Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 194: World


A uniform splash sounded from the earth, ocean, and sky.

A large amount of blood is being sprayed from the holes in the armor of countless worm nest units. The air is filled with a strong **** smell, and the whole world has become foggy and a strange pink color.

The blood didn’t seep into the ground and wasted, but the moment it flowed out, it was absorbed by the mushroom creep on the ground disguised as grass and poured into the energy network of the worm nest.

The Servant-level and Beast-level soldiers on the surface are the first to be dehydrated due to their smallest size.

These mid-sized dogs to motorcycle-sized soldier bugs, like leeches in the hot sun, cower at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming flat and dwarfed.

The efficiency of water excretion from their bodies is close to 95%. The originally strong and strong muscles melted into a ball, and the armor on the body surface became weak and brittle, like a dry orange peel.


Tens of thousands of low-level soldiers, like the straw under the combine harvester, fell to the ground.

They lay on the ground, motionless, their volume shrunk by nearly three-fifths compared to before. Their carapaces changed from a terrifying black-red to an ugly black-gray, reminiscent of burnt-out paper .

But they are not dead.

A small amount of osmoprotectant released by the heart acts as blood, protecting a small number of vital organs such as the brain, and making them dormant.

In this state, they have no ability to move or resist. Even if it rains, they will not be watered like selaginella. What the hive soldiers lack is energy-rich blood, which must be soaked in It can only be resurrected in the nutrient solution.

A large number of squire-level and beast-level soldiers fell down neatly, and the “corpses” were scattered all over the mountains and fields.

After this, there are heavy tanks and even fortresses.

As the heavy tank of the main combat unit of the Hive, it can still complete the drainage work on its own.

As for the fortress-class soldiers, they are too large to pump out all the blood even if they have several hearts that are comparable to the engine of an engineering vehicle.

Therefore, the sound of rustling sounded underground, and millions of worker insects burrowed out from under the creep.

After the hive expanded to the Stargate world, the types and appearance of the worker insects also changed drastically, and larger and more functional worker insects appeared.

Some of the worker insects expand in size and grow drill horns on the top of their heads to perform underground excavation and exploration tasks;

The skeleton of some worker insects becomes hollow, grows multiple pairs of wings, and can spread spores of the creep spores over long distances to perform high-altitude operations;

Others have evolved into half-mechanical, half-biological forms of trucks and planes—mechanical properties make them tougher and more durable, while biological properties make them easier to maintain.

All these are so different in appearance that no one can tell at first glance that they belong to the same clan of worker insects. They are divided into two batches.

The other group assists large units such as fortresses in dehydration – special worker insects will extend drain-pipe-like organs from their bodies to directly extract blood from the large units of the nest, and replace them with osmotic pressure protection fluid.

The whole process was noisy and quiet.

There is the sound of blood splashing between the sky and the earth, the sound of the intensive steps of worker insects crossing the creep, and the roar of the engine, but because there is no verbal communication, these sounds are mixed together, just like the sound of the rain forest. White noise is average, comfortable and pleasant.

Tens of millions of worker insects work silently, transporting all the dehydrated soldiers to the nest.

Like a mighty river flowing into the ocean.

Li Ang stood in the sky overlooking, silently feeling the moving trajectory of every life fluctuation in the divine power network, as if gazing at his complex palm prints.


“Anger kills fools, jealousy kills fools…”

“The light of the wicked shall be extinguished. His flame shall not shine…”

“Do not follow the counsels of the wicked, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scorners…”

The real world, Vatican City, St. Peter’s Square.

It was getting late and night had come, but it was still bright on St. Peter’s Square.

500,000 believers from all over the world gathered in the square, men and women, old and young, wearing raincoats, holding candles or flashlights, and whispering verses from the Bible.

Faced with the catastrophic disaster brought by the killing game, some people choose to raise their hands and give up resistance.

Some people choose to go crazy for the last time, abandon morality, and be happy to death.

Some people choose to use faith to resist the despair and pessimism in their hearts.

That was the case with the faithful in St. Peter’s Square, who gathered tightly together and prayed under the gaze of the 140 statues of saints around the square.

The oldest of them has been here even since the Killing Game was released more than a year ago. All food, drink and Lazarus are settled in the Vatican.

The Holy See also has no intention of expelling these fanatics. In fact, the influx of people into the Vatican has not caused any impact on the daily life of ordinary residents around.

Most ordinary people in Italy have been relocated to the city buildings of the European heavy industry, so those who cannot squeeze into St. Peter’s Square can live in abandoned houses at will.

What a frenzy, what a piety, and what absurdity.

A figure shrouded in black robes silently passed through the crowd.

His face is hidden under the hood, invisible, and his figure is eerily transparent, passing right through the devoutly praying devotees without any notice.

The president of the Demon Scientists Guild, Side of Truth, appears in St. Peter’s Square.

This extraordinary person who is best at playing with souls and summoning demons caused a large number of civilian casualties because of the spread of demon summoning rituals more than a year ago.

And was wanted by various guild organizations, of which the Vatican gave the highest reward.

