Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 149: Behemoth (29)


For some reason, at the moment of seeing the figure, both Dawn and the black Trojan relaxed, as if the strong anxiety just now was just an ethereal hallucination.


Under the boost of the vine engine, the aircraft carrier cut through the sea, riding the wind and waves, and sprinted to the edge of the battlefield, with the left rudder fully braked,

Like a drifting vehicle, the huge hull draws a short arc on the sea, and then stops suddenly, creating waves.

The crew members who have been interfered by psionic powers on the ship, prepare in advance, hold the heavy objects on the handle, fix their bodies, and are not thrown out,

Stand on the cabin or deck, looking up at the semi-vegetative obsidian mech with absolute reverence.


The Obsidian Mecha slowly lifted its left leg equipped with a hydraulic buffer system and stepped towards the sea,

The soles of the feet are like melted candles, dripping a lot of vines and falling into the sea.

The vines that contain the mighty swamp power, grow when they meet the wind, and grow when they meet the water,

In just a few seconds, it spreads like crazy,

A large square pontoon is constructed on the right side of the swaying aircraft carrier.

The Obsidian Mecha stepped on the vine pontoon with its left foot and took another step,

Like the **** and Buddha who grow lotus step by step in myth,

Standing on the continuous vine pontoon, walking slowly towards the center of the battlefield.

Beep, beep, beep-

Exciting electronic music, playing in the aircraft carrier’s broadcast system,

The Poison Woman slowly released the Eureka Raider and threw the latter and the Mammoth Herald into the sea,

The three long tails that were erected also stopped hatching and drooped down, dipping into the seawater.

Bang, bang, bang.

The Obsidian stepped on the sea, and the sound of heavy footsteps overwhelmed the sound of medium-sized light mechs fighting and fighting with deep-sea creatures.

Finally, he stood in front of the A.T. force field and stopped,

He raised his head slightly and looked five hundred meters away, far higher than his poisonous woman.

“Are you the ultimate weapon of deep sea civilization?”

The mech’s broadcast system is silent,

Instead, everyone on the battlefield heard Li Ang’s voice resounding in their minds.

No response,

The poisonous woman’s yellow beast pupils on both sides of the double bun’s head just blinked slowly.

“Don’t want to talk? Then I can only force you to speak.”

Li Ang’s voice was calm and calm,

The Obsidian Mecha slowly raised its right arm and opened its palm.

The stick named Heart Ape swells sharply in the palm, extending to 80 meters long,

The gold hoop pattern on it is still delicate and delicate, not rough because of the giant.


The legs of the Obsidian are bent, and the hydraulic power system is driven by the surging nuclear energy to play a mechanism, with the vector nozzle on the back,

Pushes the mech to a sudden leap.

The Obsidian leaps into the air with its legs stomping through the Poison Woman’s indestructible A.T. force field.

The arms rounded the heart ape stick and slammed it down.

Boom! !

The golden light burst out in an instant, and the whole sea was illuminated as bright as day,

The Kabini mecha subconsciously triggered the active defense system,

Turn off the external optical sensor,

Block the cockpit screen.

Those deep-sea creatures who didn’t have time to close their eyes were illuminated by strong light, stinging their eyes.

Intense golden light, clearly visible even thousands of meters in the sky,

The airships and **** fighters suspended in the clouds were also dyed with a layer of gold.

The remaining golden light turns into thin golden threads, running on the sea,

The loud bang sounded at this time,

It turns into a circular shock wave, setting off neat and orderly waves on the rough sea.

Bang! ! !

A crisp sound resembling explosion-proof glass shattered in the center of the battlefield,

On the poisonous woman’s A.T. force field shield, deep and expanding cracks appeared, and then suddenly burst.

The obsidian mecha fell from mid-air and has not yet fallen into the sea,

The vine pontoon on the side pushed forward on its own, holding the mecha firmly.


The Obsidian, kneeling on one knee like a hero, slowly stood up and looked at the poisonous woman,

Slowly swayed the center ape, and sprinkled the seawater stained on the stick back to the sea.

Beasts, Mechas,

No more obstacles between the two parties.

The poisonous woman’s back is bent, her body leans forward, and she trembles slightly,

The two claws slowly lifted from the water, and the three long tails extending behind them unconsciously crossed the sea,

Thriller, not out of fear and cowardice,

It’s a simple, life-form response to battle.

No protest roar, no cathartic roar,

The poisonous woman slashed the sea with her claws, and her body shot out with electricity.


The obsidian mecha also stepped on the vine pontoon bridge, carrying 7,000 tons of inertia, and rushed towards the opponent.

