God and Devil World Chapter 323:

“Escape too slowly !!” Yue Zhong flashed cold light, right hand Devil Flame flashed, and once again condensed a Devil Flame spear. He threw it vigorously towards the gunship in the sky, and the Devil Flame spear was turned As a stream of light, he directly penetrated another gunship. This article comes from

A loud bang, another gunship that was penetrated by Devil Flame also turned into a huge ball of fire and fell from the sky.

“Too strong !!”

“It’s amazing !!!”


The female soldiers and male soldiers standing next to Yue Zhong looked at him, their eyes were full of admiration. Yue Zhong actually destroyed two almost invincible armed helicopters with their own power. They couldn’t believe that this was something that human race could do.

“Damn **** !!! The response is fast !!!” Yue Zhong destroyed the two helicopter gunships without any joy.

The two armed helicopters dispatched by Wu Yanhong killed the Yue Zhong troops at a stroke. More than 400 Chinese, black, and white people who were the backbone of Yue Zhong Strength were killed in this attack, and more than 50 were killed. people. More than 2,000 survivors of Vietnam were also killed, and more than 400 of burn to death. More than four hundred survivors escaped the town without a trace while chaos.

Many vehicles were destroyed by the gunship. In addition, a grain depot containing thirty tons of grain was also ignited by the incendiary bomb, and all the grain stored in it was burned to ashes.

“Withdraw!” Yue Zhong looked at the burning town and the corpse on the ground and clenched his fists and clenched his teeth. He can only write down this feud at this time. Attacking Wu Yanhong with his Strength at this time is tantamount to hitting a stone with a egg.

Under the order of Yue Zhong, more than a thousand surviving Vietnam survivors retreated in the direction of Nabu Town under the confiscation of more than 300 frail Warrior.

Vehicles that have not been destroyed are followed by large forces with loads of materials that can be loaded.

At this time, already is in the evening, and soon night falls. Yue Zhong had to order the team to continue marching in the night. That’s because the town where the striker camp is located is too close to Wu Yanhong. There is only one way to stay here.

During that night, the troop’s marching speed became much slower.

The rapid march in the dark can easily disassociate the troops. At the same time, in the Vietnam jungle full of Mutant Beast, it is even more death-seeking behavior.

The green eyes lit up in the dark night. They looked at the delicious prey below without hesitation and launched a fierce attack.

Twenty three-level Mutant Beast: mutant leopard cat. Night predator with very Agility skill.”

“Be careful !!! There are enemies !!!” Yue Zhong has been very vigilant, almost those who are as long as cheetahs. With a strange pattern on his body, the leopard cat flashing with horror in his eyes just emerged from the jungle. He found already and shouted at the same time.

White Bones silently and silently rushed forward towards those leopard cats. It kept waving White Bones axe with both hands, and continuously shot out sharp Bone Blade from its body joints, directly killing the leopard cats that flew towards it.

Yue Zhong directly carried a heavy machine gun with a caliber of 12.7 millimeters and fired wildly at the hundreds of ocelots.

Under the bombardment of the Large Caliber bullets, those leopard cats that came over were constantly bombarded directly. 12.7mm Large Caliber heavy machine gun bullets are infinitely powerful. But it’s not that these Low Level Mutant Beast can’t stop even rifle bullets.

The platoon leader Gan Tao fired the flares into the sky for the first time, and at the same time shouted loudly: “Shoot! Shoot and kill those beasts !!!”

The three hundred or so Warriors pulled the trigger in the direction of the ocelots. However, most of those Warrior had not carried out several live-fire shooting trainings before, and their shooting was basically lost. Many people were accidentally hit by the reaction of the rifle and their shoulders were blue, and the rifle in their hands fell directly to the ground.

Yue Zhong and White Bones both output great firepower. Kill a lot of ocelots.

Chen Yao is also under the light of the flares, seeing the attack direction of those leopard cats, she launched the Skill plant manipulation. Using the seeds of the vines monster, six huge viness burst out, strangling and killing the leopard cats that survived the two Expert attacks of Yue Zhong and White Bones.

The cooperation of the three people strangled a huge number of ocelots, but the number of ocelots was as high as more than 300, and many ocelots rushed into the Vietnamese survivor team, massacred the Vietnam survivors. .

The Vietnam survivors suddenly fell into a huge panic. Some survivors attacked by the leopard cat cried loudly and fled in all directions.

The Agility leopard cats chased up and fed the survivors who bite their throats and mouthed.

Those survivors who are more agile are moving towards Yue Zhong, Chen Yao, and Gan Tao. Only around these Expert will they have a chance to live.

Yue Zhong manipulated the heavy machine gun to bombard a large number of leopard cats, and pointed at the leopard cat that was pursuing the survivors of Vietnam. A dozen groups of Devil Flame emerged out of thin air. Bombed towards those ocelots.

