The Hope You Gave Me: 24-Purple Pearl

Pushing in the door, Yao Zizhu was standing barefoot on the sofa, stretching her arms to pick up an oil painting hanging high on the wall. Presumably to maintain the center of gravity, the whole person is attached to the wall. When Min Hui came in, she saw her profile, with a straight nose bridge, a small nose tip, a low bun, and a few strands of fluffy hair hanging down lazily, revealing a slender and elegant swan neck.

The nails on the painting are so high that she tried a few times but couldn’t get the whole painting down, sweat dripping from her forehead and panting slightly.

Min Hui watched from the side, a little intoxicated.

Zizhu is so beautiful that even women want to be close to her. Every move is a dance, every shot is a poster, even the lazy look is full of sexy. Min Hui suddenly remembered a SLR camera and a set of expensive lenses in the glass cabinet in Zhou Ruji’s study. With such a wife, her husband should develop a hobby of photography, otherwise she will betray her beauty.

After a while, she realized that there was a man in the corner of the sofa who was squatting to clean up a few picture frames that had been taken off the ground. Hearing someone come in, he raised his head and said “hi”. This man can’t be said to be a first-class handsome man in terms of size and appearance, but he is also good-looking. Cheerful feeling. Looking at her age in her early thirties, she has an artist temperament that matches Yao Zizhu’s.

The four introduce each other.

“This is Xia Yihang, my boyfriend.” Yao Zizhu jumped off the sofa and shook hands with Min Hui generously, “I heard that you are getting married, congratulations!”

Min Hui was not used to this kind of scene, her face was a little red, and she smiled slightly as an answer.

“Register today.” Zhou Ruji said cheerfully, “As a result, I wore the wrong color, and Min Hui asked me to come back and change.”

“You should be wearing white, you forgot?” Yao Zizhu looked at him and Min Hui, her eyes were soft, she suddenly remembered something, leaned over and pulled out a red envelope from her bag: “Happy wedding! Sweet, sweet, and beautiful.”

“We also bought a gift, you must like it, and send it over tomorrow.” Xia Yihang said.

Min Hui looked at the bulging red envelopes and quickly declined: “Don’t be so polite…”

“Ruji, it’s really good! The last time I saw you, I said that I didn’t have a partner, and I’m going to get married in a week?” Xia Yihang jokingly slapped Zhou Ruji, “Miss Min fell from the sky. Did you come down?”

“That…has a child,” Zhou Ruji occupied the ground and hugged Min Hui, “you have to hurry.”

When she said this, Yao Zizhu was stuffing a red envelope into Min Hui’s hand, and her body couldn’t help trembling: “People are really different. Min Hui, when I was with Ru Ji, he wouldn’t want it. Child, if you say something, think about it after forty, and I’ll be with you right away—”

“—It happened unplanned.” Zhou Ruji shrugged.

Min Hui didn’t know how to answer, so she smirked.

Seeing the unnatural expressions of the two of them, Yao Zizhu didn’t ask much, and quickly changed the topic: “When will the wedding ceremony be held?”

“We are both busy, and Min Hui can’t be burdened now, so I decided to simply hold a ceremony and invite some friends to the Huidong Hotel for dinner on weekends. The time and place will be sent to you in the evening, both of you will come. Oh.”

“It is necessary.” Xia Yihang shook hands with Zhou Ruji seriously, “I will definitely be there. Congratulations!”

“Then, the paintings are all packed up, here’s the key, I’ll give it back to you.” Yao Zizhu took a key from the key ring and handed it to Min Hui, “Come to my house when you have time, the four of you just happened to be Get a table of mahjong.”

“Okay, okay,” Min Hui had a good impression of Zizhu and felt that she was very kind, “I heard that you guys have moved to a bigger house?”

“Yes, it’s your neighbor.”


“Didn’t Ruji tell you, we live on the 32nd floor, go up three floors to get there.”

Zhou Ruji was changing her shirt and looked embarrassed.

The penthouse in Qingteng Garden is probably the most expensive apartment in this area. It has four bedrooms, two living rooms and three bathrooms, more than 200 square meters, and the price is about 15 million. Min Hui knew this because when she first came to Bencheng, a female supervisor of the company lived on the top floor of this community. She sent pictures to everyone when she was buying furniture, and was deeply impressed.

