Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 73: Transmission (Quad K)

The process of scanning and detection was relatively smooth, and the few superhumans who had the ability to sense and even resist the scanning of the mind also slightly lowered their resistance after a brief hesitation.

They also know that they are seeking shelter from others, and there is no way to escape this test.

After the mind scan, the blood draw is registered.

All superhumans and their family members walked out of the cabin and received the medical examination of the Ark Project medical team in an orderly manner. After confirming that there was no problem, they boarded another ship and officially moved in.

Li Ang watched it for a while on the deck, and then handed over the matter to Liu Wulan,

Liu Wulan will send him a copy of everyone’s blood samples.

Gathering and protecting the superhuman is just a small matter, and Li Ang has more important things to deal with.

What is the essence of the soul?

This question has been bothering him for some time now.

For the general public and low-level supernatural beings, the soul is the soul, which is independent of the body, carries memory and self, and is an important part of oneself.

Although official organizations in various regions have not officially recognized the existence of souls, after the massacre of the killing game,

A large number of well-documented anomalous events have proven that humans have souls and that souls can exist independently of the human body.

This phenomenon initially shocked the self-proclaimed materialists who firmly believed that free thought came from a material basis (i.e., brain wave activity),

There was even a wave of feudal ignorance in some areas.

Fortunately, the official organization headed by the Special Affairs Bureau stepped up its efforts to carry out popular science propaganda, and quickly suppressed the wave of ignorance.

As a staunch materialist, naturally, one should not stubbornly deny the emergence of certain phenomena like idealists acquiesce in the existence of truth.

Since lightning, wind and rain, earthquakes, tsunamis, and even neutrons, quarks, bosons, etc., can be understood and understood by human beings,

So the soul that exists objectively can also be studied, analyzed, recognized and understood.

For various reasons,

To this day, the official statement of the soul in various regions is generally referred to as “a special energy body that has a profound connection with the electrical signals of the brain, grows with the individual life body, and is in a unified system”.

This lengthy definition can be divided into several parts,

First of all, the soul is possessed by everyone, but not everyone can manifest it.

Most people’s souls remain invisible under normal conditions, and only a few people will take on the form of souls after death, or under special circumstances. At present, the law of the appearance of soul entities cannot be drawn, and only speculation and killing There is some connection to the game.

Secondly, the soul interacts with the electrical signals of the brain. Patients with physical damage to the brain will also become sluggish and sluggish in their souls.

Again, the soul is bound to the individual. The appearance of the soul is basically the same as the appearance of the individual, but there are also abnormalities in some patients with brain damage – for example, after the patient’s brain was injured as a child and his intelligence was impaired, the soul has remained in the state of children.

Through a large number of case studies, the soul problem has finally lifted the veil of mystery and sacredness, and is no longer so mysterious and unpredictable,

Scientists and the general public basically regard it as “whether or not neutrinos have mass”,

Vital to human cognition of the world,

But it doesn’t have much impact on personal life.

Research and research, in the end, everyone still has to go to work, go to school, and continue to live.

The only effect may be that Qingming’s tomb sweeping is more diligent, and there is a sense of retribution for the good and evil in the dark, and there is more awe,

Reduced crime to some extent, which is a good thing.

Of course, for Li Ang, this question concerns his future path.

The power of the gods comes from the power of the believers’ belief,

And the power of faith is closely related to the soul of the individual.

The tougher, stronger, more determined soul, the more power of faith it produces.

Hundreds of thousands of cerebral worms in the hive, each of which is part of a large spiritual network, they can exchange information and exchange experience and knowledge in the spiritual network,

The learning speed is ten times or even dozens of times that of ordinary people.

In addition, these cerebral worms are fanatical believers, and their absolute loyalty and obedience to Li Ang are deeply imprinted in their genes, producing the power of belief all the time.

However, the total amount of faith power produced by all brain worms is still limited,

Now the power of faith output,

In the gene stealer project promoted by Chai Chai, those mortal followers scattered in South Asia, Africa, America and other places have surpassed them.

