Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 163: Ask for help

Exploring the Stargate is an extremely important matter that concerns the survival of all mankind. No amount of caution can be overly cautious.

The staff of GRU, the Global Occult Alliance and the Special Affairs Bureau waited outside the Stargate for a long time, but there was still no movement from the Stargate, so everyone came to the conference room to discuss the disposal plan for the Stargate.

It is definitely not acceptable to actively dispatch personnel in the past,

Now is not the time to send the Voyager Gold Records to the stars in the 1970s,

Officials of various countries have long realized how dangerous it is to send human information to unknown civilizations.

Unknown civilizations (assuming they have the same intelligence as humans) can completely develop biological weapons against the human species through the analysis of human genetic samples,

Just a few missiles are needed to exterminate humans.

And it’s not very good to cast a powerful superhuman.

First of all, any terrestrial object trying to pass through the star gate requires the earth to pay the “travel fee”, that is, the energy required to travel through the planet.

The higher the level of the superhuman, the higher the toll required,

A small number of superheroes used to be meaningless,

A large army of superhumans requires astronomical reserves of energy.

What’s more, the situation of the other party is completely unknown. If the army of transcendents teleports over and can control the leader of the other party’s civilization, or destroy the other party’s civilization, then it’s okay to say,

If the army of supernatural beings is teleported and controlled by the other party,

It will usher in a catastrophe.

Li Ang was in the conference room, listening to the discussions and discussions repeated many times by senior strategists and think tanks,

Finally the result of the owner,

It’s still the same as what I’ve gotten in countless previous meetings–blocking the site, dispatching researchers without extraordinary power, in a closed environment,

Use the humblest unmanned robot to observe the stargate.

In this way, it is ensured that human civilization will not have a significant disadvantage in information warfare.

There are dozens of star gates leading to unknown worlds on the earth. The opponent can fail countless times, but human beings will lose everything if they fail once.

“In a sense, this course of action is ostrich-like,”

Li Ang grinned at Xing He next to him with a sad smile: “Phase 1: We claim that there is nothing,

Phase 2: We say something might happen, but no action should be taken,

Stage 3: Maybe we should act, but nothing can be done,

Stage 4: Maybe we can do something, but it’s too late. “

“There is no way out.”

Xing Hechou helplessly spread his hands and said, “There is only one earth.

Although all forces now have the door in hand, they can transfer some people to the door world,

But the foundation of industrial facilities is still on Earth.

If it is too radical, causing the earth to be attacked by multiple stargate worlds at the same time, we are likely to be dragged into a protracted civilized war when fighting locally,

I don’t know which civilization will win in the end, but for most of the Earthlings who didn’t migrate to the gate world, they would definitely lose. “


Li Ang nodded casually, “You say, this phenomenon of dozens of stargates connecting to the earth at the same time, has it ever happened in history?

For example, the explosion of life in the Cambrian period means that species from multiple planets at the same time came to the earth and competed with each other for the dominance of the earth.

Finally, the marine invertebrates, the trilobites, won out,

They took over the Earth and began a long reign.

What’s happening now has happened in history,

It’s just that the human civilization on earth has changed from the status of the challenger to the challenged in the ring.

If human beings can overcome one challenge after another, then they can continue to maintain their **** of the earth,

If it loses, human civilization can only move to a different door world,

We were cut off from the United States, Russia, and the European Union, forgotten each other’s existence for a long time, and finally degenerated into a primitive civilization in the door world,

And wait for the next door fight to come. “


Xing Hechou was astonished to hear this, “Brother Li, are you thinking of this yourself, or have you found any key and verifiable evidence?”

No wonder Xing Hechou was so surprised,

Li Ang is an extraordinary person with absolute autonomy of the Stargate, and judging from the performance of the battle for the gate,

The quality of the gates in his hands will never be low.

It is really possible for him to find some key evidence in his own world to prove the current situation of the earth, and he is the challenged in the ring,

Only by defeating all the civilizations behind the stargate can we continue to occupy the earth without being driven out of our homeland.

If that is the case, then all the arrangements of the Global Occult Alliance, officials of various countries, and guild organizations will be rewritten for it.