“Min Hui, don’t get me wrong—” Yao Zizhu quickly explained, “I originally liked that house, but the owner was in a hurry and dropped more than two million yuan, and Ru Ji paid the down payment. We left before the decoration started. I really liked this house, and I didn’t want to sell it. Ruji was also very good. They said that I could wait for a while and then go through the transfer process when I raised the down payment. I didn’t come to live in the middle. Yes. It wasn’t until I was with Yihang this year that Yihang paid the down payment for me. The property right of this apartment was officially transferred last month, and we just started to decorate it. Don’t mind, we and Ru Ji is still a good friend, and Yihang used to be his colleague, and they often play together.”

“It’s okay, I don’t mind.” Min Hui said.

“We have to register,” Zhou Ruji glanced at her watch, “See you on Saturday!”

“Let’s tidy up the house and leave. I’m very embarrassed. We messed up the house.” Yao Zizhu picked up a rag and wiped the footprints on the sofa.

“You don’t need to tidy up, just take the painting away. Don’t forget there’s another one in the bedroom!”


The four said goodbye to each other, and Zhou Ruji took Min Hui’s hand and quickly went down the elevator.

In the car, Min Hui joked: “Ruji, you two are so funny, you have already bought such a big house, why did you leave?”

“Alas,” Zhou Ruji smiled wryly, “We had a lot of quarrels during that time. In order to please her, we made impulse purchases.”

“Break up, why do you still live downstairs with her? It’s inconvenient to have to meet up and downstairs.”

“It’s her who is going to leave, but it’s not me, I’m not… I’m still trying to save it.”


“How could she know that she and Xia Yihang got married within half a year.”

“He is also surgical?”

“Plastic surgery. They are all in this business. His father opened several clinics in Ben Thanh, and has branches in Beijing and Shanghai. Have you heard of ‘Fengyi Jiamei Plastic Surgery’?”

“I heard that many movie stars go to that hospital for plastic surgery?”

“Yes. To be honest, Xia Yihang’s medical skills are good and people are funny. If you have money at home, even if you don’t work all day long, money can make money. Unlike us salarymen, the salary is relatively high, When you take a break, you have to drink the northwest wind.”

“You know Xia Yihang very well?”

“It used to be in a hospital, but after his father got sick, he quit his job to help at his father’s clinic and never came back. I introduced him to Zizhu, and there is a friend in the dance troupe. If I want to do facial fine-tuning, I will get used to it after a while.”

“Everyone has a boyfriend, why haven’t they moved?”

“I want to move, but I haven’t been able to find a suitable one. First, the surrounding environment is good, the facilities are good, and it’s close to the hospital. Second, she doesn’t live here. Besides, I want to meet them every day. Let them think of one thing as soon as they see me: the down payment has not been paid back. It is not my own money, but also my parents’ money.”

Min Hui laughed “pochi”: “So you’re here to ask for the account?”

“That’s right.” Zhou Ruji said, “We’ll move out immediately when the big hospital house is handed over. If you feel uncomfortable, you can move now. Find a house to transition first.”

“Then don’t move it for now. I’m too lazy to change it. What a hassle.”

I didn’t expect to be so lazy for four years, until the birth of her son Su Quan, and until she broke up with Zhou Ruji, Min Hui didn’t live in the big house divided by the hospital. It’s not that they didn’t get it, but that Tianrun Community has seven more stops away from the Affiliated Hospital of Bincheng University. It’s not far by car, but that street is a famous congested road in the city, and it’s very inconvenient to commute to get off work. And Su Quan was born with congenital mitral insufficiency and moderate regurgitation. Because he is too young and has no symptoms, the doctor suggested not to rush the operation and wait until he grows up.

After all, she was a sick child. Min Hui was very worried and had no help from the elderly. For the first two years, most of the work was done at home in order to take care of him. Fortunately, Zhou Ruji is a doctor. Su Quan can immediately judge whether it is serious and whether he needs to be sent to the hospital if he is slightly unwell. If Min Hui has any medical questions, he does not need to search online, he can answer them immediately. In addition, the Kindergarten Affiliated to Bincheng University is one of the best kindergartens in the city. It is located in the east gate of the hospital and is very close to Bai’an Technology. Only the children of the faculty and staff of the university are eligible to apply. For the convenience of commuting to get off work and picking up children, Zhou Ruji rented out the welfare room that was allocated, and used the rent to subsidize the rent of Qingteng Garden.

For the first three years, the family of three lived a quiet and busy life. Zhou Ruji and Min Hui are the backbone of their respective units. Children are too young to be apart from each other. They can’t watch movies, karaoke songs, and travel. In their free time, they can go to the park together, go to restaurants, or take Su Quan to his favorite children’s playground to play.

