Warlock of the Magus World Chapter 1093: Goodbye

“Eliminate ordinary humans with genetic mutants, then use Life Tree to control thinking, and turn the whole world into a puppet … This evil is beyond imagination. Even the most ferocious bloodline empire in ancient times cannot do this. … “

Crete has a righteous face on his face: “Some soldiers in the Ministry of Military Affairs who are qualified to access this plan cannot accept it. We even formed a secret organization because of this. I am the person in charge for the time being, and come to unite everything that can United Strength, against the decay of the empire! “

At the end, Crete‘s face turned red, and his neck became thicker. sound is getting higher and higher. If it is not protected by pulse interference, I am afraid it will definitely attract attention. △ ↗,

“It’s a pity … your brother, that Janus doesn’t know this!”

Although the other party has been believed, Potti still sneers in both hands.

Janus … that’s why I established a resistance group!”

When mentioning this, a helpless expression appeared on Crete‘s face, with even greater sadness and grief.

“Look at this …”

He tore off a golden necklace around his neck, with an oval shell at the bottom. After opening it, a family photo appeared directly.

There are three boys side by side in the picture, and the shadows of Crete and Janus can be seen faintly.

“This is our third brother!” Crete pointed at the little boy with fiery red hair on the far side.

Xavier looked at it, the little boy was the shortest, wearing a black and white plaid, and looked a bit sloppy.

“Our three brothers had a very good relationship at first. Later, I joined the army together, but because of a mistake I made, my third brother became a vegetative stagnation of ability …”

Crete spoke a secret.

“This situation is too difficult, and it also involves soul. Even the highest technology of the empire cannot be saved … From then on my younger brother Janus hated me, and his character became more extreme and brutal, and finally even Joined the Empire’s Special Operation Division. It was because of the cruelty and steadily rising to the position of the person in charge … “

I don’t know why, Xavier suddenly felt that the Crete on the opposite side was a bit pitiful, as was Janus.

“What does this have to do with your brother’s diehard empire?”

Potti asked this question keenly. Then she covered her mouth: “Is it … plan X?”

“No! It is the Empire’s Life Tree research project …”

Crete seems to be determined to treason, leaking the highest secrets unnoticed: “The so-called Life Tree plan is to use Shadow Magic Network and [Rapid Shadow] media to directly implant Magic Network into everyone ’s hands, driven by the majority of Shadow energy. Inside the body. Assimilate their thinking! Even soul! In the end, all human souls of World of Shadow will merge into one, forming a Transcending existence of peak … “

“The reason why Janus is a loyal empire is that this plan is the only hope for the third brother to recover! Through the implantation of the shadow network and the resonance of the last Transcending thinking body, it is very likely that the third brother will recover! The royal family also promised to give a part of the authority of autonomous soul, and this is also the reason why some high-level officials are still loyal to the royal family … An empire controlled entirely by them, no public opinion, no resistance. You can do whatever you want, it is simply for some people It’s heaven! “

Crete has a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

“You … It should be possible to get this authority, right? Isn’t that great? Then the three brothers can live happily together again?” Xavier couldn’t help asking.

The expression on Crete‘s face suddenly stagnated, and then he stroked the oval shell lovingly.

“For me, I’m willing to pay everything, I just hope my brother can recover Healthy … but he certainly won’t want to see such a dark world after waking up …”

Crete exhaled a long breath: “I’ve been wrong once, but don’t want to be wrong a second time, how about it? Are you willing to join us and accept our help?”

“Your words are really wrong!”

Potti gave Crete a scornful look, but just when Xavier thought the negotiations were about to break down. Potti suddenly said: “But if you are the undercover of the Empire, you can fake a more seamless background and reason, so I believe you for the time being!”

“Of course. Because our previous attitudes on the two sides were not very friendly, and even many members had hatreds with each other, it was impossible to act together. At first, we had to exchange information in advance!”

Potti‘s analysis makes sense, after all, the grievance between Blood Descendant Alliance and the Imperial Army is not a day or two.

“I agree with your suggestion!” Crete thought about it and nodded.

