Python Rebirth on Survival Island: The 70-year-old father is going to have a big fight


The waves were constantly surging, and under the driving force of the boat, there was a clattering sound.

The two ships are huge.

When driving at sea, it is difficult not to expose the target.

Emerson, Dodge… just one of these mercenaries.

Most of the other one hundred and eighteen mercenaries were standing on the deck, or holding binoculars, or squinting or wide-eyed, watching the green small slowly appearing ahead. point.

The small dot is slowly getting bigger.

It was an island…

There are dense trees and forests all over it, one after another. From the outside, I just think the scenery here is very beautiful. It is definitely a holiday destination that humans yearn for.

But now… these mercenaries have completely different ideas.

It looks like a fairyland, an experimental island like a paradise, and there seems to be an unprecedented danger hidden inside.

“This mission must not fail.”

A man in his 40s, with a pale head on the temples, looked in the direction of the experimental island, and when he spoke, he was murderous.

“If you are lucky, you can get the skin of a mutant tiger back! Tsk tsk, that thing, if you can get one, you will be rich.”

The person who said this was a woman, with her arms exposed and her muscles looking stronger than countless men.

“For wealth!”


“Kill them all for $10,000 each!”

“Everyone is ready… first kill a group, then catch them alive.”

“Killing beasts is also a five-s level. This is definitely a great gift prepared by the organization for us. Don’t miss it.”

The big ship is getting closer and closer to the experimental island.

Perhaps it was because of the 5S level mission that they felt a sense of oppression. When the distance was close enough, the mercenaries unscrupulously released their inner oppression and put them all away. transformed into killing intent.

One hundred and twenty people.

Quickly divide up the weapons…

Standing on the deck, howling excitedly.

Meanwhile, over there on the experimental island.

I heard Ye Bei’s words just now, and the birds that went to the sea to search for their targets have already flown back.


Back to the sky above the beasts, those birds kept making screeching chirps…

There is no communication between races by voice.

But it doesn’t affect their actions…

When dozens of sparrows, eagles, and seagulls screamed in the west direction, and kept pointing their wings there, the mutant beasts above the red area immediately understood the meaning.




After reacting, those beasts all opened their mouths and screamed.


Then, they gathered together at the fastest speed and rushed towards the west beach.

Under the flying of a large number of wild animals, the rotten leaves are churning…

In the forest, there was even a cloud of gray dust.

After these beasts recognize that humans are the enemy and cannot communicate with each other, it is difficult to change their determination. At this moment, all of them have only one idea, rushing to the west beach, as long as those humans dare to climb 6 When they got ashore, they killed them all without mercy, and according to Ye Bei’s order, they treated humans as food and contributed them to the terribly powerful Ye Bei in exchange for a short-term peace.

Very simple goal.

And the idea is very pure…

Although they are mutant beasts, these guys are the sharpest weapons if they are not used.

Chi Chi!

Just now, Ye Bei was just posing in the direction of the snake egg.

When those beasts rushed towards the west beach, Ye Bei knew that his plan had been completely completed.



According to Manuel, there are another 120 mercenaries, who must have landed on the west side of the beach.

“I’m really looking forward to it! When the time comes, those mercenaries will board the experimental island, each holding a large number of weapons, only to find that they have been surrounded by a large number of mutant beasts, even escaping. I don’t have a chance, so I don’t know what to think.”

Chi Chi!

In Ye Bei’s mouth, scarlet letters kept spitting out.

When he said this, Ye Bei immediately restrained all his breath.

There is a system to help.

Ye Bei, who hides his breath, even if he slowly appears behind a certain mutant beast, he will not be seen by them… The main thing is not to appear in their sight. This perfect way of hiding, For those beasts that rely on instinct, it is estimated to be the most deadly.


On the sea, two large ships ride the wind and waves, and the sound of clattering can be heard non-stop.

“Warning, warning! There is only one nautical mile away from the experimental island! Everyone, check your weapons. When the boat docks, please disembark as quickly as possible, and our boat will be docked on the shore. Anyone who catches prey can return and exchange for rewards. The money will go directly to the bank card designated by you. This task lasts for three days. The more prey you catch, the better! There is no limit to the number of exchanges. …”

As they approached the shore, two large ships rang out at the same time.

He is the general manager of the mercenary base, and it was transmitted by radio…

If you catch prey, you can exchange for cash!

Each prey can be assigned to a certain card.

The task time is three days…

These key information instantly made the 120 vigilant mercenaries excited.

Under the so-called reward, there must be a brave man!

When the benefits are enough… what if you risk your life?

At this moment they cheered, eyes full of light, as if they had seen countless bills waving at them.


The two large ships are still on their way.

Three minutes later.

The two large ships finally docked on the edge of the beach.

The dense forest that can’t be seen through, the beach is extremely clean, the golden sunshine is scattered on the beach, and the sky is blue!

The experimental island at this point in time has a beautiful and intoxicating environment.

“Come down!”

“Everyone hurry up!”

“Come on! Take your weapon…”

“Line up! Divide into six teams!”

“Damn! I’m going to have a big fight… everyone will kill with me later!!!”

These mercenaries are all well-trained. At this moment, they are not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful environment around them. All they have in their minds is money… They run faster than anyone else. Jumped off the boat immediately.

It’s just…

At this moment, when they were dreaming of hunting mutant beasts, they didn’t realize that right in front of them, in the bottomless forest, there were tens of thousands of pairs of eyes. stare at them! !


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