Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 967: Ethnicity (Quad K)


Hearing Li Ang’s words, the village chief hesitated for a moment, thought for a moment, and said sincerely: “To be honest, there are doctors in our village, who have been studying the nature of progeria for decades, and even used everything in the inventory. The knowledge, technology and items that can be used, so far, there is still nothing. This kind of premature aging disease may belong to the category of miracles, which is beyond the reach of human beings.

Master Brave, your medical skills may not be of much use…”

Before the village chief finished speaking, he saw the brave man wave his hand and calmly said, “You are useless,

This might work for me.

If you don’t believe me, I’ll show you a magic trick. “

After speaking, Li Ang took off the mirage dragon red mana coat and gloves on his right hand,

Raise the right arm horizontally, place the right palm horizontally, with the palm facing you, then use the index finger and **** of the left hand to gently pinch the thumb of the right palm, making a horizontal pull.

The village chief was stunned for a while, and he was a bit dumbfounded,

Isn’t that the old-fashioned visual magic? The upper half of the thumb of the right palm is hooked downward, and the upper half of the thumb of the left hand is used to replace it. When the palm is moved in translation, the right thumb is pretended to be pulled off.

It’s not even visual magic, it’s just a street trick to amuse children…

It’s a thorn—

I saw that the brave man actually used brute force to pull out the thumb of the right palm. In an instant, the cross-section of the finger spurted blood like a high-pressure water tap, and the situation was incomparable.

And the dragon-head masked hero was well prepared. He pointed the wound to his mouth in advance, caught all the blood with his dragon’s mouth, and even had time to calmly say: “How is it, village chief, am I? , show your hand?”

Don’t care how many hands you’ve shown, what, did you bleed more than once? The amount of bleeding is huge!

Under the shocked and stunned gazes of the village chief and other players, Li Ang pressed the broken right thumb back again, instantly stopping the blood column, and then shoved his right hand into the mouth of the dragon head mask.

After a loud gurgling sound, he pulled out his right hand again, and there was no trace of blood on it, as if it had never been pulled out.

“This trick is to continue the connection of broken limbs. As long as the head is not broken, it can be connected again.”

Li Ang used the tone of selling Dali Pills on the street, and boasted: “In fact, even if the head is severed and continues for too long, the brain does not lose too much blood and oxygen, I can still pick it up.

It is possible to lose some memory, cause brain confusion, etc.

If you want to experience the village chief, I have a knife here…”

“No, no, no!”

The village chief raised his hands and hurriedly refused. The pale expression on the old face made one feel that he might faint at any time.

“Isn’t it necessary? That would be a shame.”

Li Ang returned the kitchen knife he didn’t know where to pull it out into the inside pocket of his white coat,

With a click, a glass ball-like object fell from the faucet’s mask.

On closer inspection, it turned out to be an eyeball with brownish-yellow eyes.

“Ah, I lost my eye.”

Li Ang reached out and grabbed the eyeball that had slipped in the air and raced it back into the mouth of the dragon head mask.


The next second, dozens of eyeballs of different sizes, shapes and pupil colors rolled down from the mouth of the faucet mask.

Li Ang gave a low voice: “Single dragon playing with beads!”

To catch all the eyeballs with the palm of your hand and throw them into the air one by one like a circus performance,

Let the eyeball swipe through the arc in mid-air, and finally fall back into the mouth of the faucet mask.


The sound of chewing and swallowing came from the faucet mask, as if Li Ang re-chewed all the eyeballs and ate them back to his stomach,

This time, not only was the village chief pale as white paper, but even Ding Shinji’s face was pale, feeling that his sanity had lost a bit.

Those eyeballs are presumably not fakes, and the ends are connected with nerve threads, and from the appearance, it is obviously not a person’s…

The more I think about it, the more terrifying it gets, shit.

Ding Shinji suddenly remembered Xing Hechou’s reliable evaluation of Li Risheng, which didn’t seem to mention that he was an abyss monster in human form…

Li Ang ignored other people’s gazes, patted his belly, and said with a smile: “Village Chief, how is it, my medical skills are okay?

