Sinmonger Chapter 12: Holding

This floor has alloy steel plates on all sides, and the upper and lower floors should be completely soundproofed, so Feng Bu’er was quite puzzled when he heard the rapid vibration.

Is there an earthquake? As soon as Feng Buer had this thought, the shaking stopped. He took a deep breath, thankful it wasn’t a big earthquake, otherwise, with his current situation, he could only lift his pants and run out.

But what happened next was worse than the earthquake, but I saw fine cracks opened on the ceiling of the toilet. The cracks became denser and wider, and the scope gradually expanded, affecting the ceiling of five or six square meters. Then, under the strange tremor, this large piece of material that was supposed to be alloy steel was all shattered into powder, and suddenly collapsed like a biscuit that barely maintained its shape, and then fell from the sky without much impact when it landed. The sound, at most, is the sound of three or four cubic meters of iron powder being poured onto the ground.

There was iron dust in the bathroom. Although there was a door in the compartment where Feng Buer was sitting, the dust still poured in from the gap under the door, so much so that he covered his mouth and nose. , unable to open eyes.

From the gap above the cubicle, you can see that there is a large space in the middle of the ceiling, but Feng Bu’er’s vision is limited after all. Before he arrived, there were still two figures running down with a big box. I don’t understand what this is. These days, are the secret bases of the resistance organizations all scumbag projects? Where did the road engineering team get from? Is it too much? !

While Feng Buer was still considering whether to call someone under this predicament, the toilet he was sitting on flushed without warning. At the same time, an invisible force restrained him. neck.

The latch in the compartment moved on its own, and the door was opened. The consultant stood in front of the bare-ass Feng Buer, covering his mouth and nose with his sleeves and wearing accountant’s sunglasses, and said, “Don’t shout, it’s okay. Don’t try to resist, unless you have the protective energy of a fierce-level powerhouse that twists and collides with matter, or I move my finger and you will fall to the ground.”

Feng Buer looked directly at the consultant, his tone was calm and his face was not afraid: “It turns out to be an intruder, hum… No matter what your purpose is, even if you can temporarily stop me, but you don’t think that a person broke in like this. Is it tantamount to dying?”

“The guy with the **** on his butt, even put on a very arrogant look and said this kind of dialogue…” The consultant said: “Let’s not talk about this, are you blind? I am obviously two… “He turned his head, and he didn’t see the accountant, only the giant suitcase on the ground.

After searching again, I found the accountant lying on the corner of the house by the vomit pool where the mop was being washed, washing his face with the water from the traditional rotary faucet.

“What are you doing…”

“You suddenly stole my sunglasses, and iron powder got into my eyes.” The accountant replied, “It’s okay, just wash it.”

The consultant sighed and turned to Feng Buer: “I need to ask you a few questions. If you don’t cooperate, I will cut off some extra organs for you, understand?”

Feng Bu’er wasn’t afraid of advisors. If he hadn’t been caught off guard and controlled by others, he would have cleaned up the goods in front of him with one punch and one kick. At this moment, let’s cooperate with him first and wait for the opportunity.

“You ask.” Feng Buer replied.

The consultant said: “Your name, position.”

“Feng Buer, Minister of Internal Affairs of the Province.”

“How many people are there now on this floor?”

Feng Bu’er hesitated for a moment: “Hmph… It’s okay to tell you this, there are more than fifty people in total, twelve of them are purely responsible for the security work, you should understand without me telling you that they are the same as the others in the building. The security guards are different. Twelve people are all knights, and among the remaining people, there are also a few capable people. With the two of you, I am afraid it is difficult to retreat completely. I think it is better for you to capture at this moment…”

The consultant felt that everything was going to be nonsense, so he interrupted before he finished speaking: “Where is the computer room on this floor?”

Feng Bu’er didn’t answer. He seemed to notice something. He moved his eyes to the suitcase and asked, “What do you want to do?”

“Don’t ask me to ask a second time.” Before the consultant’s voice could finish, another piece of hair was missing from Feng Bu’er’s head.

“Near the southeast corner, room A9 is written on the door.” Feng Buer’s cold sweat was already seeping out.