In the final analysis, it is still a question of the essence of the soul – when Li Ang used the biological master to create biological weapons,

It was found that although he could create a theoretically powerful and violent biological body,

But he can’t make the body itself, with its own will, move on its own – even if he restores the biological brain 1 to 1, reproduces the electrical signals of the brain, and fills the brain with nerve impulses,

The entire body remains motionless, like a dead thing.

In other words, he can create a body, but he can’t create it out of nothing and give it a soul.

Li Ang’s solution at that time was to steal souls from other places,

It is to use the brains of large mammals such as cattle and sheep as the basis to create a new brain worm body for the brain, thereby creating a brain worm.

The experimental results were undoubtedly successful, and the brain worms came alive one by one, and in the version updates again and again,

The brain itself has undergone earth-shaking changes,

It is completely different from the original cow brain and sheep brain.

Brainworms themselves don’t think they were once cattle and sheep.

Removing the philosophical question of the ship of Theseus, Li Ang understood that he was actually stealing the soul energy of cattle and sheep to try to create life,

And the inefficiency of the cerebral worms in producing the power of faith, in the final analysis,

It is because of their own soul foundation, which is relatively weak.

Since this time, Li Ang has been reading the mysticism books provided by the Abnormality Society, the Global Occult Alliance, and even the Bell Tower Organization, trying to figure out the essence of the soul and upgrade the brain bugs.

Ascension to the Long Rank requires a large number of fanatical devotees, producing a large amount of the power of faith.

Only if this condition is fulfilled, the next step of Ascension can be explored.

On the other hand…the study of the nature of the soul is also related to psionic power.

“The power of psionic energy comes from the complex spiritual activities of the living body. It seems to be closely related to the soul and the brain, but it is elusive.

The soul base is weak, which does not affect the brain worms’ ability to psionics.

And some primitive creatures with simple brains, even without complex logical thinking ability, can control powerful psionic energy…”

Li Ang stood on the deck, frowning slightly.

A cool sea breeze blew head-on, and bursts of waves crashed against the tapered bow, stirring up white spray.

As a powerful psionicist who has begun to master the sixth-level psionic power, even if he does not actively release his psychic power, he can vaguely perceive the surrounding area, the emotional fluctuations and general thoughts of all life.

The vast majority of the supernatural beings on the ship have awe, curiosity, envy and even admiration towards themselves.

In the past, those large corporate organizations that chased and hunted them as their prey, just heard the reputation of Li Ang from thousands of miles away, and they kept silent and gave up their pursuit.

Worshiping the strong is the instinct of intelligent life, although there are infinite possibilities in the killing game,

However, factors such as personal intelligence, ability, luck, background, and timing determine that most people will not be able to touch the first-tier players in their lives.

There is a greater probability of dying from increasingly difficult scripted tasks before that,

Or sudden changes in the real world.

Li Ang felt the complex psychological activities of the people on board, and didn’t care about their thoughts. He turned to ask Liu Wulan and said, “The longitude and latitude are now about 127 degrees east longitude and 30 degrees north latitude?”


Liu Wulan was stunned when he heard the words, and asked the captain through the walkie-talkie before he nodded to Li Ang, “That’s right, what’s wrong?”

“I’m going out for a while and I’ll be back later.”

Li Ang stepped lightly on the deck, stepped on the invisible stairs, and rose into the sky, standing high in the sky,

Follow the official account: Book Friends Base Camp, follow and send cash and coins!

Flip the palm and take out the Colt revolver.

Liu Wulan’s heart was shocked. As a friend of Li Ang and a witness to the last battle for the lost world gate, she naturally knew how terrifying this seemingly ordinary revolver was in Li Ang’s hands.

Enchanted bullet, hits instantly, no flight trajectory, once headshot, the damage is doubled,

Even a powerful demon general can inflict fatal injuries.

Fortunately, Li Ang did not aim the muzzle of the Colt revolver at the ship of Longqing Shipping,

Instead, the muzzle of the gun was pointed at the vast and boundless sea.

His pupils slowly contracted, and the surrounding sea breeze blew on him, as if blowing a reef independent of the ocean.


Li Ang pulled the trigger, and the bullet fired by the Colt revolver disappeared instantly. Only the dull sound of gunfire echoing on the sea surface and the misty smoke rising from the muzzle proved that the bullet really flew out.

