Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 117: Threats

Since its establishment, the insect nest in the door world has been exploring the initial location, that is, around the island.

I don’t know if that sea area is special, or the Stargate world itself,

The island is surrounded by natural disasters such as tsunamis, storms, lightning, etc.

Hive expansion has been greatly delayed.

Fortunately, by studying the biological gene samples of the Stargate world, the worms have developed more types of soldiers at all levels that can better adapt to the new environment,

Use these soldiers to form a new reconnaissance team.

After paying a huge price,

The scout soldiers successfully broke through the storm and lightning layer and came to the outside of the island waters.

And now, they have sent a message back to the worm’s nest, and then the worm’s nest brain worm will report to Li Ang through the divine link.

(The lower-level soldiers of the hive are not allowed to have higher intelligence, and cannot send a clear prayer to the creator without modification)

“The scouts found a piece of wood floating at sea…”

Li Ang pondered the information sent by the brainworm. Judging from the shape of the wood, it looked like a deck rail on a brig in the age of sailing.

The wood surface is dark and looks weathered and weathered for a long time,

But the fracture surface is fresh.

In other words, the brig from which this guardrail came from, may be near the sea.

“A sign of a smart civilization…”

Li Ang groaned,

The volume and gravity of the stargate world is slightly larger than that of the earth,

The composition of the air is different from that of the earth, where the nitrogen content is lower, the oxygen is more dense, and the air contains more methane, chlorine and hydrogen cyanide,

Earth mammals such as humans will die of chlorine poisoning after breathing the air of Stargate World for about five minutes,

Only earth creatures with tenacious vitality such as cockroaches can directly immigrate to the Stargate world without any protection and transformation measures.

The most important thing is that the stargate world has frequent natural disasters, abundant natural resources, and the native species are particularly ferocious and violent.

The surface water of the ocean is full of nutrient-rich algae, and the giant fish that live on it,

Some marine creatures that specialize in chasing fish can reach a volume of more than 50 meters or even hundreds of meters, comparable to sea kings,

And in the depths of the ocean, there are even larger wild sea monsters that can be said to have primitive extraordinary power.

Even a hive tyrant will encounter unknown dangers when entering the depths of the ocean alone.

“There are two possibilities.

One, in civilized areas other than islands, natural disasters and wild species are not so dangerous, so a civilization similar to the Age of Great Voyage can be born. “

Li Ang thought silently: “The second possibility, intelligent biological civilizations outside the islands are also facing the test of natural disasters and wild species, but they have enough resilience and strength to survive and grow. .

It’s fine if it’s the first possibility, but if it’s the second…

The civilizations established by those intelligent creatures are likely to have a very complete system of extraordinary powers to support their survival. “

Leon had previously read the text of an internal meeting of the Global Occult Coalition provided to him by the mule about the potential threat to the Stargate world,

In the text, the think tank team of the Global Occult Coalition, has repeatedly emphasized,

When two civilizations with different technological systems encounter each other,

As long as the gap is not too large to be bridged,

Then whoever attacks first will have a huge, or even absolute, advantage.

For example, the psionic civilization can send a large number of high-level psionicists to release deadly thought memes on the earth in a very short time, erasing the minds of hundreds of millions of ordinary people in a few hours.

And the Earth civilization can also launch nuclear bombs to wash the ground through the star gate, and crush all the civilization buildings on the surface of the hostile planet.

At the same time, in the civilized war, the party who has made more preparations and has more information will have a huge advantage,

For example, if humans on Earth knew that the entire population of hostile civilizations were psionicists, they would be able to mass-produce anti-psionic helmets a few months earlier,

And the psionic civilization can also relocate the entire population to the underground a few months earlier to deal with the nuclear bombing.

Secondly, in a civilized war, if the opponent cannot eliminate all the effective power of the opponent in the first round of attack, and the opponent has the key information,

Then it is very likely that you will encounter the most severe counterattack from your opponent.

In other words, once you make a move, you must be absolutely sure of it and pursue a one-shot attack.

War between civilizations,

It is a war of power systems and energy levels,

It is also information warfare, blitz warfare, psychological warfare, full-dimensional warfare…

Li Ang’s mind flashed information about the theory of civilized warfare. Before that, he wanted to treat the Stargate world as a pure resource planet,

Grab biological gene samples from it, and open up space for the insect nest to survive and gather troops.

But after getting further information about the ancient gods from King Shibi,

He had a hunch that he had to go one step further on the road of believing in gods before those gods recovered.

The worm nest must not stop at one or two islands. It should go further and collect more biological gene samples and extraordinary power systems.

Breed to make stronger species of soldiers,

At least participate in the battle of high-level superhumans.

In the blink of an eye, Li Ang had already made a decision. He sent an order to the brain insect Cerberus through the divine link, ordering all the scout soldiers in the door world to hide and stand by.

And he himself, stepped on the invisible ladder, rushed into the sea, and galloped forward in the ocean.

Since the massive explosion of Stargate, every ocean is full of military ships and submarines,

The Undersea Hive had to travel to deeper and more remote trenches.

Li Ang released his divine power to create a vine sphere, propped up the surrounding seawater, sank into the trench, and stretched out his hand to take a shot on the surface of the seabed cliff.

Using alchemy to melt the soil, dodge into the winding tunnel behind the rock formation,

Proceed along the twisting tunnel for hundreds of meters, and finally arrived at the worm nest base in the The cerebral worms in the worm nest base received news of the coming of the Creator in advance, and they put down what they were doing. , came to the base door to welcome.

Li Ang waved his hand to signal the cerebral worms to go back to their respective duties, while he was led by a cerebral worm to the very center of the worm’s nest base.

In the center of the hive base, stands a rotten and twinkling stargate,

At the other end of the star gate, there are several thick and long wires that look like wires and cables.

All cables are connected to a discolored skin organ like a giant movie theater screen.

This organ can convert the information sent by the Hive ships in the Stargate world into video form for Li Ang to watch.

“Let’s get started.”

Li Ang stood in the original and nodded, and the giant screen organs immediately lit up, revealing the perspective of a scout soldier in the door world.

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