under the sunlight, but the reflected light is golden yellow.

Holy Holy Spirit!



The mutant beasts on the experimental island looked at Ye Bei from a distance. Before they knew it, there was no more fear in their eyes. Instead, they were all surrendered and revered.

“King! So powerful!”

“It’s crazy…I feel that the day of our snake clan’s rise has come.”

“Snake race, alien beasts, all must rise!”

“Those **** humans, I will eat them head to head, under the king’s leadership.”


With letters in the mouth, after the victory of the war, although the sacrifices were heavy, everyone was full of hope for the future.

As for Ye Bei.

When moving towards the Experiment Island, focus on the treasure chest.

The White Treasure Chest opens.

However, this dazzling light can only be seen by Ye Bei himself.

The white treasure chest slowly opened.

Because he had opened the treasure chest once before, this time, Ye Bei became more curious about the contents inside.

Eyes go wide.

Chi Chi…

The letter in my mouth keeps coming.


Only, when all the treasure chests were opened, Ye Bei was slightly taken aback by the contents.

It’s not like there was an unremarkable bag before.

In the current white treasure chest, there is only a hazy halo, and there is no real object. Anyway, Ye Bei has no idea what is inside.

“System, what is this halo?”

Xinzi spat out, Ye Bei instinctively felt that the halo was not simple, and his body set off a long white wave on the sea.

“Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a special gift of a white treasure chest!”


Specially bestowed abilities?

Although Ye Bei’s wisdom is very good, when faced with this kind of answer, it is inevitable that he will be confused.


There is a lot of curiosity in the excited voice.

“As the name suggests, the special gift ability is actually the name of an ability! If it is used, as long as the host swallows this halo, the host can bestow on all creatures within the host’s domain. Ability! But beyond the scope of the field, the ability will be invalid.”

The sound of the system is cold.


After hearing this answer, Ye Bei’s eyes suddenly lit up.


With the letter in his mouth, he took a deep breath.

After understanding, his heartbeat increased…

This ability** ah, it is no worse than the Qiankun bag!

Special gifted ability… That is to say, if you open the domain yourself and put all the snakes in the domain, you can give all the pythons the ability to breathe fire, or the ability to move freely underwater!

With this ability, the strength of the entire snake clan army, and even the entire mutant beast group, has increased hundreds of times as a whole.

“Not bad! As expected, it’s something from the treasure chest!”


When he was speaking, Ye Bei suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed the halo with the white treasure chest in one mouthful.

After the magical halo entered Ye Bei’s mouth, it immediately turned into a wonderful energy and flowed in his body.

Then, Ye Bei discovered a magical ability in his mind, which seemed to be a halo, and a large number of tentacles were continuously stretched out from it. As long as Ye Bei was willing, those tentacles would spread like crazy. Come out, connect with the creatures in the realm, and grant them great power.


The body continues to move towards the experimental island.

Power Granted!

After obtaining this ability, it directly changed Ye Bei’s plan.

The experimental island has been destroyed by bombs… Next, it’s time to leave this place.

The outside world is amazing.



Ye Bei returned to the beach of the experimental island, and his body more than 100 meters long emerged from the sea.

The snake clan, the mutant lions, and the surviving mutant beasts all focused on Ye Bei.

As for this island, there were quite a few surviving mercenaries before, running towards the beach, wanting to return to the ship, and then escape… When Ye Bei devoured the top of the mercenary organization just now, those humans, All are dead, not a single one has survived.


Huge body, making waves.

Standing on the beach, the terrifying aura emanating from his body made all the mutant beasts surrender in their hearts.

“The King!”

“Sorry King! We didn’t guard the experimental island!”

“…King! It’s all our fault.”

“Please punish the king.”

Wang Wen, Spring Flowers and Autumn Moon, nine pythons looking for fun, feeling the terrifying aura on Ye Bei’s body, they couldn’t help trembling.

When Ye Bei left, he clearly told them to prevent humans from boarding the experimental island.

But now, humans have not only come up, but also killed countless mutant beasts!

Although the experimental island won in the end, the price paid was too great…


Hearing such a voice, Ye Bei just spit out a letter, but did not speak immediately.

Spiritual power is turned on three times.

The field encloses the entire 30-kilometer-diameter area around the beach.

Human corpse.

The corpses of mutant beasts.

All the broken limbs soaked in the rain were clearly presented in front of Ye Bei.


However, Ye Bei soon turned his attention away from the corpses and focused on the mutant beasts still alive on the beach.

The group of reticulated pythons, still alive, has a total of 1oo3.

Blood python, there are 8.

With such a big disturbance this time, none of the snakes died… The result made him, Ye Bei, quite satisfied.

But the mutated lions are much more miserable.

The golden lions are all scarred and bloody. There were originally 53 mutant lions, but now there are only 31 left, and each of them has terrible scars, plus rain Soaked, the smell of blood continued to emanate from them.

The worst thing is the mutant beasts on this island.

At the beginning, there were tens of thousands of mutant beasts, and now standing on the beach, there are only 3876 still alive.

Even some mutant birds lost a lot under the attack of artillery fire.


After roughly analyzing the situation on the experimental island, Ye Bei took a deep breath.

Roar! !

Then, a terrifying roar burst out from his mouth: “Humans! Disregarding our lives and wanton massacres, this must not be the case! Although these mercenaries have all died, their bases are still there. , Next, let’s go to the mercenary base together…kill them all!”

The voice is cold.

Murderous! ! ! (To be continued.)

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