Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 59: Lion Dance


The five fingernails were slowly raised on the back of Wang Congshan’s head, slightly raised,

Then extended five gray-black fingers from below.

Li Ang’s pupils shrank, and his brain was running fast. All the experiences just now flashed back in his mind, from the time the two stepped into the village, until now they are walking towards the atrium of the Hiratsuka family mansion.

What is this palm and why does it appear behind Wang Congshan’s head?

After stepping into the Hiratsuka family mansion, Li Ang will release the zero-level ability [Fuzzy Intuition] of the mental prediction system at regular intervals. There is a certain probability that he can roughly feel whether the next action is good or bad.

But so far, he hasn’t felt threatened at all.

Yes [fuzzy intuition] just failed,

Or this palm was parasitized before the two stepped into the Hiratsuka mansion,

Or the palm only aimed at Wang Congshan, not Li Ang, so the psionic detection did not work…

In one breath, those five fingers continued to climb out from the back of Wang Congshan’s head, revealing gray-black palms, wrists, and even half of their arms.

As if someone was about to crawl out of her head.

Wang Congshan felt that her back hair was suddenly lifted, the back of her head was itching and tingling, and the back of her head was inexplicably put on, and her head fell back involuntarily.

She instantly realized what was happening, her scalp tingled, and a cold current surged through her body. She instinctively raised her gun and aimed at the back of her head.


Li Ang raised his hand and pressed Wang Congshan’s gun holding palm. At this time, he also felt the back of his head being dragged down by the weight,

But his eyes were fixed on a lantern hanging in the atrium in front of him.

The lantern is the only light source facing this corridor, and it is emitting light at the moment, illuminating the optical fiber into the corridor.

With the help of the first-level ability of the mental prediction system [extended sight], while facing forward, Li Ang could also see the same gray-black arm growing out of the back of his head.

The feeling of having a long hand on the back of the head is extremely strange. I don’t feel much pain, but there is a sense of dizziness that quickly disappears in my brain.

Li Ang’s hair is windless and automatic, and his spiritual energy flows quietly, releasing a hint of paralysis toward the gray-black arm behind his head.

Ghosts, specifically those that are not anomalous but have individual independence, are subject to psionic influence,

[Paralysis hint] Although it is only a first-level ability, it can also make the resentful spirits of this level appear slightly sluggish, or even completely stagnant.

The psionic energy manifested and took effect, and the gray-black arm behind Li Ang’s head really went limp,

Correspondingly, however, Li Ang’s right arm, which was hanging in mid-air, also inexplicably lost the right to perceive and control, and it fell down, as if it had been cut, and could not feel it at all.

Sure enough.

Li Ang took a deep breath, ignoring the arm behind his head, grabbed Wang Congshan’s shoulder with his left hand that was still movable, and pulled her back,

The two exited the corridor and returned to the entrance of the atrium, and the gray-black arm behind the two of them also dissipated.

“What happened…”

Wang Congshan only felt the back of her head light up, and the sense of loss of reason finally stopped.

“It’s light.”

Li Ang explained quickly: “The arm sticking out from the back of our head is not an evil spirit, but our own shadow.

There is something wrong with the lantern in the front atrium, the light it emits can animate our shadows.

If we attack our own shadow, we refract damage to ourselves,

Like this. “

He raised his right shoulder, which moved freely, but the right arm below the shoulder was still limp.

“I didn’t react until I noticed that the outline of Shadow’s arm, from the fingernail to the palm, was exactly the same as both of our own hands.”

Li Ang exhaled slowly and explained: “The **** of my right hand is slightly bent to the left, because I used to hold the pen too hard to write.

And you’ve always had the habit of trimming your nails into oval and trapezoidal shapes. “


Wang Congshan glanced at her palm subconsciously. She really likes to trim her nails neatly and parallel to her fingers, but in the scene just now, Li Ang can still recognize it, which is quite outrageous.

“About 10% or so in Sanity.”

Li Ang estimated the loss, shook his right arm, which gradually regained consciousness, and said, “If I stay in the candlelight for a longer time, the loss will probably increase,

And when our shadow is completely detached, very bad things can happen. “

“What do we do now?”

Wang Congshan frowned, “On the map, there are only two roads leading to the atrium. If you don’t go from here, you have to go back to the front hall and go around the corridor on the left again.”

“You can’t go back if you go back.”

Li Ang pursed his lips, “The lanterns in the atrium, like the hemp ropes in the rope corridor, are abnormal objects.

Such anomalies may also exist in other parts of the Hiratsuka mansion. If you return to the front hall and walk through the left corridor again, you may encounter new dangers…”

He thought about it seriously, and then under Wang Congshan’s astonished gaze, he used the secondary creation technique to create a long brown cloak with a huge headgear.

The cloak was made of thick material, and the surface was covered with glass shards, and it looked dazzling,

The headgear is round with two protruding peep holes,

The overall shape is similar to the lion skin in the lion dance props.

“We’ll walk down the hallway with this thing on, relying on the shards of mirrors on the lion’s skin to reflect light and offset the shadows.”

Li Ang fiddled with the lion’s and got into it, held up the lion’s head very skillfully, and danced a few times on the spot, “If I’m not wrong, this should be able to avoid the light judgment.

Do you have any questions? “

Wang Congshan looked at Li Ang who was holding the lion head with a serious face, her eyes twitched,

The lion skin of this lion dance is as brown as loess, and its surface is covered with ichthyosis-like glass fragments, like a lion dyed with non-mainstream hair color, which is too ugly,

“…why can’t you just make a giant mirror and walk right through the hallway.”

“The huge one-way mirror cannot block the side and the back, and it will also produce shadows.

And directly make a mirror box, let us hide in it, it is too energy-consuming – using Creation to make a soft cloak, the consumption is much lower than making a whole piece of glass. “

Li Ang said quickly: “And you can move flexibly with the lion dance props, even if you retreat, it is more convenient.

Okay, no bullshit, come and form a head with me. “

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