“Don’t be nervous, I’m just talking casually.”

Li Ang waved his hand casually, and glanced at Xing Hechou’s relieved expression out of the corner of his eye, without any disturbance in his heart.

The Special Affairs Bureau and the Abnormality Society must have more information than they do,

Maybe Li Ang’s conjecture, they have long thought of it, but they didn’t want to cause widespread panic, so they didn’t announce it to the outside world, or even senior members like Xing Hechou.

“Brother Li, don’t scare me,”

Xing Hechou breathed a sigh of relief, patted his thigh helplessly, and said, “I’m getting old and my heart is not good.”

“Be careful next time.”

Li Ang grinned, turned his head and continued to look at the holographic projection in front of the conference room.

The Stargate in Siberia is the second high-frequency active stargate after Mayotte,

On the GRU side, a higher-secret fortress is to be built here,

And at the exit of the star gate, place a static force field that is open all day,

This way, no matter what is thrown at the other end of the stargate, the static force field can capture it,

Prevent potential missiles from exploding quickly, and prevent supernatural beings from being able to use their abilities.

The full-band static force field is one of GRU’s methods of pressing the bottom of the box. They didn’t say whether it was a technological creation or an extraordinary item.

But there is no doubt that turning on the full-band static force field all the time will consume huge resources,

Therefore, GRU will cooperate with the Global Occult Coalition and the Special Affairs Bureau to jointly manage the Stargate exit in Siberia.

Major events that can affect the world pattern are quickly finalized in this makeshift conference room,

Li Ang and others are also preparing to leave here.

At this moment, however, a piercing alarm sounded in the camp.

“What’s the matter?”

Li Ang frowned and released his majestic divine power, covering the small half of the camp.

The star gate in Siberia opened again, and this time, from the other side of the star gate, something was delivered.

A stone material, book.

Everyone rushed to the star gate location as soon as possible,

The stone dictionary has been strictly kept,

After tedious and rigorous testing, testing, and observation, it was finally determined that this is a stone creation without any technology and extraordinary elements,

The stone as a whole is in the shape of a book, made of gneiss, divided into thousands of pages,

Each page is engraved with dense and regular text, and next to the text, there are pictures.

Picture content, including stars, planets, liquid oceans, soil, rocks, mountains, plants, animals, and more.

In short, it’s a dictionary with explanatory pictures.

“What’s this…?”

In the think tank participating in the seminar, someone couldn’t help but stunned and said: “How could they send a dictionary over, isn’t this… suicide?”

In civilization, a dictionary is one of the best tools for understanding civilization,

A dictionary with complex contents has enough words for outsiders to analyze and study,

Even if you don’t know the specific meaning of the text, you can slowly decipher it.

The picture next to the text greatly reduces the difficulty of deciphering the text, improves accuracy, and reduces errors and misunderstandings.

Theoretically speaking, even if the entire UK and Europe are destroyed now,

Just leave a copy of the Encyclopedia Britannica to future generations,

Later civilizations can also understand all aspects of Britain.

The act of sending a dictionary to an unknown civilization is tantamount to giving the important information of this civilization with both hands,

This is a very serious and fatal mistake in the civilized rules of engagement.

“The dictionary is given to us, and the pictures on the dictionary are to reduce the difficulty of deciphering and reduce potential misunderstandings,

In other words, the dictionary itself is a gift, meaning that the civilization behind the star gate wants to establish communication with us,”

Someone in the think tank quickly said: “The reason why the stone dictionary was chosen is because the stone itself is hard and can withstand the wind and the sun,

And using natural stones can minimize the leakage of their technology.

If I guessed correctly, this should be a small part of the entire civilization dictionary, mainly introducing the basic concepts of the sun, moon and stars,

It takes us to show the same kindness before they send more dictionaries. “

Everyone was excited,

This is the first time that there is a stargate world that actively releases goodwill towards the earth,

After much consideration and discussion,

The GRU, the Global Occult Coalition, and the Special Affairs Bureau have decided to also throw a stone dictionary of the same material on the Stargate.

The basic concepts of the sun, moon and stars will also appear in it,

The dictionary itself is, of course, written in the rarest language in the world, Badeshi from the village of Bishigram in the mountains of northern Pakistan.

