Sinmonger Chapter 5: Dance of the Butterfly (Part 2)


(please keep in mind)(please keep in mind) “Is it okay to give your back to the enemy… It seems that you don’t care if you die ugly. [~]” Duccio’s voice came clearly into Adolph and Jugash In Willy’s ears, the feeling was like a cool blade slipping gently across the skin of his throat.

Dhugashvili didn’t slow down or look back. He knew that only by desperately advancing would he have a chance to survive, and he also knew that Adolf had the same thoughts as him.

Their thinking is that since two people are fleeing at high speed in opposite directions, it is equivalent to each having a 50% chance of survival. Let you enzo. No matter how powerful Duccio is, it is impossible for him to appear in two places at the same time.

In this situation, the best time to make a move is actually the moment when the two of them just started to escape. If Duccio can kill one of them in an instant, then he can continue to chase the other one. Once this opportunity is missed, every step Adolf and Zhugashvili takes, and every meter they move, increases their chances of surviving by one point. .

This coincidental escape method happens to be the best choice at the moment. Because if they join forces to fight against Duccio, there is still a high probability of failure. After all, the two have been old enemies for many years, and they have grudges in their hearts. On weekdays, they want the other party to be killed by lightning when they go out.

And the two escaped separately, which would gradually increase the probability of one of them surviving. Now it depends on which one Duccio pursues. Naturally, the person being pursued will not wait to die. In time, another person can escape the clutches.

Unfortunately, things are not that simple.

Dhugashvili’s body is relatively heavy. This is inevitable after the mechanical transformation, so in the desert, his movements are somewhat blocked, and his soles step on the sand. will sink deeper than ordinary people. Therefore, his escape speed was a little slower than that of Adolf.

Duccio appeared in front of Zhugashvili almost effortlessly, he snorted in disdain and raised his finger slightly. Zhugashvili knew at a glance that the other party was probably using his abilities, but that’s the case. Without knowing the details of the enemy, he couldn’t take effective precautions.

Sure enough. Just a second later, a black hand suddenly stretched out from the sand and grabbed Zhugashvili’s ankle. The latter was shocked, but the reaction was also very fast. The five fingers of his right hand were joined together, but when he heard a “ding” sound, the gaps between his fingers were connected together. The knuckles were also deformed into a flat, narrow and long state, and the hand became a dull metal knife in a second, slashing towards the black hand protruding from the sand.

Duccio didn’t even care about him, when the black hand appeared. 【Ye*】【*】He disappeared from Zhugashvili’s sight and ran towards Adolf in the other direction.

Its body transforms into a dark shadow. Like thunder and lightning, faster than a galloping horse. When passing through the soft sand, he didn’t leave half a footprint. This kind of movement like floating in the air is not a man with crazy abilities walking in the air, but a movement technique that only consumes a little energy. It is really a god. Its skill.

Adolf couldn’t even feel the actual distance between the other party and him, but he could feel the breath of death as if something tangible was coming from behind, so he quickened his steps again and sprinted over, almost like A fast-moving human-shaped rocket, sending a blast of sand flying wherever it passed.

“Are you racing with me?” Duccio’s voice reached Adolf’s ears again.

When Adolf heard this sentence, the scene in his sight changed strangely, the sky and the earth began to rotate, upside down, a black butterfly stopped on the tip of his nose, only the wings of the butterfly, and his The line of sight remained the same and did not turn. When he understood what was going on, the head had already flown far in the air due to inertia.

Duccio didn’t use the Hidden Sword, he just pulled out a flying knife, held it at a certain height, and waited for the opponent to hit him, that’s all. Adolf didn’t even see how the other party ran in front of him.

“When I was thirteen years old, I ran faster than you are now.” Duccio walked towards Adolf’s head on the sand: “At that time, I was running on the roofs of the city and along the walls. , or running backwards on the ceiling, you may only fall at your speed.” He lifted Adolf’s head, looked at a face with slack and unresponsive, and said: “It’s useless to pretend to be dead, remember It is the result of your evil experiment that makes you suffer one more death than ordinary people at this moment.”