Boom! ! !

Heart Ape’s stick hit the Talon head-on,

The pattern of the golden hoop, under the sharpening of the beast’s claws, bursts out dense sparks,

The stick itself shook suddenly,

Transmits immense power into the palm of the Obsidian.


Obsidian’s palm cracked immediately,

A large number of finely divided parts are flying and broken,

The vines entangled in the weak joints of the mecha were also squeezed with great force, and exploded and split, sputtering thick green plant branches, like blood.

The weight of the deep-sea behemoth is much higher than that of human mecha,

The poisonous woman once again held up the A.T. force field, solidified the sea water, and stepped on the ocean with her feet,

Hold up the broken heart ape stick,

With the advantage of strength and size, he slowly stood firm, held down, and pressed down on the obsidian mecha.

At the same time, the three long tails behind the poisonous woman also flew lightly and swiftly across the sea,

Stabs the Obsidian’s waist like a long whip.

“Be careful!”

Dawn subconsciously exclaimed to remind, instinctively to use equipment props to flash forward to support teammates,

However, until the palm of the hand grabs the void and finds nothing,

She just remembered that the item that could flash with the mecha had already been used in this scripted mission.

Equally anxious, there is the black Trojan.

He did not hesitate to forcibly take control of nearby ships,

Control the ship to ram directly into the center of the battlefield.

Perhaps this will circumvent the Poison Woman’s A.T. field, which disables missiles.

However, this is still too slow.

The poisonous woman’s three long tails swept forward and stabbed the obsidian mecha’s waist, causing green blood to splatter.

Wait, green?

The poisonous woman’s yellow beast eyes look at six roads,

It was found that a large number of plant vines extended from the body of the obsidian mecha, wrapping the waist and abdomen that was about to be damaged,

Blocked the blow for the mech.

And, that kind of vine mixed with strange energy,

Also hit the snake on the stick, fitting the three long tails of the poisonous woman,

It rushed towards the body of the poisonous woman.

The obsidian mech is not like a steel-boned, lifeless mech tool,

It’s more like a living creature.

The poisonous woman subconsciously stirred the three long tails, tore the vine armor wrapped around the waist of the obsidian mecha, and tore the attached vine twigs,

Continue to step on the sea water, and use the weight advantage to overwhelm the Heart Ape stick and the mech body.

However, this short interlude was enough for the obsidian mecha to step back half a step, step on the vine pontoon, and take off some of the weight,

Switch positions to balance the center of gravity.


Accompanied by Li Ang’s calm voice, the heart ape club suddenly shrank,

The poisonous woman grabbed the air with her claws, her huge body, dragged by the huge gravity, and rushed forward uncontrollably.

In the sight of the beast pupil, the knees of the obsidian mecha are getting closer and closer,

A kick hit the deep-sea beast’s abdominal cavity with precision and accuracy.

The Poison Woman is much larger than the Obsidian Mecha,

But the former relies on the A.T. force field, suspended above the sea surface, and the hind limbs sink into the sea.

The latter is stepping on the vine pontoon, the mech body is higher than the sea,

So on a horizontal plane, the Poison Woman’s head is only slightly higher than the Obsidian Mecha.

Click, click, click.

The giant beast hit by the knee has an unknown number of broken abdominal bones,

The blue glowing glands all over the body’s skin seem to have stagnated due to the violent impact.


The obsidian mecha suddenly spread its arms, passed through the underarms of the poisonous woman’s forelimbs, and hugged the poisonous woman’s broad shoulders from bottom to top,

While not letting the deep sea beasts claws,

Also binds the deep-sea behemoth firmly in place.

Knee bump, one, two, three…

The Obsidian, eroded and assimilated by divine vines, possesses flexibility and toughness unmatched by other mechs,

Being able to make such tactical moves that are infinitely close to real fighters without worrying about the mech being crushed by its own weight.

The poisonous woman suffered knee blows one after another, and the armor on her waist and abdomen exploded,

The A.T. force field on the body is also shaking and shaking, and it seems that it will shatter again at any time.


The Poison Woman finally roared.

Claws to the back of the Obsidian Mecha,

The huge jaws of the sky tilted to the right, biting towards the neck of the obsidian mecha.


On the back of the Obsidian, countless vines were shot out of electricity,

Like constantly bouncing worms, tangled in a bundle, blocking the claws of the deep-sea beasts,

At the cost of all the vines bursting open, the poison woman’s claw was temporarily delayed.

At the same time, the plant pontoon under the Obsidian’s feet was also under the action of Li Ang’s will.

