Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 43: Stone

“If it’s the fourth possibility, then the situation is very bad now.”

Bai Haozheng said with a wry smile: “After discovering these suspected stargates leading to foreign lands, various official organizations quickly reached an agreement to block the areas where stargates from different continents are located.

No one is allowed to enter.

Not the same as the door in the player’s hand,

The state of most exotic stargates is not very stable, sometimes expanding, sometimes shrinking, just like when players control the stargate, they provide a small amount of spiritual power one after another, and they cannot shuttle——

It may be because the distance is too far, the ‘signal’ is unstable, or the spiritual power requirement is too large.

The state can be stable for a long time. So far, only the star gate near the Mayotte Islands.

As a result, ships of various parties blocked the waters near the Madagascar Islands,

A step-by-step exploration of Mayotte’s star gates. “

Bai Haozheng spread his palms and said: “After confirming that the stargate can be connected in both directions, each official organization must consider one point,

Behind the gate are potential enemies,

A friendly being who can communicate, negotiate, and even form alliances.

As has been discussed many times in the players forum,

When two civilizations with completely different geographical conditions, climates, races, cultures, development history, and technology trees suddenly meet, the possibility of conflict is quite high.

Cognitive biases of both parties towards each other,

Possibly bigger than the Native Americans against the Spanish colonists during the Great Voyages.

Not to mention that both parties may be controlled by the killing field game, and it has begun to move towards an era of expansion in which all people are soldiers and frantically plunder resources for development.

It is extremely dangerous to come into contact with an unknown civilization even if it is not for the purpose of plundering resources.

There are huge differences between civilizations with different technology trees,

A fanatical idealist may never understand what materialism is like.

In addition, there is a law for the contact between civilizations of different technology trees – the first party will have a huge advantage.

Taking the psionic civilization as an example, if tens of thousands of strictly trained psionicists sneak into the earth,

Even if they are not high-level, just middle-level,

It can also sneak in and infiltrate at will, replacing the middle and even high-level decision-makers of our civilization, creating unprecedented chaos.

And if we are the first to move, drop GPS satellites directly into the star gate, and then launch thousands of nuclear bombs while they are not ready to directly explode the entire planet’s surface,

Then even if the planet is full of soldiers, everyone is a Lv5, Lv10 player, and even a Lv30 player, they can crush the earth at will in a conventional war,

I’m afraid there is no way to avoid the nuclear winter fate of nuclear bombs.

The first-mover advantage created by the clash of civilizations, in turn, promotes distrust among civilizations,

Across the star gate, the two sides must consider whether the other party will suddenly use a devastating blow to directly destroy their own vitality and erase the threat

The more I think about this possibility, the stronger the suspicion and suspicion, and I even begin to suspect that the other party has begun to suspect the infinite loop of dolls of the other party.

That is, the so-called chain of suspicion. “

Bai Haozheng said that his mouth was dry, and he took a sip from the water glass on the table with his mind, “We, the official organizations of the earth, do not want to rashly start an exotic war,

The earth’s resources are now enough for us to grow for a long time.

But what if that one is the same barren and exotic world as the wild lion’s magic sunflower world?

In order to survive, the barren lions can take the initiative to keep their own people in captivity, feed and use them from life to death like poultry and livestock, and do everything possible to make the civilization continue.

In order to survive, they can take action against their own people, and naturally they can take the initiative to launch wars against the other world with unlimited resources behind the stargate, and even strike directly to crush any obstacles.

For this reason, all official organizations have agreed to place some strategic weapons in the area where the stargate is located,

And several giant square boxes made of special alloys containing extraordinary power, like nesting dolls, wrapped around the stargate layer by layer, shielding the opponent from all means of detection.

Any scientist who observes a star gate must pass hundreds of physical and mental testing procedures every time he passes through the protective door of the box,

Together with their family members, must be monitored 24 hours a day. “

Bai Haozheng said with a wry smile: “These contents are actually the most confidential information at present. Several other people in the office and I have only been authorized to access it not long ago.

Scientists in the blocked area can do very limited things. Each of them wears fully armed protective clothing and stays in the box on the third and fourth floors from the bottom.

Observe the stargate by remote control of the humble unmanned robot of the last century housed in the smallest square box.

They are not allowed to enter the smallest cube in person, they are not allowed to control the robot to touch the star gate, they are not allowed to speak, and they are not allowed to carry advanced electronic equipment-

In the 1970s, the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft launched by NASA carried a golden record containing the sounds and images of various cultures and life on Earth, including the outline of the human body.

Looking at it now, this is actually an extremely dangerous behavior,

If alien civilizations can understand the information of earth civilization, understand the technological tree and technological development level of earth civilization, and know the physiological characteristics of human beings on earth,

They will be able to obtain enough information to conduct rational assessments, infer the current combat capabilities of Earth civilization, and decide whether to fight or be peaceful.

The possibility of peaceful coexistence is relatively low,

There is still war and hatred among the civilizations of our earth, and they have been fighting each other for thousands of years.

Not to mention coexisting peacefully with aliens who look very different and have huge cultural differences.

They probably thought so too.

And if it’s a war,

Then foreign civilizations that have enough information can take targeted measures at the least cost,

For example, throwing energy-devouring magic sunflower seeds;

Drop radioactive substances that pollute seawater;

Wait a few years or even more than ten years, after the life of the earth has been wiped out and the civilization has broken down, Shi Shiran will cross the star gate and complete the harvest – just like they did to the magic sunflower world.

It is based on this consideration that we allow scientists in the blocked area,

Using the backward robots of the last century, although inefficient, is already the most difficult way to reveal one’s own information to observe the stargate.


From his expression, Li Ang read the helplessness and said, “Let me guess, the other side also thinks the same way?”


Bai Hao smiled and said: “The last time the Mayotte Islands changed, we suspect that it was the exotic superhuman at that end who tried to expand the stargate to a complete state, and the operation error caused a tsunami. .

Then the Stargate subsided and we completed the blockade.

There is no movement on our side, and there is absolutely no movement on the other side of the Stargate.

No paper sent, no poison delivered, no messenger sent.

The two sides are like hunters in the dark jungle who suspect each other that the other will threaten them, and neither of them wants to be the first to speak out and reveal information.

Until an hour ago, the star gate over there finally moved.

They dropped something. “

Bai Hao was pressing the projector button, and a new three-dimensional projection was immediately projected in midair.

Li Ang frowned as he looked at the object presented by the three-dimensional projection, “This is… a pebble?”

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