Su Quan is a beautiful and shy boy, quiet, attentive, loves Lego, and loves watching “Little Einstein”. He started talking so late that Zhou Ruji suspected that he had autism. After sending him for various tests, he found that his mind was completely normal. After a while, Su Quan suddenly started to speak, and he said it in whole sentences. I’ve been very chatty for a while…

Min Hui never told Ruji that there were two people in the world who were closely related to her: the deceased Su Tian and Su Quan’s biological father Xin Qi. She would often think of them, dream of them, and even hear them talking to each other in hallucinations.

It reminds her of what she has unknowingly gained and destroyed.

She felt that there was nothing in return, but a better life.

As for Su Quan, in the depths of her heart, she and herself are always separated by a white fog, so they can’t see each other clearly. This cool boy seemed to be a spy sent by Su Tian to his side, watching her silently most of the time. He called her “Mom,” but there was an inexplicable alienation in his tone.

He is the child of Su Tian and Xin Qi, she is only a surrogate mother. She felt a little guilty that Zhou Ruji should not be brought in. She didn’t know whether it was pulling him into a circle of unknown grievances or a trap full of curses.

Zhou Ruji treats Su Quan as her own and plays the role of father happily since changing the first diaper. Between them, they have not started to have a second child.

Min Hui made Su Tian’s diary into an e-book, put it on her mobile phone, and read it when she had time. She was so proficient that she could memorize almost every paragraph in it:

“Xin Qi said, I belong to him. He won’t do everything possible to coax me, let alone tell the world that he loves me. We belong to each other, we don’t have to fight, we don’t have to change, we don’t have to prove it. If I need him, In just one sentence, he will cross thousands of mountains and rivers and come to my side. – “Su Tian Diary””


In the autumn month when Su Quan went to kindergarten, Min Hui was finally able to work all day. At this time, she had been promoted to become the R&D director of Bai’an Technology. The company has grown from more than 30 people to more than 100 people. The product MIST has consolidated its position in the industry. The self-developed breast cancer pathological image analysis system and chest and lung CT intelligent image diagnosis system have entered the clinical testing stage, and have formed cooperative relations with dozens of top tertiary hospitals in China. In addition, the company is developing a cloud-based CAD product, with the goal of promoting resource sharing between hospitals, so that primary medical institutions can remotely obtain technical support from tertiary hospitals through cloud-based products when encountering intractable diseases.

Min Hui is a hard-core engineering girl. Once she gets into work, she will immediately enter a selfless attitude, turning a deaf ear to the changes in the environment and people around her. One deadline after another made her breathless, staying up late and staying up all night was a common occurrence. Zhou Ruji had no complaints, because he was also promoted to the director of the oncology department.

One day, Min Hui and Zhou Ruji finally got off work at the normal time, so they got together to make a sumptuous dinner and made Su Quan his favorite braised chicken wings. During the meal, Min Hui asked : “Hey, I haven’t seen Zizhu and Yihang very much recently, have they moved?”

“They split.”

Min Hui was taken aback: “When did it happen?”

“Three or four months ago.”

After Min Hui and Ru Ji got married, Yao Zizhu and Xia Yihang have been living in their upstairs. No one has moved out for three years. The two get along very happily.

They don’t communicate frequently: Min Hui’s family is too busy and has a sick child, so they can’t take care of others. Xia Yihang’s clinics are opening more and more, and he is always on business trips. Zizhu is also often away from home because the dance troupe performs all over the country and around the world. However, the two families would visit each other during Chinese New Year and holidays, chat a little when they met on the elevator, and occasionally play mahjong, drink wine, watch a ball game or something together. We meet several times a month.

Zizhu and Yihang are not officially married. I heard that because Zizhu is three years older than Yihang and divorced, the Xia family does not agree to accept this daughter-in-law. Zizhu didn’t mind either, and they lived together all the time.

“Why? They are fine.” Min Hui asked while nibbling on the chicken wings.

“Zizhu… Breast cancer was found, and it’s quite serious.” Zhou Ruji said.

“My God, she’s still so young!” Min Hui exclaimed, “What’s the situation now? Is she in the hospital? We have to go see her.”

“I did the surgery.”


“Both **** were removed.”



“Yes.” Zhou Ruji sighed.

“That Xia Yihang——”

“As soon as I heard that she was going to have her double **** removed, people disappeared… I will never come to see her again.” Zhou Ruji scolded her teeth, “Bastard!”

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