Bends inward and splits into two halves to absorb a lot of seawater and reduce buoyancy,

The obsidian mecha suddenly fell, and its legs were immersed in the sea,

Suddenly short,

Dangerous and close to avoiding the poisonous woman’s extremely lethal “ears and temples”.

The two sides suddenly separated,

But the Poison Woman would not let go of this fleeting opportunity, her claws continued to descend, tearing apart the vines on the back of the Obsidian, tearing off a lot of armor plates and metal parts.

The siren of the mecha AI resounded through the cockpit that had not been built and looked a bit desolate and monotonous,

Li Ang’s thought, deeply eroded the swamp plants in all corners of the mecha,

Turn off the AI ​​alarm and warning lights,

Control the mech to continue falling towards the sea.

Like a diver,

The entire body of the Obsidian crashed into the sea,

From the wound on the back, fine mechanical parts, as well as black motor oil and green vine juice, are constantly pouring out.

The poisonous woman who succeeded in one blow wanted to chase again, three long tails plunged into the sea like a long sword,

However, the vine pontoon split in half,

Actively dock with Obsidian’s legs,

Attached to the sole of the Obsidian like a frogman’s webbed feet.

The pump structure inside the vine pontoon actively compresses the huge amount of seawater that has been sucked in before and discharges it into the ocean along the pipeline,

A huge thrust is formed,

Pushing the Obsidian back, avoiding the long-tailed thrust.

Back first, then forward.

Obsidian switched positions in the water, swiping her legs back,

The vine pontoon under the sole of the foot squeezes the drainage again,

The vector vent on the back of the mech also erupted with blue flames,

Push the mech towards the top and leap out of the sea.

Bang! !

The fist of the Obsidian Mecha, from bottom to top, hit the poisonous woman’s chin.

The head of the deep sea beast, tilted uncontrollably to the left,

The large mouth, covered with rows of fangs, is open, spattering a lot of blue blood.

One punch, one punch, another punch.

Li Ang, who jumped out of the sea again, did not give the deep-sea giant any room to fight back,

Control the mech to punch the face of the poisonous woman,

With a lighter weight, the heavier deep-sea beast is going backwards.


The black Trojan horse, which is far away from the Corregidor Island Naval Base, spied on the battle situation through the helicopter surveillance screen, subconsciously called out,

Dawn on the battlefield also clenched his fists and controlled the Kabini mech to dive and gallop,

A series of floating cannon beams are fired around the poisonous woman.

“This…this is…”

A shuttle-shaped escape pod floats in the sea,

Rowley Beckett and Mako Mori, whose mechas were destroyed and escaped, opened the hatch of the escape hatch and looked at the fiercely slaughtering giant beasts and half-plant mechas in the distance,

Stunned, they even forgot the oral fetish setting of their “Saint of Great Desolation”.

“Good job!”

The Hansen father and son, who also narrowly escaped, also surfaced,

Looking at the giant beasts and mechas that shake the sea and tear the air in the and the A.T. force field that is constantly bursting because of the battle,

Excited and trembling: “This power! This momentum!

They’re the most **** powerhouses ever.

If there really exists a **** in the world, I would be scared to shrink and hide from this scene!

Because these two monsters are simply strong, beyond the strength of gods! “

The heartfelt cry of the Hansen father and son on the sea was drowned out by the howling sea wind,

The poisonous woman was covered in bruises, one claw was broken, and one left eye was blind,

But the obsidian mecha is also scarred, and the surface of the body is constantly leaking oil and plant juices-under the exchange of wounds, the blood of the deep sea behemoth is highly corrosive,

It can even corrode a mecha’s titanium skeleton, causing injuries that even swamp plants can’t repair.


The Poison Woman slapped the Obsidian’s left shoulder with a single claw, and the three long tails silently stabbed out of the sea, hitting the Obsidian’s spine.


The three long tails stabbed sharply, slanting through the cockpit of the Obsidian’s chest, and a fierce fire erupted.

Dawn’s pupils shrank, and he controlled the Kabini mech to dive down, but was blocked by the indestructible A.T. force field.

Finally, victory.

Poison Woman opened and closed her broken mouth, maintaining the A.T. force field, resisting the annoying carbine and missile salvos,

Slowly swaying the long tail, slowly cutting the Obsidian’s chest,

The mech with the lights out and the power system failing is to be cut along the spine.

The biological weapon program engraved in the DNA sequence made the deep-sea monster’s mind arouse the pleasure of killing the enemy,

As long as this strange mecha is eliminated, there will no longer be obstacles in the world that can stop deep-sea civilization.

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