The dozen Devil Flames in the manipulation of Yue Zhong are like Thunderbolt bombarded on the heads of those leopard cats, and directly killed a dozen leopard cats.

After killing those ten ocelots. Yue Zhong quickly took out the stinger and kept firing at those leopard cats. Each bullet can blast the head of an ocelot.

Heavy machine guns are suitable for large-scale cluster center enemies, while Stinger is suitable for killing individual enemies. Under Enhancers in the night, Yue Zhong‘s Agility already exceeded ten times the level of Common people. He controlled the stinger’s continuous shooting, changing bullets, and a series of movements. As if a precise and fierce moving firepower point, the leopard cats were constantly killed. .

On the other hand, White Bones is also very fierce and kills a few points faster than Yue Zhong. The two teamed up to slaughter more than half of those hundreds of ocelots at once.

“Congratulations, you upgraded to level 50 and got two basic attribute points and one Skill Enhancers point. Thanks to existence in the heart of Darkness, your Devil Flame Skill can also Enhancers to +4. And as a basis, Devil Flame Skill Enhancers is higher, Then the power of Second-Rank Devil Flame Skill will be even greater. “

After Yue Zhong killed a leopard cat with a stinger, a pleasant upgrade sounded in his knowledge. He actually got promoted again.

Between Yue Zhong and Mind Telegram, I just chose Enhancers for two Agility, and did not immediately use that Skill Points to upgrade his Devil Flame Skill to level 4!

Under the fierce attacks of Yue Zhong and White Bones, those leopard cats were finally killed. They left nearly two hundred corpses and fled to the distance.

“Keep going !!!” Yue Zhong was slightly relieved after seeing the leopard cats retreating. After collecting the God and Devil System equipment exploded by the leopard cats, they ordered to team.

This is not a place to stay, the fur of those mutant leopard cats is also a good material for making Leather Armor. Although it cannot be bullet-proof, it can effectively prevent Common zombies from being attacked. But Yue Zhong did not dare to stay here for more than half a minute.

The Leopard Cat is still a relatively weak Mutant Beast. If it is Second-Rank Mutant Beast or even Third-Rank Mutant Beast in the jungle. Yue Zhong with this group of survivors was afraid of serious injuries.

After the leopard cat attack, all survivors have a personal understanding of the danger of marching in the night. They all speeded up and moved forward into the darkness.

Yue Zhong and his party just left shortly after, a body resembling a lion and tiger, flashing the majestic Second-Rank mutant leopard cat out of the jungle. It sniffed the smell in the air, and then rushed in the direction of Yue Zhong like an arrow off the string.

The speed of the Second-Rank mutant Leopard Cat was full of horror, and it quickly caught up from behind. Those survivors of Common just felt a hurricane blowing, not even the look of the Second-Rank mutant Leopard Cat.

Like the Fengchi flash, the Second-Rank mutant leopard cat quickly caught up behind Yue Zhong, and a silent paw grabbed it towards the neck of Yue Zhong.

Almost after the Second-Rank mutant leopard cat extended its paw, Yue Zhong developed a creepy and dangerous feeling. He launched Skill Shadow Steps for the first time, his body was short and rolled to the side.

The White Bones standing beside Yue Zhong also found that the Second-Rank mutant leopard cat fiercely hit the Second-Rank mutant leopard cat down.

The speed of the Second-Rank mutant leopard cat was too horrible. Even if Yue Zhong launched Shadow Steps, it still could not completely escape its attack. It was caught by its fierce paw on its shoulder, and the Leather Armor of the Second-Rank black scale fierce pig was all Second-Rank mutant The ocelot tears easily. Yue Zhong‘s left shoulder also tore a huge piece of flesh with one claw, exposing a huge **** wound.

“Sixty-level Mutant Beast: Second-Rank leopard cat! One in the jungle.”

The Second-Rank mutant Leopard has no Awaken original power. Its Strength is far less than those giant beasts, and its defense is not comparable to the metamorphosis of Second-Rank black scale hog, Second-Rank scared snapping turtle turtle. Its fur can only withstand heavy machine gun fire of 12.7 mm, and can not withstand the bombardment of 25 mm machine guns. However, it has terrifying, very close to the speed and indestructible minions that Third-Rank Mutant Beast can have, and excellent combat instincts, making it a jungle Assassin.

White Bones‘s axe already is extremely fast. Even the Agility Evolver of human race has to be split at such a short distance. However, the Second-Rank mutant leopard cat twisted, avoided the axe of White Bones, landed on all four limbs, and then leapt strongly, hitting the White Bones like a phantom, and directly hit White Bones and flew out more than ten meters.

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