Adolf opened his eyes abruptly at this time, and he really was pretending to be dead. After realizing that he had been beheaded, he took the plan and thought that the other party would leave after the beheading. As long as Duccio left and persisted for a few more hours, reinforcements should come to him.

But at this moment, the other party has never been deceived by him for even a second, and he will make up for it when he talks.

In fact, this is also normal. Duccio even knows Zhugashvili’s transformation function, so how can he not know that n’s e-cell advanced receptors have a chance of surviving as long as they keep their brains.

“Ah… ka… ka…” Adolf tried hard to say something, but his vocal cord muscles and trachea were broken and he couldn’t say a word.

“Although you can’t make any expressions, I can see from your eyes that you are trying to save your life by begging. []” Duccio said coldly: “It’s a pity that I can’t treat you. Have the slightest pity. I believe that those who have been used in experiments by n and ry over the years have almost all begged you, many of them… how can I put it, and I can be regarded as the same people. And they What did the endless torture and deprivation of life get in the end? Two extreme and deformed powers?” He shook his head; “If this is the power you and that half-machine guy are after, Then you should also see that my power, without relying on any artificial physical transformation, is still far superior to yours.” He paused and continued: “I believe the existence of the underworld exists in a certain living being. In a universe you don’t know… please go there to repent, and may those who have been killed by you have their mourning subdued and their souls at peace.”

Duccio took out an incendiary bomb from his body as he spoke, and pulled the fuse and stuffed it into Adolf’s windpipe. “This uses a special thermite, which should be able to burn your head to the ground.” He threw Adolph’s head away as he spoke, and before it fell to the ground, it started to burn.

At this time. Duccio just turned around and walked in the opposite direction. He passed by Adolf’s corpse unhurriedly. On the corpse, many black butterflies were staying at the moment. They seemed to like to be close to those who were about to lose their lives or just lost their lives. creatures, I don’t know why.

On the other hand, Zhugashvili was completely shocked. He tried at least ten kinds of weapons and methods, but there was absolutely nothing he could do with that black hand, absolutely invulnerable to swords and fire.

And the most terrifying part is the black hand. Not from the sand at all, but from other planes. Zhugashvili’s feet had been blasted into a big hole by himself, and the surrounding sand had been blasted away. He thought that Duccio’s accomplices were hidden under the sand, but he didn’t expect it. After the explosion, I saw a floating black arm, behind the elbow, a twisted black hole, a shattered space crack. The black hand came from that unknown space.

One might ask why Zhugashvili, the mechanized man, didn’t just give up his legs. Cut it or remove it to escape. It’s very simple… It’s okay to break your leg, but you can’t run fast after it is broken.

Someone may have to ask again. As the director of ry, Zhugashvili can be said to be the Cadillac of the empire’s reformers. Could it be that he can’t fly if he breaks his leg? Yes, he can fly…about a kilometer or so, and then he has to come down.

The reason is very simple. Flying requires fuel or energy. Director Zhu doesn’t have much space for fuel in his body, and he doesn’t have the miniature sky-defying energy of the eternal core. After flying that one kilometer, he has to place an order. Jumping with one foot, considering its own weight, jumping on one foot must be a deep hole in one step, and it may not be as fast as crawling with hands.

At this moment, Zhugashvili really hoped that he was the legendary robot Astro Boy, the feeling of having the original energy in his body… 100,000 horsepower, seven divine powers… just what he needed at this moment.

Enzo. Duccio came back faster than he thought. When he came over, he saw Zhugashvili was hanging upside down in the air by his ankles being grabbed by a black hand from another face. There was a big pit, and there was a burning smell all over the body.

“It’s not hard to imagine that you have made a lot of effort to break free from this hand.” Duccio said: “But you can’t do anything about it. In fact, all you have to do…is wait…wait for it to die on its own. .”

