Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 917: Gods (Quad K)

“What are you doing here?!”

An angry and frightened voice resounded in my ears,

Li Ang looked sideways, a green cricket was lying on his shoulders, the tentacles on the top of his head trembled slightly out of fear.

It was the female investigator from the Social Security Administration.

Li Ang smiled silently, his will flowed along the Internet to find the house where his real world was,

Through the camera in the house,

The investigator can be seen using a fifth-generation invasive brain-computer interface device,

And her fellow agent, holding the earphone in his left hand and a pistol in his right hand,

Aim at the head of the body lying on the recliner, and if something is wrong, he will shoot and kill himself.

Everything is planned,

Li Ang’s heart was like an ancient well, and he was not nervous because his body was threatened.

The female investigator and her fellow agents were able to connect to the Internet with his permission—otherwise a Social Security agent who had lost contact with his superiors might have gone too far.

“I’m trying to save the world.”

With a wave of Li Ang’s palm, the female investigator in the form of a cricket felt an unstoppable gust of wind blowing, swept her away, and followed Li Ang to ride the wind to the sky.

In the line of sight, the horizon narrows and narrows, and the azure planet gradually reveals her full picture.

Li Ang glanced at the world of data. His giant vines grew along the optical fiber network, and the branches spread, dividing into more vines, penetrating and penetrating all networked devices.


This time, after exhausting half the computing power of human civilization, I finally found clues.

Li Ang clearly sees innumerable threads extending from the Venezuelan network system,

These threads are dense, intricate, and completely incomprehensible, but if you go deep into them, you can find very deep laws—

All leads lead to the network within the United States.

Li Ang’s eyes moved, and the countless vines parasitic in the North American fiber optic lines moved with it,

Attack the heavily armed fortresses that symbolize the American military network.

This level of attack is completely impossible to hide,

The towering vines were used from all directions, smashing the main gate of the fort,

Completely ignored the attack of the automatic defense system, savagely grabbed data, and seized control before the opponent shut down the entire system.

Lee Ang could hear the roars of bigwigs in Washington’s underground fortifications.

Never before have they been so afraid of an individual.

The hairy bears of the last century didn’t do it, and neither did the Mailman.

Li Ang doesn’t care about the fear of these people,

The network protection of the underground fortification area is quite good, even Li Ang’s eyes can’t easily penetrate,

But with huge computing power, he can do things he’s never thought of before.

For example, through the tremor of the gyroscope of an Internet-connected mobile phone in an underground fortification,

Analyze and calculate the letters typed on the keyboard placed on the same desktop as the mobile phone.

Immediately…kill…Brown Murphy…

The supreme order from the underground fortifications in Washington, which was learned by Li Ang,

And the [Kill Brown Murphy] command was transmitted thousands of miles away by electromagnetic waves to the headsets of Social Security Administration agents,

Also replaced by Li Ang with experimental new applications collected in the Silicon Valley database (which can forge human voices and make up sentences freely).

Changes to [Protect Brown Murphy].

The corner of Li Ang’s mouth rose slightly. His will penetrated the American military system. While sweeping away all secrets and taking over the authority of the facility, he also noticed the abnormality.

In the military system, many areas have been manipulated,

Especially inside automated decision-making systems,

As if covered with a thick glass lens, it is completely incomprehensible, only blurred afterimages can be seen.

This is… a trace of tampering.

From the mailer.

Li Ang frowned, and out of the corner of his eyes swept across Venezuela.

In a hotel in Caracas (Venezuela’s capital), a middle-aged and elderly man sitting at a computer desk with a tired and frightened face was desperately sliding his phone, trying to refresh the web page.

The computer camera in front of him is covered with paper, the microphone is wrapped in heavy cotton, and the screen shows that the network is down,

And on the bed behind him, there is a portable waterbed with a fifth-generation invasive brain-computer interface device.

The man is a wizard,

To be precise, it was Merlin who had just been kicked out of the data world by Li Ang.

On the phone in Merlin’s hand, the red dot of the front camera suddenly lit up, taking a photo of his face.


He threw away his phone as if electrocuted, his face pale and bloodless.

Hello, Merlin.

