Infernal Hero Chapter 575: Metaverse

Dreams are real when they are real. A person who is obsessed with dreams is more likely to be immersed in beautiful dreams, and such beautiful dreams are difficult to be awakened. Just as you can never wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep. The world she recognized and accepted in her heart was in a dream, and calling her outside the dream would only make her more resistant.

Gu Tianyou watched Ao Guang follow Ao Kui’s voice to the blood pool step by step. Seeing that she had reached the edge, she didn’t stop and stepped in. The opponent’s strength is strong, and only Ao Guang can compete head-on. If she died like this, I’m afraid not one of the group would survive. At the juncture of life and death, Brother Tianyou couldn’t care about anything else, so he had to temporarily untie the handcuffs connected to Gina, and flew over to hold Ao Guang.

“Yo, I didn’t expect this to be an expert. You haven’t practiced the Jade Void Art, yet you can’t be tempted by the half-sacred ghost king Li Zhongkui’s nonsense. This is really strange?”

Gu Tianyou turned around and glared at Daoist Yehe: “If you don’t want to go back to see the Patriarch, come over and help immediately!”

The cold evil under the blood pond kept surging and attacking, and the voice was chattering more and more urgently. Although Gu Tianyou manipulated the chaotic small world with his own chaotic Taoism to compete with it, he still managed to maintain his sanity. But the feeling that as long as there is a little slack, it may be counterattacked by chaos is not pleasant.

Yehe Daoist stood there and didn’t move: “That nonsense was sent out by Li Zhongkui, and even Aoguang’s 9th-grade Daoism couldn’t resist it. What ability does Laodao have to stop it?”

Gu Tianyou resisted the urge to scold and help him analyze: “We all have a chance to save Ao Guang, otherwise, if she dies, Ao Kui will definitely kill and silence her, and at that time none of us will even want to live. .”

Ye He Dao humane said: “It’s not because the poor Dao refuses to help, there is nothing I can do. The poor Dao is only a Taoist at the beginning of the eighth rank, and this level of confrontation can’t be involved at all. Going out and walking is entirely dependent on it. I brought out a few treasures from the teacher’s gate, but I really can’t restrain the treasures of this cold blood pool.”

“What do you mean? You are dealing with Ao Kui, what are you doing with this Cold Demon Blood Pond?” Gu Tianyou desperately pulled Ao Guang back, but the suction force of the blood pond became stronger and stronger. Go on, I’m afraid it won’t last long.

Ye He Daoist shouted: “Boss Gu, don’t you understand? This cold blood pool is a spiritual thing, and hidden in it is the true spirit of the half-sacred ghost king Li Zhongkui. He wants to swallow the real spirit. Long came to reshape the body, just rely on the poor Dao to stop it?”

While holding on to Ao Guang, who was about to be sucked down by the blood pool, Gu Tianyou asked loudly, “What kind of monster is this half-sacred ghost king Li Zhongkui?”

Ye He Dao said: “A generation of Confucian scholars, the champion of the kingdom of God, and the great genius of Kuixing Diandou. Although the chest is hidden, he has splendid talents in the world, but because of his appearance, he is extremely ugly, and another beautiful girl is married. The Zhang royal family was not liked by the descendants of the kingdom of God. Luo Zhi accused him of banning him from the Aurora Divine Kingdom. After that, he traveled all over the Axis world alone, and because of his relationship with the patriarch of the Bohemian tribe in the Great Western Continent Federation Befriended, but was judged by the ancient sages as Shennong’s rebellion and entered Huangquan.”

Gu Tianyou answered: “Is this Huangquan you mentioned the same place as the Huangquan in our myths and legends?”

“Most of the ancient myths and legends of the surface world are not groundless.”

“The sky is yellow and the sky is blue.” Daoist Yehe said with horror on his face: “That place is the lifeless Jedi that was formed when the Axis World was initially formed due to the incompleteness of the way of heaven, representing a will that is contrary to the way of heaven. , was used by the ancient saints as a place of exile, and only the great traitors who betrayed the Shennong tribe would be exiled there.”

“The way of heaven and the way of heaven, if the sky is not fair, what’s the use of seeking the way?” The dark voice sounded in the ear: “The little Taoist has extraordinary knowledge, as expected of Yuxu, who is your master? I’ll see if it’s an old acquaintance. , if you are an old friend, this old man might spare you from dying for the sake of your old friend.”

Ye He Dao said: “Old senior thinks that the way of heaven is unfair, and the poor Dao dare to ask, what is the injustice of the way of heaven, and why should it be fair?”

