Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 925: School

“Feeling bad.”

Wang Congshan put on the bracelet and turned her wrist. The Mobius-shaped metal pendant in the middle of the bracelet reflected sunlight on the metal bottom plate under the drawer, “Thank you.”


Li Ang nodded calmly. At this time, the school leader’s speech on the TV was at the end, and he handed over the screen to the instructor of the Special Affairs Bureau.

After the latter’s well-worn safety education, the speech officially ended and the TV was turned off.

Teachers of each subject walk into the classroom and take turns to assign homework and issue test papers,

At last, the head teacher emphasized that you should pay attention to safety during the holidays and arrange reasonable time to prepare for the senior year…

Students who were already on the verge of being on pins and needles waited until the school bell rang,

Accompanied by the melodious music, Shi Qingsong on the podium smiled helplessly and announced the dismissal of school.


The students jumped up and started to organize their bags,

Li Ang sorted out the time and homework, chatted with Wang Congshan one after another, and walked out of the classroom.

Because it was the end of the second semester of high school today, there were a lot of students’ parents’ vehicles parked outside the school gate, and Wang Congshan’s parents also drove to pick her up,

Li Ang rode his bicycle back home. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Chai Chai sitting on the sofa, staring solemnly at the screen of the laptop.

Li Ang hung the schoolbag on the wall, “What’s wrong?”

“Come and see.”

Chai Chai moved to the side, turned the mouse wheel, and returned to the top of the page.

This is a new post on the Players Forum, with hundreds of replies in less than five minutes,

And the content of the post-

“Earthquake in Mayotte, tsunami engulfs coastal facilities”


Li Ang searched for relevant information in his mind. This archipelago is located between the African continent and Madagascar. It covers an area of ​​374 square kilometers and has a population of more than 200,000. It mainly produces spices such as vanilla and belongs to the overseas region of France.

The last time I heard the name of this archipelago was long ago.

“Seafloor seismic waves?”

Li Ang raised his eyebrows. All the seismic sensors all over the world had detected a strange seismic wave signal, which repeated every seventeen seconds for a total of 20 minutes.

The source of the signal comes from the Mayotte Islands.

Scientists at the time believed that a new volcano was forming below the coast of Mayotte, but this theory could not explain the long breathing sounds that locals heard every night as they went to bed.

“Is this news a year old?”

Li Ang frowned, “Is it an extraordinary event?”

“Not sure yet.”

Chai Chai shook his head and said: “The connection between the local and the outside world has not been interrupted, and there are live broadcasts on the Internet and player forums.

I see, it’s here…”

She clicked on a live broadcast room, and the picture of the live broadcast room was the outdoor environment, which came from a local resident’s mobile phone.

In the mobile phone screen, the whitewashed low building shakes violently,

The dark-skinned locals stood on the dusty dirt road, running and shouting emotionally, telling others to hurry up and leave the house,

In the distance, the hillside of the island covered with green vegetation also trembled slightly in a range visible to the naked eye.

The nine-meter-high waves surged from the sea like giant arms, beating heavily on the slopes of the island, easily swept away a large piece of trees.

The owner of the mobile phone from which the pictures of the live broadcast room came from, handed over the mobile phone to his son, dragged his family and drove to a higher open area and drove away quickly.

The road does not break along the way,

The tree swayed and snapped, revealing its lush roots, just like a scene in the movie “2012”.

For a moment, the shaking of the earth finally stopped, and the mobile phone camera swept down the mountain,

I saw that the whole island was devastated, collapsed buildings, fallen trees, and vehicles swept away by the sea, like naughty children’s building blocks, piled up messily.


Li Ang’s pupils shrank, and on the distant sea surface above the screen, the sea water was rotating at a high speed, forming a large vortex with a diameter of more than ten meters below the sea surface.

And at the center of the vortex is a circle of colorful, fuzzy starlight.

The star gate, or rather, the door,

It is absorbing a huge amount of seawater with a terrifying efficiency.

The shape of this stargate has not yet been completely stabilized, sometimes expanding, sometimes contracting, ups and downs like a heart,

The owner of the phone also noticed the vortex and zoomed in on the phone screen,

However, the camera on that phone is so bad that it can’t really see it after zooming in,

Only visible, next to the star gate, there are several luminous tall human-shaped phantoms, which seem to be arching the satellite gate.

Alien monsters? Guardian of the Stargate?

Just as Li Ang’s mind turned sharply, five black dots flew out of the sea level of Mayotte, with extremely fast speed, and hovered above the star gate in an emergency.

One of the black dots fell into the water,

After a few seconds, the black spot on the water moved towards the stargate below which was absorbing seawater, releasing a thunderous attack,

A bucket of thunder and lightning penetrated the seawater and hit the star gate,

A colorful arc of light waves exploded around the star gate, and the sea water was pushed by the shock wave, rising into the sky,

Like a deep-sea torpedo explosion, it caused a splash of water as high as a seven- or eight-story building.

It took a second or two before the phone heard a loud “boom”.

The owner of the mobile phone exclaimed in fear, and the live broadcast room screen was inexplicably interrupted without any warning.


Li Ang narrowed his eyes, frowning as he watched the screen of the live broadcast room plunged into darkness.

Chai Chai smacked his lips, “Just now this is…”

“The door.”

Li Ang said slowly: “Like my Stargate, it can expend spiritual power and expand freely.”

“What do you mean?”

Chai Chai said blankly, “The earth was invaded by aliens?”

“Possible, but I’d prefer a two-way…”

Li Ang moved his position, tapped a button on his laptop, and returned to the player forum.

The post about the Mayotte Islands has now become popular, with more than 700 replies in a short period of time, which has overwhelmed the recent popular posts that recorded unusual events around the world.

Li Ang quickly scanned the replies from the players in the building, and then glanced at the information on the Internet – the local network in Mayotte has been disconnected from the outside world,

The last is the scene where the Stargate was attacked in the previous live broadcast room.

“No clearer picture…”

Li Ang frowned and said, “But that’s definitely a Stargate.

The five black dots that came behind should not be from the European Heavy Industry Group – although they have many strongholds on the African continent, they are all far away from Mayotte or Madagascar.

There is a high probability that it is a contingent of the Global Occult Alliance, and only they have this operational efficiency.

However, attacking the Guardians of the Stargate directly as soon as they met, rather than trying to negotiate, was a bit less of a GOC style.

Anyway, they have more, undisclosed intelligence…”

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