Python Rebirth on Survival Island: Sixty-four mercenaries shoot the mutant beasts

Experimental island, red area.

A large number of mutant beasts are hidden in it, and pairs of eyes full of killing intent are staring straight ahead.

These mutant beasts are divided into many teams according to different races.

However, no team is acting rashly.

After evolution…

Their IQ has also improved a lot.

He actually learned to take advantage of the situation, such as deliberately guiding humans in, then hiding, trying to rely on humans to attack Ye Bei…

Although to Ye Bei and the others, they are still animals.

For example, if humans are introduced here, if they don’t kill them, will wolves be brought into the house!

Also, do these humans really only deal with pythons?

After all, from the perspective of human beings… non-me races will be punished even if they are far away! Any mutant beast will become the target of their shooting.

These are all things that these mutant beasts have never thought of!

However, this tactic alone is enough to prove that they are different.

With wide eyes, hiding in the dark, watching these humans quietly, in order to survive in the future, they used their only IQ to the extreme.

Where the line of sight gathers, there are six humans with a large number of weapons.

“Buy it!”

“This is a swamp…not a blood pool!”

“My God, what happened here, the whole swamp is dyed red with blood?”

“Cracked meat, stench, blood, unbelievable.”

“The battle that took place here was several times more intense than that over there just now, and countless creatures died.”

“I always feel that there are countless pairs of eyes staring at us… Fortunately, it is daytime here.”

The six people walked into the swamp and looked at the situation inside. They were all shocked and exclaimed constantly, but…the last sentence came out of Mannier’s mouth. Everyone’s body trembled again.

Looking away from the swamp blood pool, the eyes of the six people all shot towards the surroundings.

As a mercenary.

Innate alertness is still there.

Especially…the feeling of being the prey and being targeted by the enemy can never go wrong.

While passing the situation back to the mercenary base, they looked at each other and communicated with each other. As for the terrifying situation at the scene, their spirit and will are being destroyed like never before.

“If those **** don’t come out, I’ll shoot them out! You guys stand back.”

Manuel’s voice is low.

The rocket launcher carried on the shoulder directly put a rocket.

Those mutant beasts, although possessing some IQ, know that humans are very powerful… After all, the mutant beasts here escaped from the laboratory at the beginning, but they still know too little about human weapons.

When Manuel was about to launch a rocket, almost all the beasts didn’t think about retreating.

And the distance is too far, their instincts can’t detect any danger…

“Yes, Captain!”


“Fast backward…”

The other five mercenaries quickly retreated. After they came to this forest, their team had the right to act on their own, and firing rockets was also within their power.

The five backed away.

Then, they all picked up the binoculars and searched for living creatures.

Chi Chi…

The bazooka ignites.

Chi Chi’s voice is ringing.


In the next instant, a silver-white light, accompanied by a burst of dazzling fire, and with a loud air explosion, erupted from Manuel’s shoulder.

Rockets carry a tremendous amount of momentum.

Manuel’s strong body took several steps back when launching the rocket.


The rocket was shot out, more than a thousand meters away, but the speed

Extremely fast, less than five seconds, the terrible explosion sounded.

The debris is flying.

The giant tree was blown to pieces.

Some mutant beasts that couldn’t escape, could not escape the explosion of this kind of rocket, and were blown up on the spot.


The sound of explosions resounded throughout the forest.

Standing behind Manuel, the mercenaries with binoculars, after the explosion sounded, they immediately discovered the abnormality.

“I see! Well, so many beasts.”

“It’s all in the distance! God…are we surrounded by them?”

“What’s the matter? A cannonball exploded?”

When he spoke, his voice trembled very much.

Those mutant beasts were planning to lead these humans to Ye Bei. How could they have thought that these people would directly use rockets?

After the explosion, many mutant beasts died, and they naturally wanted to explode.

A beast is a beast.

The flaws in the IQ level are their fatalities.


Without thinking about the consequences at all, this explosion directly made all the surrounding beasts rush out.

A giant mutant beast.

His eyes widened.


When surrounded in all directions, it gives people a feeling of despair.



At the same time, roars and roars continued from their mouths.

“Captain? They’re here!”

“What to do!”

“Take pictures and send them back to the base… There are still many monsters in this forest!”

“Buy! Can’t you see, this beast is different! It turns out… all of them are mutated.”

“Are we in the red zone?”

After observing that a large number of mutant beasts were surrounded, these mercenaries were all extremely nervous.

Under the threat of death and murderous aura, it is easy for human beings to burst into terrifying fighting After these mutant beasts appeared, the six mercenaries, including Manuel, did not dare to delay any longer. As the situation continued to pass to the headquarters of the mercenary base, he raised the submachine gun in his hand and started aiming.

da da da…

Seeing the mutant beasts getting closer, they fired unceremoniously.

In order to survive…they simply put the mission of the base aside, what to use anesthesia bombs, or what to capture a mutant beast, they have long forgotten all behind their heads, and now, their only idea is to use weapons to give these The mutant beasts threatened them greatly, causing them to retreat.


da da da…

The originally silent forest was shattered in vain by the fierce sound of weapons.

Far away!

Ye Bei’s huge body is entrenched on the broken stone. He has a strong mental power. He originally closed his eyes and carefully felt some changes in his body, but the fierce battle sound , which made him suddenly widen his eyes.

Chi Chi!

The scarlet letter spits out of its mouth.

“It looks like those mercenaries are here!”

When he said this, he was full of murderous aura… Since those people still dared to come over, Ye Bei definitely didn’t intend to let them go.

The next second, Ye Bei’s body also began to move! !

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