If it were the time of the Inquisition, any devout people would be willing to eat their flesh and drink their blood raw…


The footsteps of the side of the truth suddenly stopped, and I didn’t know when, the 140 statues of saints around St. Peter’s Square silently turned their heads, and stared at him as if they had discovered the invisible him.

“Your Excellency, why are you here?”

The indifferent questioning sounded from the front, Uriel Uriel of the Vatican Inquisition emerged from the void,

Also in a state where the surrounding believers are unaware, he indifferently questioned the president of the Demon Scientist Alliance.

The side of truth looked up and glanced at each other. Uriel was wearing pale gold armor with lion-like patterns carved on his shoulders and chest.

The burning long sword in his hand is somewhat similar to Michael’s Flame Sword. The most obvious difference is that on the hilt of Uriel’s long sword, a scale is engraved, while on the hilt of Michael’s sword is a red cross.

“I want to make a deal with you.”

The side of truth said hoarsely, and before Uriel, who had a sarcastic expression, could refuse, he took out a dirty, dark brown cloth from the void.

Uriel’s eyes froze for a moment, he could feel the strong sacred aura on the cloth, and even all the saint statues around St. Peter’s Square fell silent in front of the cloth.

“The…Shroud of the Son…”

“That’s right.”

The side of truth said hoarsely: “I will use this cloth to exchange information from you.”

“What information?”

Uriel frowned and said firmly: “We will not share the intelligence of the gods with you…”

“No, not a god.”

The side of truth smiled sullenly, “When the Holy See expanded, it plundered a lot of traces of the existence of gods, and grafted the legends and stories of those gods into its own religion.

Unfortunately, I also have those documents in your religious database.

What I want is,

Michael’s weakness. “


On the Siberian plain, one armored personnel carrier after another rolled over the snow and dead leaves on the road, heading east.

The vehicles were loaded not with soldiers, but with ordinary Russians.

Most of them took their family with them, their faces were blank, and there was a suitcase under their feet. This suitcase contained the most valuable or meaningful belongings of their family.


The sound of paper flipping was constantly heard in the carriage. A Russian woman lifted the child in her arms and flipped the brochures issued by the Russian government to each family with her free palm.

A color brochure of just a dozen pages, with information from another world in print Russian.

The planet Alskalisan.

That planet has been abandoned and barren for a long time, lacks water, the air is slightly toxic, and there are terrifying mutant beasts roaming in the wild, under any circumstances, it is not a good vacation, tourism, or colony spot.

However, there are no better options.

The woman silently flipped through the brochure, staring at the dense Russian on the other side.

[Thirty years ago, our empire disintegrated]

[She once survived tenaciously under the interference of the Fourteen Nations, standing still in the hail of bullets from 190 ** armored divisions.

She has a splendid culture, world-renowned scientific and technological achievements, and powerful weapons that make the Western world chill,

She was the most innovative country in the world and the most democratic and egalitarian country in the world.

She is called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. This name is separated from the geographical and national colors. It is the first union in human history that takes the social system as the name of the country.

Under this alliance, comrades from all over the world, who speak different languages ​​and have different skin colors shake hands with each other and have a heart-to-heart bond. They didn’t know each other existed before, but they can meet each other because of a common goal and a common ideal. struggle.

This ideal is not the selfish democratic freedom declared by modern Western countries,

But altruistic, true liberation – liberation of working people all over the world.

There is no exploitation, there is no oppression, and under the light of this banner, capitalists cannot beat the backs of laborers with a leather whip, on the contrary, they will feel fear and fear, and they should feel fear and fear. Every night, I fear the silence outside the window and my empty neck.

Because of lies and deceit, the Soviet failed and collapsed, tens of millions of heroic blood, and finally exchanged for the old kingdom.

The territory of the great country was dismantled arbitrarily, warplanes and warships were sold at a low price, and the heroes of the past died in sadness.

However, the tragedy will not repeat itself a second time.

Once again we have a new world where we will build a new future…]


The armoured vehicle ran over a broken tree branch on the side of the road, interrupting the woman’s reading,

She hugged the baby whimpering softly in her arms again, looking out of the car with some daze.

The sight of the virgin forest disappeared at some A large number of trees were felled and removed, clearing a huge clearing,

Thousands of identical armored personnel carriers slowly slowed down and parked on the concrete plaza,

In the distance, there are more than fifty railway tracks and supporting transportation trains.

The sound of the announcement sounded in this square. Ordinary people who crossed the Siberian Plain in their vehicles, got out of the cars, and followed the instructions to go to the tent camp.

They will be gradually transferred into the Stargate over a three-day period.

Not only Russians, but also Ukraine, Estonia, Georgia, Azerbaijan…

All people in the former Soviet Union who are willing to join the New World and accept Russian rule can get this ticket to the New World.

Even, even if people who are not in the former Soviet Union, as long as they recognize that idea, they can get the opportunity to colonize across the Stargate.

Maybe the new world is bad, maybe, they will build the empire again that makes the world tremble.

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