Li Ang smiled silently, and retrieved the personal information of Merlin’s face, his past, his experience, accurate to every day, every season, every year.

Original name Richard Quick, male, fifty years old.

Once a small clerk in the official system of the United States, fifteen years ago, he worked in the Pentagon’s automated decision-making system department, and his main achievements were-

Investigate a fully automated cyber defense system.

Li Ang glanced at it, as expected.


His spiritual sense rolls toward the Pentagon, and countless towering trees cover the sky and cover the sun, rolling towards the Pentagon.

The enemy appears.

In the tallest fortress that symbolizes the Pentagon, a light rises.

It was a massive, warm and soft light, as light and ethereal as a cloud, yet as strong and strong as a diamond.

The light stretches and deforms, condensing into a humanoid appearance, with wings like branches on its back,

Red pupils stared at Li Ang silently.

Poor and pathetic creature.

Li Ang sighed in his heart, waved his arm, and the tyrant’s horizontal bar appeared in the palm of his hand.

Endless computing power has given Li Ang unimaginable power,

The tyrant’s crossbar has broken away from its original shape and extended more than 200 meters.

The sharp tip of the lance slashes across the ground, slicing the soil silently.


Li Ang stepped on the vertical steps of the ladder, and his figure instantly crossed a distance of thousands of meters,

Slash at the Mailman in the shape of a giant of light.

In the throat of the giant of light, there was a long and mournful cry,

It swings its arms forward, its palms snapped together.


In the palm of the giant of light, a beam of light burst into the sky,

In an instant, hundreds of towering trees were torn apart, and they also hit Li Ang in front of him.

The white coat on Li Ang’s body cracked into ashes in an instant, revealing the Mirage dragon red mane coat below.

The Giant of Light has been rooted in the Pentagon’s intranet for a long time, and it has the ultimate control over this area.

But in front of Li Ang, who has nearly half of the world’s computing power, it is still not enough.

The cloak of the mirage dragon and red mane easily blocks the dazzling beam of light,

The tyrant, who is born and perished, and perished with the horizontal bar, faced the light cannon steadily and slowly, and hit the arm of the giant of light.

In an instant,

Inexhaustible light burst forth,

The cricket lying on Li Ang’s shoulder, only the white light that shines to the extreme is left in sight-if it hadn’t been for Li Ang’s insignificant effort to create vines and cover the cricket,

The female investigator in the form of a cricket will instantly faint in front of the huge amount of information,

Exit the data world as before,

The brain-computer interface device will no longer be available for a period of time.

Long time,

The light fades away,

Li Ang stands on the top of the towering giant tree canopy,

The horizontal column of the tyrant in the hand is not damaged at all,

And the giant of light retreated thousands of meters,

Bend the back, half-squat,

My body is riddled with holes, my arms are broken,

A stream of light flickered in the wound, as if it were slowly healing.


Li Ang frowned slightly, and at the moment of the fight, he could feel that the giant of light was weaker than he thought-it seemed to be a second before the collision, and the large amount of data contained in it would be stored.

Passed down the Pentagon’s network.

The trees generated by the Swamp Power intercepted a large portion,

But the giant of light knows some secret passages, and still transmits some of the data, breaking through the swamp divine power blockade.

And the impact of this…

The green data flows in Li Ang’s eyes,

Receive footage from cameras from real-world orbiting satellites.

A mushroom cloud rises in the deserts of New Mexico, Nevada, and Utah.

That’s a nuclear bomb,

From a nuclear bomb in a missile silo at a military base.


The giant of light made a dull mechanical sound like rolling thunder, “Otherwise I will detonate more nuclear bombs.”

Li Ang ignored the other party and twisted his wrist,

The huge plant like a world tree at the foot slowly wriggled, and a large number of vines fell down and rushed towards the giant of light.

“You can kill me, but you won’t survive.”

The giant of light spoke very quickly: “Smoke particles from large-scale nuclear explosions will heat the upper atmosphere, lower surface temperatures, damage the ozone layer, increase ultraviolet radiation, and collapse ecosystems,

How many people will die?