“Do you still need to ask this kind of question? Of course we are here to invade the ‘Apostle System’, are we here to help you reinstall the system and kill a poison by the way?” The accountant washed his face, quite Wei said shyly: “The computer system on this floor should be completely separate from other floors.” He said to Feng Buer, “It’s no use pretending to be stupid, if the system is one, my dear fellow Lying on the sofa and using a laptop to blacken you all, we don’t have to come and run in person at all.”

Seeing that the accountant was very close to the door, the consultant immediately added: “Hey, don’t get carried away and go out. The monitoring equipment on this floor is also separate from the other floors. The toilet is the only dead spot, so you have to be extra careful when you go out. Be careful.”

“You know a lot.” Feng Buer’s tone became gloomy: “Even the low-level members of the Steel Commandment know nothing about the secrets of the Apostle System…”

The consultant smiled and said: “Why, do you think this is some kind of rare information? This technology was just sold to you cheaply by the Freedom Front more than 30 years ago. Unfortunately, it is the same as the ‘matrix’ they use themselves. In comparison, ‘Apostle’ is a beta version.

Of course, the only organizations on this planet that have this kind of independent system that has nothing to do with the Empire’s communication satellites, transmission towers, and network lines, and which can be effectively used on a large scale, are the Steel Commandments and the Freedom Front. It’s just two families, you guys are much smarter than those old vulgars who have been contacting with the monitored phone all the time. “

“Who the **** are you…you even know this…” Feng Buer said.

The consultant took a roll of toilet paper from the stall next to it and threw it to Feng Buer, “It’s very simple, I worked on a project with the chief designer of ‘Matrix’, an old guy named Gates, Whenever he gets a chance to claim that his ancestors were rich enough to buy a state, I see him as an old lunatic with a little bit of skill, who hates the rich and seeks revenge on society.

In short… He once talked about the ‘Apostles’ in a disdainful tone. At that time, it seemed that it was a considerable favor sold by the Freedom Front to the Steel Commandments, but in fact it was just an experiment, and it was tasteless and discarded. It’s a pity, it’s better to give it to you to play with.

Well, don’t think that once my eyes leave you, I won’t be able to wipe off your neck instantly. I advise you not to do extra actions. This roll of paper should be enough. Quickly wipe your pants up. superior. “

After speaking, the consultant stepped aside and whispered something to the accountant.

Feng Buer finished his work, put on his trousers and stood still. During this period, he could always feel a restraint on his neck. Only at this moment did he realize the seriousness of the matter. Even if someone strangled the neck with an invisible thread, he couldn’t use it. If he made a big move or if the other party manipulated him a little, he would be in a different place.

After a few minutes, the consultant walked up to him again: “What kind of expression do you have? You have been sitting for too long and have not cleaned it up?”

“Do you dare to describe it any more disgusting?” Feng Buer thought so in his heart, but he didn’t say it, he replied, “Anyone who is strangled by the neck and speaks will not have a good face. .”

“That’s what you thought…” The first person that flashed in the consultant’s mind was Tian Yi, and he immediately said: “Let’s get down to business, you must be thinking about how to find out the loopholes and get rid of this situation, but I I can tell you responsibly that since I have decided to restore a certain degree of freedom to you, I will not give you any chance.”

The accountant said, “Trust me, he may kill you at any time, gouge out your eyeballs, and take away your documents.”

The consultant continued: “So, you’d better do as I say in every next step. If you try to delay time or play tricks, you will all be dead.”

“Don’t always threaten me with death, don’t I look like a believer who sees death at all?” Feng Buer said.

After hearing this, the consultant pretended to search Feng Buer’s pocket, and said while searching, “It’s strange, the ‘precept pocket watch’ that can only be awarded to the most die-hard senior members of each city, could it be that you got it? Did you throw it away in the toilet?”

Feng Buer was a little embarrassed after being dismantled in the diorama: “Okay, I’ll help you, please don’t kill me, I’m just a little guy, and the look just now was a dead end, I thought you were The kind of hero who respects the stubborn, but gradually found two…”

“Okay, we know which of your faces is fake and which is real.” The accountant said: “Don’t waste time, listen now…”

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