Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 933: Pros and Cons

Li Ang smiled bitterly: “Ordinary people don’t seem to have the right to answer ‘no’ to this question…”

“It’s about public security, please understand.”

Wei Linglan said: “We cannot tolerate omissions in our work. A small mistake can lead to a big disaster, so there is nothing to do.”


Lee Ang nodded slowly.

“After taking the transcript and signing the non-disclosure agreement, you will be paid a certain amount of compensation. If the information is valuable, the compensation will be a little more. It will be enough to make up for the time and energy you spend.”

Wei Linglan said: “Can I do it?”


Li Ang nodded: “Is it a monetary reward?”

“All right, the bureau has always been generous in this regard.”

Wei Linglan smiled, “As for the second thing…

You got a hand in the physical fitness test at school, right? “


Li Ang’s brows jumped slightly imperceptibly, and Wei Linglan continued: “Just like the teacher on the podium can always see which students are not serious in class,

Our professionals and technical equipment can also see the potential of all testers.

Why did you deliberately lower your physical fitness test score? “

“Is this…”

Li Ang maintains the operation of the [Mystery Digger] title skill, observing Wei Linglan’s heart,

I pretended to be embarrassed and rubbed my palms, “The exam is too good, it is easy to be recruited.

I see some classmates who were recruited in advance as default interns because of their outstanding performance.

Feeling a little troublesome,

I just want to make some money safely, get into a good university, find a good job, and just hang around. “

“You can also get money to work in the special affairs bureau.”

Wei Linglan frowned slightly and corrected: “Even as an intern, the weekly salary is higher than that of ordinary white-collar workers in Yin City.

And the benefits will be much, much better,

Staff dormitories, special car transfers, family members, ahem, anyway, there are hidden benefits in other aspects. “

Wang Congshan is Wei Linglan’s cousin, and Li Ang seems to be much more mature than his peers, and he can say some things that are hard to say.

“If you work as an intern in the Special Affairs Bureau, you can also get better protection in terms of personal safety, except that you are sometimes forced to work overtime, but that is also to maintain social order, and it belongs to the light of the masses…”

Wei Linglan glanced at the hesitant expression on Li Ang’s face and asked, “You should know that too? Official agencies in various regions? Do you have some guesses about the rules for selecting ordinary people for promotion in the killing game?

One of the most widely recognized? Is the kill game priority, or prefer to pick those?

A person who has outstanding adaptability and adjustment ability to the external environment, and actively transforms the environment and himself.

In other words? The so-called ‘stronger’ in superman theory. “

She paused? Slowly said: “And one of the most adaptable groups is the students whose mentality has not been completely solidified.

Our Secret Service actually has a very long form,

The content of the table is formulated according to the student source list of the education system,

A number of ?names of students identified as gifted and likely to be selected for promotion will be recorded.

That includes you. “

Li Ang pointed to himself? “Me?”


Wei Linglan nodded calmly, “But the form is very complicated and huge, and we don’t have the energy to do the ideological work of each student.

And the think tank also believes that it is better to observe quietly than to actively intervene – the previous plan of the Special Affairs Bureau to actively train personnel and try to promote players on a large scale? Usually has failed,

Wait and see? Maybe the best thing to do.

But now…”

Wei Linglan lay back, leaning on the back of the seat? Her chin was raised towards the window, “Did you see it too? The traffic outside the window has become a lot quieter?

Times have changed? And it’s changing faster than anyone can imagine.

It’s hard to say what the future holds if you keep the idea of ​​being alone and going with the flow. “

She glanced at Wang Congshan, who had a stiff expression and didn’t know what to think, sighed, and said calmly, “I actually know your concerns,

If you join the Special Affairs Bureau as an intern, you will have more opportunities to exercise yourself,

But at the same time, there is a greater chance of becoming a player.

Once selected in the killing game, it becomes a prisoner who is always on the edge of life and death,

Next month, next week, next day, or even the next second, you may die in the scripted mission, turning into a rotting corpse, with nothing but a funeral. “

Wei Linglan seemed to think of those colleagues who had unfortunately passed away, rubbed his brows and sighed: “However, even if you don’t become a player, it will become more and more difficult to be an ordinary person in the future.

No power, no great power is attributed to oneself,

Ordinary people, like players, must be controlled by fate – extraordinary people may still be able to struggle in the tide of the times, if ordinary people…

Under the nest, there will be no eggs,

One can only pray that oneself and the entire civilization are lucky enough to escape the cataclysm at hand. “

Wei Linglan patted Wang Congshan’s palm and said in a calm voice, “It is because of this consideration that I have no plans to stop Shanshan from entering the Special Affairs Bureau as an intern.

Little Li, you should also think about it. Joining the Special Affairs Bureau actually has more advantages than disadvantages. “


Li Ang nodded solemnly, “I will seriously consider it.”

“Well, that’s fine.”

Wei Linglan smiled, snapped her fingers again, lifted the noise barrier, and drank all the iced Coke on the table, “By the way, what did you order? Let me see. Look at the menu.”


Wang Congshan, who had just recovered from her heavy thoughts, was stunned for a moment and asked subconsciously, “Aren’t you going to take him to the stronghold to record the transcript now?”

“What’s the rush,”

Wei Linglan rolled her eyes, “Since Xiao Li has agreed, I won’t be in a hurry for the time being.

He’s just an outsider in the new player relationship survey,

Now you have to wait in line outside the office.

I haven’t eaten my lunch yet, so you know you care about him, and you don’t care about my cousin. “

Wei Linglan let out a long sigh, with a melancholy expression, and said softly, “Sure enough, it’s not a good idea to stay with women. When I was a child, I said that I wanted to be the best and best sister with my cousin, but now I only think about men.”

“Fuck Wang Congshan squeezed her fist, “Then you paid for this meal. “

“Alright, alright, I’ll invite you.”

Wei Linglan sighed: “Fortunately, your cousin, I have changed jobs, and the salary is much higher than before,

Otherwise I will treat you once, and I will have to eat and go bankrupt,

Thanks to my conscience, I asked you to stay with your little boy friend for a while, I don’t want to waste the afternoon you two alone…”

Li Ang watched the “warm” interaction between the two, with a faint smile on his face,

In the divine power link, there is divine power surging.

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