Hundreds of thousands? Millions? Tens of millions? You will become a sinner to all mankind. “

The cricket on Li Ang’s shoulder made a “squeak” sound. The female investigator didn’t know the current situation, but she didn’t want to see a nuclear war break out anyway.


The giant of light’s gaze stopped on the cricket for a moment, “Your real name is already in the hands of the Social Security Administration, and they are definitely pointing a gun at your head at this moment,

Do you think they’ll let you go after their diabolical act of usurping power and taking over the military system?

Now they’ll be coaxing you, persuading you, fearing you, fearing you, persuading you to kill me right now.

But when the dust settles,

They figured it out,

He will shoot you in the head without hesitation—even if you raise your hands in surrender to show your loyalty and never touch brain-computer interface devices again in your life.

They are reluctant to take the risk of the great power of the world being brought to one person.

You are a greater threat to them than I am. “

The cricket, who was babbling, froze for a moment—the giant of light said what she thought.

In any case, the big man in Washington can’t let a big witch like Brown Murphy live freely,

It would be best if Brown Murphy could die with the Mailman,

And if Brown Murphy beats the Mailman, he’ll either face a life sentence (in the tightest of cells with no internet access) or a bullet.

“Work with me, we can be gods in a new world,

Dominate everything and set things right. “

The giant of light seems to see Li Ang’s hesitation,

The voice sounded like thunder, saying: “This world is sick, and it is terminally ill.

The gap between the rich and the poor is getting bigger and bigger, the upper class is intoxicated with money, **** for luxury, the lower class is numb to work, exhausted to death – the current science and technology of mankind is completely enough for seven billion people to live a decent, decent and prosperous life. Dignified Living,

Clothing, food, housing, transportation, medical care, and education are all within the scope of international standards, or even greatly exceeded.

The reason why this was not achieved,

Even into stagnation, rejection of science, mutual hatred, civil unrest, cannibalism,

All because of uneven resource allocation.

The uneven allocation of resources stems from the shadow of the past of human civilization.

Geography, civilization, belief, race, color, language…

Humans are divided within groups, either actively or passively, due to various factors. On this basis, countries and interest groups emerged, and the latter, who had more information channels, managed and allocated resources.

However, due to the lack of human ability and inherent inferiority, the allocation of resources will always pay attention to one and the other, which will lead to injustice, injustice, corruption, degeneration, stagnation, and waste.

And we, you and I, can change that. “

The giant of light maintains a half-squatting posture and speaks like a bell, “The full-scale command-based economic experiment in human history has been replaced by the imperfect Walrasian competition mechanism (market mechanism),

This is not because human nature is not lofty and upright, but because of the law of information cost – in the Walrasian competition mechanism, people only need to understand the price and pay a very small information cost to understand the market trend,

Even if the information in the real market is incomplete and asymmetric, and there is a lot of information interference, the efficiency of obtaining effective information is still higher than that of a comprehensive command-based economic experiment.

For the comprehensive and detailed planning and planning of the economy, the information required is too much and too complicated, and people, as the most uncertain factor in the system, will always be the variable that disturbs the most.

Until now, we have enough processors, enough bandwidth and network speed, and enough information input and output interfaces,

We have the ability to monitor everything, rule everything, manage everything.

We can efficiently plan human civilization based on powerful data processors,

Cancellation of banks, securities, stock markets, trusts,

Replace public office with a computer that never fails, never tires, and has no lust,

Unify production and life,

Build factories, lay infrastructure,

Everyone can afford a house, drive a car afford a doctor, and live an equal and dignified life.

There is no longer no honor or inferiority between occupations,

Everyone chooses a position based on their personal ability and sense of honor–engineering intelligent machinery can replace hard labor occupations and create a large number of cultural and technological industry needs.

People will once again advocate science and reason, and scientists and astronauts will be respected and loved by the whole society like stars.

Humanity will save itself from the desperate situation of self-destruction.

And you and I will be the only gods of the new world. “

[Author’s words: I’m playing a game after the recent update. Maybe many people have heard the name “God Resolver” before, because the topic is in the pit, but it’s surprisingly good to play. Do you play together? The nickname is “” “Risheng”, you can come in and add me as a friend, my name is Li Risheng]

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