This Badeshi language, a branch of the Indo-Aryan language family, has long suffered from Torwali and Pashto,

To this day, only three elders in that village who are over 100 years old can say that they are on the verge of extinction.

Using this language can avoid exposing human civilization information as much as possible,

Even if the opponent possesses a memetic weapon and can launch an attack through the power of words, the damage will be extremely limited.

Because of the Badeshi language, there are only words without words, so the words are also randomly generated patterns by computer programs,

After the pattern is created, the computer and computer program are also destroyed to minimize memetic erosion.

Soon, this dictionary of Earth civilization, which 99.99% of the people on earth could not understand, was put into the Stargate,

According to the conjecture of the think tank,

If the civilization behind the stargate is smart enough to be as developed as human society,

Then they should also quickly crack the dictionary of Earth civilization and understand the Earth’s attempt to release goodwill.

Li Ang was going to leave, but after seeing this situation, he took the initiative to stay. He was also a little curious about the intentions of the civilization behind the stargate.

“Last time in that deep sea monster’s scripted mission,

I originally thought that a deep-sea civilization with cross-space teleportation technology might have a door that could pass through the door and reach the Earth world of the scripted mission.

As a result, the deep sea civilization did not have a stargate, and was still under the absolute control of the killing game,”

Li Ang said silently: “If these worlds are classified into the level of mystery, the earth may be the most mysterious.

There have been many extraordinary resurgences in history here, and a large number of players have been born.

The world of the wild lions may be on the same level as the earth.

Under the earth, it should be the door and the stargate world.

They only have one gateway to Earth, and they haven’t spawned many players themselves.

Further down, it is the world where each scripted mission is located.

There has never been a player out there who could travel through time and space at will.

However, what’s the difference?

Are humans special in history?

No, probably not.

In the world of the scripted mission, there are also many human beings who speak the same language, have the same world background, and have no genetic differences and reproductive isolation.

The bigger possibility is that the earth itself, in the system of killing games, is quite special…”

Li Ang’s thinking was interrupted by the next round of sirens,

The civilization behind the stargate quickly delivered another dictionary,

This time the dictionary is thicker than last time,

It’s like the Encyclopaedia Britannica, detailing what’s going on in that world.

They call themselves “Alskalisan” people from a remote star system.

The center of the star system is a faint red dwarf star surrounded by three planets,

The Alskalisan are on the second planet.

Their species can be traced back to vertebrates two million years ago. After a long period of evolution and accumulation, civilizations have emerged, cities have been built, and technologies have been developed.

Judging from the dictionary pictures, the Alskalisan people are similar in appearance to humans, but have no hair on their bodies, and their skin is paler (probably because of insufficient sunlight),

They claim that they once built a powerful civilization, but five hundred years ago, they were invaded by an outside civilization and the city was destroyed.

Survivors linger underground, civilization declines,

In the process, they came into contact with the killing game, and a small number of players were born,

However, due to racial genetic defects, adults in this civilization are very weak and slow, and their perception of time is relatively slow. Few people can become high-level players with powerful extraordinary powers.

The vast majority of people die during the mission,

Player qualification is a curse, not a blessing, for them.

(In order to unify weights and measures people in the dictionary stated that they once mastered the knowledge of atomic energy that is not inferior to the earth civilization, and used the observation of the frequency of atomic vibration to determine the unit of “second”. And here On this basis, we formulate minutes, hours, months, and years similar to those of the earth. Therefore, there will be no misunderstanding between the two parties in terms of time and other concepts.)

The current Alskalisan people, the total number is not more than 5,000, all live in the underground ruins,

The entire planet’s oceans were vaporized by space-based weapons in the wars of ancient civilizations,

On the surface of the planet there are only a few powerful mechanical creatures that devour each other and hunt each other.

An entire civilization is at stake.

Their expedition found an active stargate placed in a laboratory by ancient scientists in an ancient civilized city on the surface,

Due to the lack of water, the clan is dying,

After careful consideration, the elders in the tribe decided to send a dictionary to the Earth to explain the situation and ask the Earth to help them.

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