Anyway, it’s just a try, you can’t buy it, and you can’t be fooled,

If I really have a solution to the problem of premature aging in your village, I can make a little contribution to the tranquility of the holy mountain. “

The village chief really wanted to politely refuse, but when the words came to his mouth, it became, “Then… try…”

The other party is the first team of brave men to step into the holy mountain range in decades, and it seems that they have killed the shadow monster and regained the bricks and stones of the holy mountain gate. Naturally, their strength is guaranteed.

If the other party does not agree to spend the wishing opportunity on the relief of premature aging, it can only rely on medical means…

The village chief hesitated to walk out of the house, leading the player and several village guards outside the house to the corner of the village.

After a few minutes, everyone came to a small house, stepped into it, and saw a large pile of funeral supplies stacked in the living room.

After being introduced by the village chief, the players knew that,

Because the Guardian Village has been plagued by premature aging for a long time, everyone in the village will rapidly age after the age of fourteen or five, and few people can live beyond the age of thirty.

A 28-year-old villager lives in this hut. Knowing that his time is short, he prepares funeral supplies, including coffins, in advance according to the custom of the village, ready for burial at any time.

This is also the norm in the village. In the village chief’s personal study, there is also a coffin. Usually, it is used as a bookcase. When he dies, the bookcase is placed horizontally, and the baffle is removed. Just go in.

Although we have long known that everyone has this day, it is still unacceptable to continue to feel the pain of death approaching.

Families of the villagers who were busy with funeral arrangements in the houses had sad expressions on their faces. They were quite surprised when the village chief introduced them to the “skillful doctor”.

Old customs are still maintained in the village, and the village chief is very authoritative in the village.

The villager’s family quickly agreed to let the genius doctor go upstairs for consultation.

Due to the narrowness of the hut, Ding Shinji, who was driving the Kui Niu mecha, could not enter the house and waited outside the house.

The other players followed the villagers along the creaking wooden steps to the second floor to the bedroom of the twenty-eight-year-old villager.

As soon as they entered the door, everyone except Li Ang frowned slightly. The windows of the room were open and the light was bright, but there was still an old-fashioned atmosphere, full of a dying atmosphere.

The villager lying on the bed was much older than the white-haired village chief. The skin on his whole body was as dry and dull as rotten wood, full of wrinkles, and it was taut on the bones like dead wood.

The eyes are cloudy and dim, with strands of cloudy sediment floating in the air,

Hair has fallen out to the point of only one or two strands remaining, growing in a mess on the black-spotted scalp.

“Andrew? Andrew?”

The village chief sat beside the bed and called the villager’s name softly,

The latter lay quietly on the bed. After a long time, he seemed to have a reaction. He tilted his head very slowly, and the village chief’s figure was reflected in his cloudy eyes.

“We found a doctor for you, and if it goes well, he can cure your premature aging disease, maybe other people, even our village. Can you hear me?”

The village chief asked a few questions repeatedly, but could not get a meaningful response. Then he stood up, took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and made up his mind to look at Li Ang, and said solemnly: “Master Brave, you just Let him have a look.”


Li Ang nodded, moved a chair over, sat down beside the bed, reached out to hold the palm of the aging villager, and slowly closed his eyes.

In the corners that other people can’t see, Li Ang pierced a large number of extremely slender plant fiber threads in his palm, pierced through the skin of the villagers, drew blood, and analyzed the body.

This analysis took ten minutes to analyze,

When the village chief and the villager’s family were finally about to sit still, Li Ang slowly opened his eyes and let out a long breath.

“Doctor, how is my father?”

A villager who looks like a middle-aged man but doesn’t know his actual age asked nervously.

Li Ang turned to look, nodded calmly, and said, “Are you the family of the deceased?”

? ? ?

The atmosphere in the room is stagnant,

Li Ang patted the back of the head mask and smiled awkwardly, “I’m sorry, this patient’s situation is so special that even I mistakenly thought he was dead.

Ahem, he’s fine,

I just looked at it, this premature aging disease…”

“How is it?” asked the village chief nervously.

“Can cure.”

Li Ang lengthened his voice and said slowly: “But it’s very, very troublesome.”