The voice said: “The old man, the first scholar, and Di, born with the sharpness of gengjin and the virtue of soft water, was disliked by the Queen of Thick Earth because of an ugly face. Daoji, if you beat Huangquan, you can’t turn over, is it wrong for this old man to say that the way of heaven is unfair?”

Ye He Dao said: “Senior semi-sage cultivation base, you should know that the axis world was originally formed by the originator of Yuxu who sacrificed his life to evolve the way of heaven. In this case, the close disciples of the ancestors, including the direct descendants of the ancestors, will naturally receive some care. Favoring one over the other is just conforming to the mandate of heaven, but the justice that seniors seek is that the prince violates the law and the common people share the same crime. You are very knowledgeable and help the poor to think about it. Throughout the ages, who has adhered to this principle and died in good health?”

The voice was silent for a while, then sighed: “You have a good tongue, but this old man has never thought about it.”

The two were talking and talking. Gu Tianyou and Ao Kui couldn’t get in the way. When they finally got a chance to interject, Gu Tianyou shouted: Shut up. Ao Kui shouted, Master, please listen to the disciple.

Ye He Dao humanely said: “Boss Gu, no matter what you want to ask, there is absolutely no chance for today’s affairs to be good. Poor Dao’s ability is limited and can’t help you much, so you can do it yourself.” He took out another talisman from his arms, ignited it out of thin air, and finally slammed into a puff of white smoke that enveloped him.

When the smoke cleared, Daoist Wild Crane disappeared out of thin air.

“Fuck you, you **** are amazing!” Gu Tianyou yelled, pulling Ao Guang up to the center stone platform with his last strength. A cloud of black mist shrouded in front of him, and suddenly felt the cold and shuddered, and the ghost was crying and screaming in his ears, and his mind was hard to guard. In the Niwan Palace, the real yang fire broke out, and it quickly spread all over the body, but it was only a matter of time. Protecting the blood vessels, a ray of vitality, the feeling of the whole body being gradually frozen is so clear.

Ao Kui hid in the black fog, and said with a wicked smile: “Boy, you hide your Taoism deeply enough to resist the nonsense of your teacher, but unfortunately you are still a small step away from your physical training, and your five souls are not enough to see God. If you want to resist my dragon blood shroud, you have to live in your next life.”

Gu Tianyou’s mind is clear, but it is difficult to resist the infiltration of this cold evil. At this time, he could no longer hold Ao Guang’s hand, and he watched as he and Ao Guang were wrapped in black mist and floated towards the blood pool. Just listening to the old voice of Yin Qiqi said: “This young man has good roots and can withstand the power of the cold evil essence. After waiting for so many years, the old man finally has a body that can be used by the old man.” Ao Kui said. : “This dragon girl chick already has the power of transformation, and please ask the teacher to help the disciple.”

Life and death are in an instant, and he can no longer care about other things. Gu Tianyou holds Yuan Shouyi and integrates the will of the gluttonous soul into the divine way of the heart, bringing out the greatest physical potential. Finally, the Chaos Dao Phase was released, and the azure chaotic world in Dantian was touched.

In a lifetime of chaos, the true sun suddenly disappeared. In an instant, Gu Tianyou only felt that his heart was at a loss, vaguely looking forward to it, and a desire to swallow suddenly rose from his heart. With this thought for a lifetime, he immediately felt that the cold evil energy was coming from all directions. Madness poured into this world.


I don’t know how long it took, and I don’t know where I was. It was dark all around, only a little bit of blue light leaked through a passage in front of me.

It seems that endless years have passed, and there is a world of chaotic blue light in front of you, and you can see the vastness. There is no root under his feet, his body seems to be floating, and he doesn’t know how far he has drifted. The blue mist fills the air, and suddenly he sees a little golden sun in front of him. The head was covered with snow, and the chill of the divine light was hidden.

In addition to this, the entire world is nothing but azure chaos.

“Where is this place?” A terrified voice suddenly asked loudly: “Where is this old man? Who are you? How can this old man be trapped here?”

The sudden voice frightened Gu Tianyou, and he suddenly remembered that the voice was made by Li Zhongkui before. After thinking about it, I suddenly thought of a possibility. I was surprised and asked back, “Are you Li Zhongkui?”

Li Zhongkui’s voice seemed to be frightened: “It’s this old man, dare to ask who is the great virtue of Zuncha?” Gu Tianyou was silent, thinking about how to answer him. But Li Zhongkui then said to himself: “This place is chaotic, the universe is unknown, the yellow and yellow appear, and the yin and yang are beginning to stand. Could it be the chaotic primordial realm where heaven and earth are not divided?”

Gu Tianyou speculates secretly, it seems that this is really the world in the azure light in his dantian, that true yang is so friendly, most of it is the evolution of his true yang daoxiang, and this snow Could it be that the peaks evolved from those cold evil spirits?