Li Ang still maintains the posture of holding the pistol horizontally, calmly.


Liu Wulan stood on the deck, staring at Li Ang who was motionless,

As a long-known friend, she knows that Li Ang will never do anything meaningless – even when a bad taste occurs, the boring and painful actions will prove to have far-reaching effects after a period of time. Act of.

One second,

Two seconds.

Li Ang stood in the sea breeze, silently waiting for something.

Then, he disappeared in place.


Liu Wulan’s pupils shrank suddenly. In her observation, Li Ang’s figure disappeared instantly, without any energy fluctuations or sound and light effects,

Only the special equipment she wore on her body proved that there was indeed a slight distortion in the surrounding space.

He… teleported away?

Liu Wulan took a deep breath,

In hindsight, she sensed the fluctuation of the information returned by the special equipment, and her pupils instantly enlarged.

The information fluctuation shows that the other end of the space warp just now is thousands of miles away…


Ignoring Liu Wulan who was shocked and stunned, Li Ang’s figure flashed, and he had already appeared on the sea far away,

The corners of the white coat with the dragon’s head on his body showed a dim light like burning flames,

The sea water under my feet suddenly “bang” and exploded violently,

A monstrous water column was raised and it fell dripping, but it was completely blocked by the spiritual shields around Li Ang.


The water column subsided, and when Li Ang stepped on the soles of his feet lightly, the sea water rose and fell,

He felt the rapidly declining spiritual power in his body, made a rough estimate, and slowly exhaled a turbid breath.

He did teleport over a distance of 500km just now with the help of two new skills.

[Skill Name: Eagle Eye Sight Distance]

[Type: General]

【Special effect: extreme view. Greatly improve vision, strengthen central vision, peripheral vision, stereoscopic vision]

[Consumption: at least 10 points of spiritual energy/second]

【Cooldown time: 3 minutes】

[Learning conditions: Physical attributes are higher than or equal to 10 points, and perception attributes are higher than or equal to 15 points]

[Remarks: The higher the visual acuity when strengthening, the more spiritual energy is consumed]

【Remarks: When I close my eyes, the world disappears]

This skill was purchased by Li Ang from the store,

With the [Detective’s Monocle] (the effect is to improve perception),

Lee Ang can see things very far away like a high-end telescope.

For ordinary players, this skill is actually just like that. How can you see things clearly?

It’s not as good as a real telescope and camera However, [Eagle Eyesight] combined with another skill can play a magical effect.

[Skill Scroll Name: Bullet Shuttle]

[Attribute: Consumable, disappears after one use]

[Type: General]

【Quality: Perfect】

【Special effect: Gunfire goes together. After using a firearm, after shooting a solid bullet, it can instantly appear at the hit position of the bullet]

[Consumption: At least 100 spiritual energy points]

[Cooldown: 5 seconds]

【Learning Condition: Perception Attribute is higher than or equal to 15 points】

[Note: The farther the teleportation distance is, the more spiritual energy is consumed]

[Remarks: The invincible Gun King II, in the face of a hundred-year pursuit by the trans-galactic empire, has always been at large and has not been arrested. It is said that he left a supreme gun that can destroy all rules in the deepest part of the dungeon]

This [Bullet Snapshot] skill scroll is the most expensive item that Li Ang purchased recently.

The price of a single piece is as high as more than 30,000 points of game currency,

Even in the game mall auction house, which often creates sales miracles, it is an extremely rare sky-high price.

It’s impossible to say that you don’t feel bad about the money you spend,

Li Ang’s inventory game currency was nearly half gone.

However, the effect of [Bullet Shuttle] is indeed worthy of its expensive price,

Shoot a solid bullet, wait for the bullet to hit,

You can instantly appear at the hit position of the bullet.

Able to see thousands of miles away at a glance with the eagle eye sight distance skill, plus the bullet teleportation technique, and the Colt revolver with domineering guaranteed hit effect,

These three items are superimposed together to form a joint effect,

The current Li Ang can already appear thousands of miles away in an instant, and achieve ultra-long-distance teleportation.

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