“What the **** is this! What exactly is your ability?” Zhugashvili also knew that he was dying soon, and he really wanted to hear before he died, what the **** is this **** black hand.

“My ability is very simple, summon creatures from another world to our plane.” Duccio replied: “At paper level, I can only summon butterflies.” He laughed and teased himself: ” Now that I am a fierce-level power user, I can still only summon butterflies.” He said, moving his fingers again.

But seeing that the crack in the space where the black hand was located expanded, a whole black strange creature fell out of the crack. The whole picture of this thing is indescribable. The underside of the torso is a little alien. Its mouthparts are long and narrow, and its fangs are turned upside down. The black hand that sticks out turns out to be behind its head. With only such a hand, the real arms on both sides of this creature’s body are a pair of large black pincers.

The monster fell into the pit and dragged Zhugashvili down with him. The latter was so frightened that he finally decided to chop off his legs to stay away from this thing.

But when Zhugashvili rolled out of the pit and fell down several meters away, he took a closer look and saw that the monster was dying. Curled and curled.

“When these demon-like creatures are called to this world by me, they will be torn and lashed by the destructive power of time and space. When they enter the material world, they will freeze as they are now. For them, this kind of The change may be equivalent to suffocation.” When Duccio spoke, the monster was almost dead, and the corpse began to vaporize and die.

“I’ve tried to summon a lot of things, and it’s hard for you to appreciate the allure of that power, as if you could bring an entire invincible army of darkness into the world.” Duccio said: “I have I suspect that the place where these monsters are located is the underworld, but I don’t want to try to go through it, so I can’t confirm it. I call these black butterflies Nether Butterfly, Nether Butterfly… and the only one I can successfully bring to this world to come to a kind of Creatures.” Duccio gradually approached Zhugashvili, and there were more and more black butterflies around him for some reason, almost obscuring the nearby sky, “It’s just that they are almost useless in battle, Sometimes it is not properly controlled and my whereabouts are exposed.

Well…that’s what my ability is like. Just like I did, summoning high-level monsters, but only opening a small plane gap, is already the best way to use my ability when I was at the fierce level. . “

Hearing this, Zhugashvili understands that Duccio’s ability is basically useless, but this shows another problem, this guy is terrible enough with all his energy use and combat skills. .

“This explanation is quite clear, right?” Duccio accelerated suddenly, his body flashed, and the Hidden Blade pierced vertically above Zhugashvili’s head.

At this time, Zhugashvili was sitting on the ground. He only felt that the figure in front of him disappeared instantly. Almost at the same time, his Tianling cover was penetrated like this, and Duccio was standing behind him. .

Zhugashvili’s skull was reinforced with net alloy, and there was a special material inside. According to his tests, this skull was resistant to some psychic abilities. However, Duccio’s Hidden Blade with energy attached to it easily penetrated it and destroyed the fragile brain inside the skull.

Duccio confirmed that the opponent was dead before retracting the Hidden Sword. He took out a soft sword from his belt and shook it straight. With the sword in his wrist, several sharp edges swept past, and Zhugashvili’s body was dismembered into eight pieces.

Human flesh and organs begin to dry soon after being exposed to the desert Duccio used his sword to poke some away and found a fist-sized mechanical part, which he picked up and I took out the microcomputer from myself and connected it with the slot of this part. Soon, some data appeared on the display.

Duccio did some operations, deleted all the data left by Zhugashvili, and then added a recording to this part. Of course, the sound that appeared in the recording would be severely distorted and beyond repair sound quality.

“Dark clouds overwhelm the city, the grass and trees are all soldiers, the old and the new, the general trend.” Du Qiao strictly followed Tianyi’s request, explained the sixteen words word for word, and then put away his microcomputer, Taking this part to the transporter…

In the early morning of the next day, eas found the part that was supposed to be with Zhugashvili’s body in the cabin where the top armor plate was removed, and the message obtained from this part was in the first The next morning, it had been passed into Krause’s ears through remote communication.

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