“The gluttonous holy beast!” Li Zhongkui’s voice was full of awe: “Disciple Li Zhongkui, I would like to thank the predecessors for reshaping the flesh of the Five Virtues, Immortal Roots and Lotus for the disciples with the great mind power to evolve the heavenly way. Holy beast.”

Gu Tianyou finally realized that the voice came from the foot of the snow-capped mountain in front of him. There was a small black and yellow pond that gave birth to a black lotus flower. The lotus was in full bloom. With clear eyes and clear hair, skin and limbs, he sat there kowtow and bowed his head vividly.

Lee Jongkui found it, where is Lao Tzu? With this thought, he immediately remembered what gluttonous he was yelling at just now, and immediately realized what had happened. My True Yang Dao Xiang was swallowed up by the Chaos World, and Li Zhongkui’s Cold Demon Blood Pond was also swallowed up, and when Lao Tzu triggered the Chaos Yuan Realm, he held Yuan and guarded one, and merged the gluttonous Dao phase into the spiritual Dao of the heart.

Suddenly looking back, at an unknown distance behind him, there is indeed a heart-shaped strange object, rhythmically, as if the whole world is revolving around it. Looking down at himself again, as expected, it already looks like a gluttonous monster.

It’s amazing!

“Li Zhongkui, do you know where this place is?” Gu Tianyou pretended to be deep.

Li Zhongkui knelt down on the lotus platform and said in a respectful tone: “This junior knows that this is the Primordial Realm of Primal Chaos of the senior.” He kowtowed forward and said, “The junior has eyes and does not know the true monarch. Seniors listen to what the juniors have to say.”

Gu Tianyou said: “What else do you have to say?”

Li Zhongkui said: “Disciple Li Zhongkui was originally from Qingzhou, the Kingdom of Aurora. He worshipped Confucianism since he was a child, and entered Taoism by martial arts.

“I have heard about your past, so what are you going to do now?” Gu Tianyou interrupted impatiently.

Li Zhongkui hurriedly said: “Yes, senior, please listen to the disciple’s slow report, the disciple was framed and fell into the Yellow Spring, that place is rootless, the five elements are incomplete, the yin and yang are not in harmony, all living beings cannot survive, and the disciple has to fall. Entering the realm of the ghosts in order to keep a single thought alive, after many detours, I was fortunate to have the help of the Confucian sect’s most holy and great virtue, and then I came here. I have been dormant for many years. /

went on to say: “Since there is no soul, naturally there is no way to gather the body of the five elements again. If you only rely on a false thought, you will not be able to perform any magical techniques even if you have a great way. The disciple has a strange hatred, how can he be reconciled? ? I have to forbear and seek opportunities, but I also know that it is the worldly mesons who are disturbing and disturbing the disciples, so the disciples will despair, and will use the blood pool to reincarnate in an attempt to create a cold body.”

Gu Tianyou said: “Don’t talk about it, I have a question for you.” Without waiting for his consent, he asked directly: “Are there very few people born with the appearance of chaos?”

Li Zhongkui said: “There are naturally very few in the surface world, but although there are not many in the Axis world, it is not very rare.” He paused, and then said: “But the one that made the Primal Chaos Realm The great virtue is unique. The junior has seen and heard in his life, and he is only one of the seniors. The juniors have heard of it before, and the world is not divided in the beginning of chaos. , I am even more fortunate to be the first creature to evolve in the chaotic primordial realm, senior, and the grace of the heavens is unrepayable.”

Gu Tianyou hummed and asked again: “You had the intention to kill me before, but now you want to parasitize under my wings, I want you to die easily now, what can you do to move me to not want your life? something?”

“The disciple is willing to worship the senior as a teacher.” Li Zhongkui continued: “The disciple is born with the appearance of the five virtues, and has the opportunity of the heaven and the earth. The disciples are here to practice and observe the evolution of the heaven and the earth. It doesn’t take long for the disciples to restore their former cultivation base and even reach a higher level. At that time, the teacher’s real body is still shallow in cultivation. I can use the power of my disciples to form the heaven and earth, and practice the power of great virtue and sage!”

Gu Tianyou felt that the chaotic Dao Xiang had completely merged with the chaotic primordial realm at this moment, and every movement and stillness here was filled in his heart. This feeling is as if the heaven and the earth are in the palm of the hand, and every word that Li Zhongkui said is true or not. This pink and cute old guy is sincere in his words and sincerely worships Lao Tzu as his teacher.

His, I can only understand a small part of it, but it seems that this advice is not bad. As long as this old guy is successful in practice, doesn’t it mean that I will carry a gold medal fighter who is loyal and loyal in the future?

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