“So … I need to know the blood descendants in that star tour group. Where are all the elderly and child sent to?”

Silver Mountain Institute, the location is near the imperial capital, coordinates …”

Crete sold the other party without hesitation. Perhaps he wanted to use this to win Potti from the beginning.

“There is the training and logistics center of Special Operation Division. Because of the previous major losses, I have been collecting new blood from various places for training. I think they have a great chance of surviving! There are also a few of us here. Mastered several key gates and passwords … “

“Then my sister! Is Jia’er there!”

At this time, Xavier‘s eyes brightened, and he stepped forward and grabbed Crete‘s arm.

Jia’er ?! Sorry, I never heard the name …” Crete politely backed away: “But … if your sister is a young blood descendants and was sent to the Imperial City, it means that her bloodline innate skill is very High, it is very likely to be sent there! “


After receiving this news, Xavier shook his fist fiercely.

Jia’er, and mom and dad, soon … I’ll be here soon!”

He said silently in his heart.

“If you need information in the future, you can find me at No. 377, Zijinhua Road, Didu, where the boss is a sister-in-law. If you tell him ‘Tulips again’, he will understand what you mean!” >

After explaining these things, Crete quickly put away the jammer and disappeared into the darkness.

“Sister! Target has left! No signs of siege were found nearby!”

Potti and Xavier stood there and waited for a while. After a while, the connector on Potti‘s collar rang.

“Good, let the old man leave … the other party is still a little sincere! Rescue team members come over!”

A circle of sparse figures, showing a circle surrounding the network, slowly emerged from the surroundings, making Xavier‘s heart jump.

If Potti feels that the other party is lying just now, I am afraid that Crete will be shot with a headshot?

“Contact Genius!”

A player carrying the radio on his knees immediately kneeled down, exposing the manipulator on his back.

Potti stuffed a disk given by Crete in the past: “Genius! This is a map of Silver Mountain Institute and several key keys … I want you to break all the firewalls of the other party within half an hour, Paralyze the defense completely !!! “

“No problem! I’m a genius …”

The genius on the screen still looks like that suffocated, with pity and grief on his face: “Damn … why do you give me these passwords? I can solve them by myself, I don’t need them at all! What a good opponent, but now it makes me feel bored … ”


Potti hung up the communication and turned to look at Xavier: “How? This is the imperial capital! There is also the most powerful group near Guard, dare you make another big ticket with us?”

“Why not dare?”

Xavier shouted suddenly, in fact, he was really a little scared, but his family was there, and it really wouldn’t work.

When Potti raided Silver Mountain Institute with the elite of Blood Descendant Alliance, they saw another scene.

The original Silver Mountain Institute was simply a large and heavily guarded base, but what was displayed in front of them at this time was a ruin.

“What’s going on? Has anyone gotten there first?”

Potti‘s face is full of suspicion.

She couldn’t think of any other force besides her Blood Descendant Alliance.

Sorcerer Union? No, there are no traces of magic, Knight of Round Table and Martial Art Palace? They are now dying of a lot of elites and important figures, and they are a bit self-conscious … Crete just now? It ’s not good for the other party …”

Each one may emerge and be quickly crossed out.

“The battle trail is very new, and the enemy should be very small, even one person!”

A scout came back to report: “The empire will react soon, so we must evacuate as soon as possible …”

“In fact, I think so too!”

Potti has not spoken yet. A black figure has emerged from Silver Mountain Institute.

Many vigilant eyes suddenly disappeared after seeing each other’s appearance and familiar atmosphere. Potti even made a surprise cry:

Crow’s Eye !!!”

“Hmm! I have smoothed out this Special Operation Division tumor, and the young blood descendants and the captives have also been properly placed. I stay here just to wait for you …”

Crow’s Eye smiled kindly, but Xavier felt that the breath on the other side was already unpredictable at this time.

Especially the coercion that originated from bloodline, even made his forehead automatically show cold sweat, and the body constantly expressed the desire to surrender.

“Where the **** has this guy died for so long?”

Potti‘s eyes are wide, and it seems that the Crow’s Eye has changed a lot, but it doesn’t seem to be different. (To be continued.) Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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