The village chief and all the villagers had only the word “can cure” left in their minds, and they hurriedly asked, “Do you have a solution? What solution? What do you want us to prepare?”

Li Ang waved his hand and stood up from the chair, “Let’s go out and talk.”

He walked to the balcony with the village chief, leaned against the edge of the balcony, and waved his hand to signal that the players and companions in the distance could also come over – such a distance could not block the hearing of the teammates, and it was not classified information, so it was necessary to guard against temporary teammate.

Everyone stood on the balcony, and Li Ang looked down at the street scene below and said in a deep voice, “Your Excellency the village chief, I’ll just say something straight, your village, shouldn’t it be a normal human being?”

The village chief was taken aback when he heard the words, and after a while he sighed, “You all know?”

“For a hero of our level, smell alone can tell the difference between some species. Besides, your village has declined a lot, and the villagers can’t hide their weak blood.”

Li Ang said calmly: “But I only finally confirmed it when I was diagnosed just now.

The race to which your village belongs should be some kind of dark race that feeds on fresh creatures. “

The village chief’s expression changed, and he sighed: “Your Excellency, don’t use the noble words of the dark race, you know your own situation best,


We’re just a bunch of ghouls that eat corpses. “


Except for Hohenheim, the other players were startled, David frowned, Amberley looked at the village chief again, and smacked his mouth, quite surprised.

These players who belong to large organizations actually carry detection-type equipment items,

Although it is not like the Kui Niu Mecha, it can scan all kinds of species, including those recorded in the Anomaly Society database,

But enough for most situations in a normal script.

At least when a person walks across, it can identify whether the other person is a human, a Terminator disguised as a human, or a vampire.

In most occult definitions, vampires and ghouls are very different.

The former era is cursed, not loved by gods, neither devil nor human, feeds on blood, has a series of extraordinary abilities, including but not limited to incarnation of bats, flying to the sky, manipulating blood energy, rapid regeneration, Immortal,

And has a long history, a large ethnicity, a family rule of law,

All of them are handsome men and beautiful women, with their own fashion value bonus.

The earliest ghouls from Arabian legends are much lower-end,

They feed on the corpses of dead people. They are ugly in appearance, low in intelligence, walk on all fours, and are similar to beasts. Except for their rough skin and thick flesh, they have no extraordinary power to be commended.

In some occult books, ghouls are even slaves, loyal servants and pets raised by the blood clan, responsible for clearing potential enemies, or serving as cannon fodder to die.

In the eyes of Hohenheim and others, it is almost impossible to mistake these two creatures unless…

The village chief sighed explained: “In a long, long time, when there were no records in any Chinese dictionaries, our ancestors should have been just a group of the most wild and low-minded beasts.

Maybe it was pure luck, they crossed the ocean and came to this land. As the first residents, they were inspired by the holy mountain.

The Holy Mountain accepted the ghoul race, and over the long years, with the sacred and indescribable great power, transformed that ghoul.

It transforms it from an ugly beast, with wisdom, to a human form.

Our ancestors revered the holy mountain very much, voluntarily lived at the foot of the holy mountain, established villages, and never left.

At one point in time, one of our ancestors is said to have received a revelation from the Holy Mountain, revealing to him that the Holy Mountain has the ability to fulfill all the wishes of the world, and that a team of adventurers will arrive on the island soon.

That generation of ancestors received adventurers, watched them climb the snow-capped mountains, completed trials, and finally fulfilled their wishes,

And spread the greatness of the holy mountain to all parts of the world.

After that, it’s a regular history — brave teams from all over the world come to the holy mountain to be tested,

Our village has also become a world hub.

But, as you might guess, we have ghoul blood in our veins. “

The village chief sighed helplessly and said, “The holy mountain has taught us and inspired us, but apart from that generation of ancestors, very few people have received the divine revelation from the holy mountain.

Before the arrival of the brave, our village was sparsely populated and maintained at the scale of a dozen households. We could survive by hunting wild beasts on the edge of the forest and eating their flesh and blood.

After the arrival of the brave, due to intermarriage, the population of our village continued to rise, from dozens to hundreds, or even thousands. “

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